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Dr. Ronald Weiss: Chronic post-vasectomy pain syndrome is exceedingly rare.

Dr. Ronald Weiss:
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Painful reminder, Aug. 19.
This article is incomplete and misleading. Chronic post-vasectomy pain syndrome is exceedingly rare. According to Dr. Marc Goldstein, the foremost authority on vasectomy in the world, it's likely closer to 1 in 10,000 or one one-hundredth of one per cent, rather than the one to five per cent of men quoted in the article.
It is not unusual to experience some discomfort following vasectomy, or any other surgery for that matter, but this short-lived pain does not constitute post-vasectomy pain syndrome. Your readers should not be led to believe that if they experience some discomfort following their procedure, that they will be saddled with this distressing condition forever. Discomfort following vasectomy is a function of many things, including the experience of the surgeon (the more vasectomies the surgeon does, the less likely the complications); the technique (no-scalpel versus conventional, open-ended versus closed-ended); and the experience of pain during the procedure (better anesthesia increases the likelihood of a better outcome). None of this was mentioned in the article.
Chronic post-vasectomy pain syndrome is a well-recognized condition in the medical community and, rare as it is, forms part of all informed consents for this procedure.
Dr. Ronald S. Weiss, Ottawa, assistant professor, University of Ottawa medical school
Editor's note: Dr. Weiss, a family doctor, has performed more than 10,000 vasectomies.
Statement Score:
★★★☆☆ -- Mentions chronic pain risk but gives incorrect statistics
This article is incomplete and misleading. Chronic post-vasectomy pain syndrome is exceedingly rare. According to Dr. Marc Goldstein, the foremost authority on vasectomy in the world, it's likely closer to 1 in 10,000 or one one-hundredth of one per cent, rather than the one to five per cent of men quoted in the article.
Here are the chances for chronic pain caused by vasectomy given by several national level health organizations. These are the professional societies and experts that the urologists are supposed to be getting their statistics from:
  • Canadian Urology Association give the chronic pain outcomes for vasectomy at between 1-14% (Link)
  • American Urological Association says chronic pain serious enough to impact quality of life occurs after 1-2% of vasectomies. (Link)
  • British Association of Urological Surgeons, patient advice reports troublesome chronic testicular pain which can be severe enough to affect day-to-day activities in 5-14% of vasectomy patients. (Link)
  • UK National Health Service says long-term testicular pain affects around 10% of men after vasectomy. (Link)
  • 11th edition of Campbell Walsh Urology (2015) cites 10% incidence of chronic scrotal pain caused by vasectomy. (Link)
  • European Association of Urology (2012) cites 1-14% incidence of chronic scrotal pain caused by vasectomy, usually mild but sometimes requiring pain management or surgery (Link)
  • Royal College of Surgeons of England says significant chronic orchalgia may occur in up to 15% of men after vasectomy, and may require epididymectomy or vasectomy reversal. (Link)
  • Journal of Andrology cites large studies that find Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome 2-6% of the time (Link)
  • UpToDate says "surveys have found that the incidence of "troublesome" post-vasectomy pain is reported by approximately 15% of men, with pain severe enough to affect quality of life in 2%. However, survey respondents may not have been representative of all men who have had a vasectomy." (Link)
  • European Association of Urology says Post-vasectomy scrotal pain syndrome is a scrotal pain syndrome that follows vasectomy. Post-vasectomy scrotal pain syndrome is often associated with negative cognitive, behavioural, sexual or emotional consequences, as well as with symptoms suggestive of lower urinary tract and sexual dysfunction. Post-vasectomy pain may be as frequent as 1% following vasectomy, possibly more frequent. (Link)
  • German Federal Center for Health Education says "The information on how many men seek medical treatment because of this fluctuates between one and 14 percent." (Link)
  • American Family Physician says "Recent studies estimate the incidence of severe postvasectomy pain syndrome to be between 1% and 6%" (Link)
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published a meta-analysis in March 2020 to determine the incidence of PVPS, which examined 559 peer-reviewed studies and concluded that "Post-vasectomy pain syndrome occurred in 5% of subjects" (Link) The authors determined that "the overall incidence of post-vasectomy pain is greater than previously reported."
  • StatPearls says "about 1% to 2% of all men who undergo vasectomies will develop constant or intermittent testicular pain lasting greater than 3 months which is then defined as post-vasectomy pain syndrome." (Link)
According to Dr. Marc Goldstein, the foremost authority on vasectomy in the world, it's likely closer to 1 in 10,000 or one one-hundredth of one per cent
I wasn't able to find an instance of Dr. Goldstein claiming that the rate of PVPS is 1 in 10,000 but here is an example of Dr. Goldstein claiming that the rate of PVPS is 1 in 1,000:
Several possible long-term effects associated with vasectomy include chronic testiculaepididymal pain, testicular dysfunction, vasitis nodosa, and chronic epididymal obstruction. Approximately 1 in 1000 men will experience chronic testiculaepididymal pain postoperatively. Possible treatments for this bothersome complication include vasectomy reversal, open-ended vasectomy, or even total epididymovasectomy. via ( )
What do Dr. Weiss' patients have to say?
I had my vasectomy done by Dr. Ronald Weiss in Ottawa last year. Still in severe pain and taking numerous nerve drugs daily.
I was told by him that the risk was 1 in 10,000 risk of a chronic ache in the testicle for which a reversal is required. I read stuff on the internet beforehand, and here beforehand, and I honestly thought that some guys were exaggerating their pain and it must be really rare. I also thought ‘a doctor can’t lie about risks of surgery, with liability reasons and all.’
Well, I guess my suffering from PVPS is karma for not believing all the guys on here suffering.
I am experiencing PVPS. Dr. Weiss was very efficient. The procedure was also very efficient. His staff was also very efficient. That is where it ends. If you are lucky to have no complications after the surgery then consider yourself lucky. If you do have complications, and the risk is higher than you are led to believe, then don't bother calling Dr. Weiss. Once you are through his assembly-line procedure he is done with you. He has zero compassion. He has zero bedside manner. He will tell you to your face "It's not my fault" and spout off statistics like "I've done this 55,000 times" What doctor keeps stats like this?
If you are considering a vasectomy, my advice is DON'T. It is not worth the high risk of pain that may plague you for the rest of your life.
Having chronic pain 3 months after the procedure...
Seems to be granuloma. His nurse told me rest and anti inflammatory meds or a few days until it subsided.. after reading numerous forums on post vasectomy pain, I’m becoming increasingly concerned with the outcome... a recent 4-wheeler ride has made me have some sharp pain and inflammation.
I would NOT reccomend the procedure or doctor at this point...
Do not alter your body. The stats you are given are NOT accurate and you are at more of a risk than you realize.
I've learned a few things since this regrettable decision I made. First and foremost is that nature is not to be f'd with - altering your natural body is not a good idea if it can be avoided. The other things I've been learning is how ill-informed us guys are about the consequences of having a vasectomy and all the things that can go wrong. "you'll be fine" they all said, "a couple days" they kept saying, "it can't be any worse than giving birth" - ya F that. Giving birth is the most natural part of living and a woman gets the gift of a child from it. Altering your insides is not natural at all and it has given me nothing but terrible pain and that sick nauseous feeling you get when kicked in the balls HARD - CONSTANTLY each and every day for 7 weeks now. I am so f'ing sick of icing my balls each and every f'ing day but it is the only thing that helps. I've now had the shits on top of all the other discomfort from being on meds for so long. I'm not even sure that the pills are helping but I take them and put up with the diarrhea because I am willing to do whatever it takes to try and get through this and get back to normal. I cannot put into words how badly I wish I could have a do-over and listen to my gut that was telling me over and over again not to do it. I did it for my wife and now I hate my f'ing life. I've contemplated suicide more times than I care to admit because I do not want to live like this. I was a f'ing stallion in bed before and I haven't been able to be who I was before with my wife ever since. The only sex I can handle now is very lame, lazy, and stupid careful so that I don't bring on the crazy pain I've experienced the few times I attempted to become even half the man I was before. Release has moved from a desire to a necessity because the pain increases substantially when my balls are full - not cool. Epididymitis I believe is what I am suffering from, although I don't know that for sure because when I went back for an exam I was told in about 5 minutes that I just need to give it more time and more drugs. This has affected my quality of life in a way I never imagined. I've given up exercise (and I am very active), I can't lift anything heavy anymore, it pains me to lift my children, I begin and end every day with ice on my nuts, I'm dealing with the effects of the nonstop ingestion of drugs, I'm in pain and discomfort constantly 24/7, and my sex-life has suffered terribly. Ball pain has become the new norm for me so now it just depends on the level I'm feeling that day whether I say I'm good or not - I'm never feeling great anymore, some days are just better than others - some are brutal. Guys are not informed enough about this so this is my attempt to remedy this. I wish I could go back in time but I can't. Instead I just have to hope and pray that this eventually goes away, though it doesn't feel like that is ever going to happen. Don't gamble on permanent ball pain guys, it is the absolute worst. I try not to blame my wife for the pressure she put on me to have this done but I curse her often.. some days I snap because I'm just so tired of feeling this way. I've yelled at people at work, I've been a grown man crying on my couch, I've thought about ending it - only reason I will put up with it is because of my 2 beautiful boys who I could never abandon no matter how much I hurt... just cannot describe how much I regret this decision. Sure most guys say they are fine but it's not guaranteed. If you feel pressured by any woman to have this done my advice is to tell them to go F themselves. There are other alternatives to contraception that avoid any chance of these terrible outcomes and they should be the go to. This practice should be banned in my opinion. All I can do is pray that this pain goes away. Worst decision of my life by far. Don't do it.
My husband seen Dr. Weiss in April. We are now the end of August and he is still in pain. This isn’t normal. He went to a walk in clinic and they gave him inflammatories and told him to call doctor Weiss on the Monday. Monday morning comes, he calls and the secretary tells him she will prescribe him inflammatories and for him to come in a week later. Of course my husband got frustrated, he’s in pain, missing work because of this and this secretary plays him for a fool. He finally went in this morning and the doctor prescribed him inflammatories and tells him to call his family doctor as he was rude on the phone with the secretary and doesn’t want to see him in the office anymore. Seriously!!!!!! Just get your money and don’t deal with your patients problem afterwards. Way to do business. He’s been in pain for 4 months, shame on you and your coworker. You need to stop your practice because you aren’t very good at it and do not take responsibility.
I had a V in 2006, procedure itself went fairly smooth however my life has never been the same. I called the office a day or so after the procedure explaining the pain I was in but my plea for help was dismissed and I was told it was "normal". I made an apt with Dr Weiss shortly after the V and told him the about the pain I was suffering. He simply didn't give a sh*t and even had the nerve to say "its not from anything I did". I saw a Urologist about a year after the V and he said to try and wait it out, the pain may just go away. Slowly, month by month, year by year, the pain did get better however I was far from 100%. Around year 4 I felt a sudden twinge in my testicles and it has been complete nightmare since. I'm now entertaining the V-reversal idea, I've seen countless Dr's, Urologists, Surgeons, Gp's seeking help but nobody seems to know what to do. I would strongly advise anyone out there NOT TO GET A VASECTOMY! The 1in10,000 odds are simply lies. Having the V was easily the worst decision of my life, I'll never be whole again. I sincerely don't want to continue living in this condition, if I was a family pet, my owners would have put me down long ago. I was duped by this man, the numbers speak for themselves. POST VASECTOMY PAIN IS A REALITY.
I had a vasectomy done by Dr. Weiss in 2009, and am still dealing with the aftermath.
I had sometimes severe post-vasectomy pain for fourteen months following the procedure. Dr. Weiss initially told me the pain would just go away, and then when it didn't, became angry with me and told me the only treatment was a reversal. I wrote him a letter in an effort to improve his practice, but he again blew me off.
It is eight years later, and I now have cysts and debris in my scrotum. I have had to see urologists about the complications.
Dr. Weiss has the worst bedside manner of any specialist I have ever seen in Ottawa. He should not be performing a procedure the consequences of which he does not seem to understand.
2 months later my balls still hurts, it ruins my life. No more sport, constant pain, to come back, never have done it!!!
Me too on the pain. Also have found out that the rates given were not true. I tried to report him to the urologists Ontario group but he is not a urologist. He is a family doctor. That's seems the next step. Anyone tried to sue for the misinformation and pain?
Dr. Weiss botched my husband's vasectomy and left him in constant agony. He went from being a great dad and sweet husband to a pill popping couch potato overnight. Dr. Weiss' staff said wear the support and take the naproxen.
It's been nine months now and my husband is getting worse - I don't know how we will make ends meet, we never, in our wildest dreams expected him to become incapacitated from this 'safe and simple procedure.'
I have come to find out through various medical channels that my husband's post vasectomy pain is more common than Dr. Weiss let on. It's actually more like 2%, so 1 in 50, not 1 in 10,000. I can't believe how many 'victims' of Dr. Weiss are on this site alone. It's mind-boggling.
You misled us Dr. Weiss and now our lives are ruined. You stole my husband from me and you stole my children's father from them. You should be ashamed of yourself, you greedy lying swine.
Amateur Hack! Don't go. This guy aint even a urologist! He's just a family doc not a friggin surgeon.
When the kicked in the balls pain that I have never went away and I went to see him about it, he had no idea what to do and acts like he's never even seen this crap before! Then I start researching (shoulda done that before) and find out that anywhere from 1-5% will have severe scrotal pain and it cant be fixed! WTF!! I fell like Im being kicked in the nuts all day every day - I cant sleep I cant eat I cant work and its been almost a year now! Im ready to hack my nuts off with a garden shear, but will that make it worse?
Thanks Ronnie you lying scumbag...1 in 10,000 my a.s.s. more like 1 in 20
I can't believe I have PVPS. I cant believe this doc lied to me. My life is a living nightmare and I am now disabled.
My current urologist who is trying to fix my PVP/s (without much success) has told me that there are numerous postal surveys and studies done which show PVP to be anywhere from 1-2% or 5-10% depending upon source. He admits it's a serious problem and that vasectomists all over the place lie about the risks.
Dr. Weiss told me it was 1 in 10,000 chance of a chronic ache and that a reversal would fix it - couldn't be more untrue. I can't sleep, i can't exercise, I take pain meds all day and cant work as my job requires heavy lifting.
Dont go. I wish I could take back that fateful day.
Count me in as another unlucky PVPS sufferer. If it was really 1 in 10,000 as Dr. Weiss stated, then why are there so many of us on here?
Also check this out:
It's the American Urological Association's guidelines on vasectomy, wherein they state a 1-2% chance of chronic scrotal pain severe enough to impact quality of life, with a bunch of peer reviewers, including, none other than Dr. Ronald Weiss himself!
So he peer reviewed AUA guidelines and agreed with the 1-2% severe pain figure, yet prefers to say the chance is actually .01%?
Oh BTW, a reversal failed to fix my pain, and it's suspected that the perineal branch of my pudendal nerve (which is in your scrotum) was hit by Dr. Weiss during my vasectomy.
No wonder why I not only have stabbing, tingling, burning scrotal pain, but also anal pain and severe pain when sitting.
I was perfectly healthy before and now life sucks. I'm middle aged and don't want to live another 20-30 years like this. No way.
There's nothing to be done that can fully bring you back to the way you were. Look it up online, it's all over the place, numerous studies have been published for decades. I've never seen such lies about a medical procedure before, never in my entire life.
Don't do it, just use condoms, sure they suck, but at least you won't end up with pain in your junk for your whole life.
Dr. Weiss should be sued for misleading his patients into believing that the rate of Post-Vasectomy complications, also known as Post-Vasectomy-Pain-Syndrome (PVPS), is lower than it actually is. His brochure misstates the rate of this life-crippling condition. Whether he is too busy making $ to update his brochure with actual research findings or whether he is purposely misleading his clientele, matters little. He is uncaring and more worried about his reputation than his patients. Surveys in recent years have found that almost 15% of men suffer from PVPS, with 2% of men experiencing pain intense enough to impact their quality of life. One review reported that 1 in 1000 men who undergo a vasectomy will sustain long-term pain requiring surgical intervention. So his brochure is absolutely bogus. Do not believe a word he tells you--reconsider your options.
Dr. Weiss has been dismissive of chronic pain resulting form his surgery for years. His solution is to ignore or write prescriptions in doses that even raises the pharmacists' eyebrows. I think the worst problem is that in order to guard his obviously frail reputation, he refuses to write referrals to see REAL urologists that can actually help try remedy the problem.
Do yourself a BIG favour and research the risks associated with PVPS. Yes, all surgeries have risks, but if someone told you you have 1-3 chances in ten to be in debilitating pain for months, years, and possibly the rest of your life, would you make the same decision? Please think twice and see another doctor that isn't just interested in money. He is the WORST choice you will make in your life.
submitted by postvasectomy to postvasectomypain [link] [comments]

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When you feel like a break from bingo numbers, spin the reels on the 300+ slot games available. As you browse through the selection, familiar titles like Pragmatic Play’s Gold Train, and NetEnt’s player favourite Jumanji will catch your eye. Sundae Bingo does not offer a free play option, so if you want to test out these games before playing, this casino isn’t the one for you. Sundae Bingo is also a no-go for players yearning for a game of live casino or video poker. Simply put, if you’re playing at Sundae Bingo, you’re likely to be a lover of bingo and reels.
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Sundae Bingo’s main aim is to get your question answered without needing to contact customer support. In fact, the FAQ page is very detailed and covers sections like payments, free spins, as well as licences and security.
It makes sense to try and answer these common questions and reduce customer queries, since Sundae Bingo is only accessible by phone or email. All calls from within the United Kingdom are free, but don’t give them any late-night calls as the phone line is operated between 10am and 2am. We’re not too keen about the phone option, which you’ll be charged for if you’re not in the UK. However, calling would be faster than email, which can take up to four hours. We’re also disappointed to see that a live chat feature and 24/7 support are not provided.

Be Spoilt for Choice With Payment Options

Luckily, Sundae Bingo has made more of an effort when it comes to payment options – although once again, UK players are favoured over others. In a somewhat uncommon move, all players can deposit over the phone by calling one of the support agents on the provided number.
What’s also a bit unusual is the Apple Pay option, which allows you to make payments from Apple devices. This is only available to UK customers, as is the e-wallet Neteller. Non-UK players still have a wide array of options, including the popular PayPal and prepaid vouchers like paysafecard. The minimum withdrawal and deposit value is £5, which is very decent compared to a lot of other casinos. Moreover, Sundae Bingo charges no extra fees for processing transactions.
Withdrawal processing times are definitely not among the fastest payouts in the industry. Using a credit or debit card can take you up to a grand total of seven days to see your hard-earned winnings in your bank account. Wire transfer is even worse, as it adds up to ten days. Your fastest option would be Mastercard, which can take three to five days for a withdrawal to be completed.
A withdrawal request can be reversed within the first two business days, which gives you plenty of time to change your mind. This is probably not ideal for anyone trying to limit their spending. However, the casino has features in place to set your deposit limits and make sure you don’t spend more than you should.
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Get Your Sundae to Go

Like the desktop version, the mobile site looks awesome, and the navigation menu is even better here. For instance, the games are more well-organised into separate categories than the desktop version is. However, the site is a bit lagging and it takes time to load pages – so there’s room for improvement there. We would have also liked to see a more accessible customer support service. Normally, the mobile version features an icon that would take you to customer support with just one click, but it’s conspicuously absent on the Sundae Bingo mobile site.

Bingo and Slot Players Rejoice

The fun Sundae Bingo casino delivers an overall solid performance. Its strengths lie in its good promotions and reward schemes, and one massive plus regarding no wagering requirements. Payment options are also varied and cover the options we want to see. Bingo players will have a field day here, as the site offers a good selection of bingo games. Slot players will also be satisfied with the modest variety of slots from a number of top providers.
On the other hand, there are a number of factors that do not allow this casino to be at the very top of our list. We experienced some technical issues with the site and experienced relatively poor performance from the mobile site. Cashout times are quite long, too, and there’s the absence of a live chat function. The bottom line is that Sundae Bingo is worth giving a go, as long as you’re ready to accept its limitations.
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Rizk Casino 50 free spins bonus no deposit required

Rizk Casino 50 free spins bonus no deposit required

Rizk Casino free spins and no deposit bonus
Sign up with Rizk Casino and receive 50 no deposit free spins. This exclusive promotion is combined with a 200% match bonus on the first deposit. Deposit $50 and receive $150 to play for.
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An Overview of the Rizk Casino Online Game Selection

An online casino is only ever as good as its game selection, and to get ahead in today’s competitive market it’s crucial to have a healthy mix of new titles, golden classics, and live offerings. I was pleased while reviewing Rizk Casino online that it managed to strike a strong balance between genres and formats, while boasting an ever-expanding library of recent additions. In this section, I’ll be breaking down the operator’s games library and getting into the nitty gritty of its payouts, betting limits, and more.

Slots, Blackjack, and New Favourites

Slots remain one of the most popular game categories in online casinos, so it should come as no surprise that the operator has scores of slots on show. Rizk Casino games run the gamut from classic slot titles to newer variants, like the frightfully Hitchcockian Psycho, themed around the classic horror film of the same name. One of the site’s current rising stars is the Phantom’s Curse, another property of Universal’s, featuring the iconic Phantom of the Opera. If you’re not keen on a side of spookiness with your slots, you can always opt for the more light-hearted Secret Romance. All in all, players can expect to find over 500 slots to choose from, catering to every conceivable taste.
Though there’s a wealth of options to be found in the Rizk Casino online slots library, its table and card game selection is decidedly more limited. When it comes to its roulette and blackjack offerings, the site steers clear of flashy novelties and sticks with clear-cut, classic variations. Deal Or No Deal Blackjack is the lone themed game, with the rest strictly emulating the casino favourites we all know and love faithfully. All the games can be played for free, meaning you can try your hand at a number of different titles before putting any money on the line.
Disappointingly, Rizk doesn’t yet offer scratch cards or arcade games, though given the increasing popularity of both in the past few years it’s likely that they’ll be added to the roster in good time. If the lack of scratch cards is a deal breaker for you, you might be more interested in checking out BetVictor. What the site does offer, however, is its novel Wheel of Rizk. The Wheel of Rizk has proven to be one of the casino’s biggest draws, and a feature that sets Rizk apart from its many competitors. Players can steadily fill their power bar while playing games, and once it’s full they can spin the wheel for the chance to win a variety of exciting prizes. The more you fill the power bar, the more you level up, resulting in greater jackpots and superwheels being added to the wheel. Basically, the more you play, the greater your chance of winning big at the wheel.
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Live Gaming with Rizk

If you visit Rizk Casino online, you’ll find its live games are powered by not one, but two industry heavyweights – NetEnt and Evolution Gaming. Both developers pride themselves in providing crystal-clear streams and charming dealers, giving you the best online casino experience possible. In Rizk’s live casino lobbies you can take your pick from a host of different tables, game variations, and dealers, ensuring that every player can find a game that suits their needs. Play against other players, or against the casino itself in games like Caribbean Stud Poker.

Gaming on the Go

Let’s face it, most of us do everything from our phones nowadays. Thankfully, the Rizk Casino site is fully optimized for mobile, so you can enjoy a wide selection of its games no matter where you are. You can play Rizk Casino games straight from the mobile browser or download the Rizk app for free for both iOS and Android. Though not all of Rizk’s games are available on the casino’s mobile version, you can still enjoy 446 different slot games and the full scope of the live casino.

Limits to Suit Every Player

Now that I’ve given you the low-down on the game selection, it’s time to take a look at Rizk Casino’s betting limits. After all, what good is a game selection if you can’t place bets based on your budget? Whether you’re a high-roller or looking to take fewer rizks with your bank balance, you’re likely to be satisfied with Rizk’s limits. As you might expect, limits differ from game to game. Minimum bets on the slot games range from 1p to £1.50. Maximum slot bets range anywhere from 25p to a whopping £1,500.
Rizk’s live table games come with similarly broad limits. You can play a hand of blackjack for a mere £1 or, if you’re feeling lucky, take your chances at a VIP table for £300. Maximum limits for blackjack start at £40 and go as high as £2,500. If you’re hoping to strike big at roulette, however, be aware that the upper limit is capped at £1,500. Though the maximum bets don’t hit quite as high as some competitors, there’s still plenty of room at Rizk for players of all budgets.
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Examining the RTPs

If you’re a seasoned player, you’re probably already well-versed in the importance of RTPs, or “return to player” rates. For those of you just starting out, this refers to the percentage of money paid out by the casino to players over time. In the simplest terms, the higher the RTP percentage, the higher your chances of winning. For example, slot games usually have an RTP of 90-98%. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get a feel of a game’s RTP to get the most out of your gaming experience. Due to the volume of games in certain categories, RTPs are typically presented in averages ranging between different percentages. If you want to check the individual RTP of any particular game, you can do so in the “How to Play” instructions.
Like any other casino review, this review simply wouldn’t be complete without an overview of Rizk Casino payout rates. Thanks to the fact that the establishment is still fairly young, its RTPs are pretty competitive. This helps it to attract new players, and is ultimately good news for you, the player.
Generally, the payout rates for games like roulette and blackjack are better than those for slots, though Rizk Casino payout rates differ slightly from the norm. The casino’s video slots boast an RTP range of between 96.5% and 99.6%. Rizk’s roulette games, on the other hand, offer an RTP range of 94.5% to 97.3%, meaning that in this rare instance video slots could give you a better payout than a game of roulette. The best payout rates at Rizk, however, are in its blackjack games with a payout range of 99.4% to 99.5%.

What You Need to Know About Rizk Casino’s Software

In the interests of leaving no stone unturned in this review, I made sure to give the website a thorough look. With that in mind, I wanted to spare a moment to discuss Rizk Casino software. At first glance, the site is laid out super cleanly. Super being the operative word, as it’s here that you’re likely to become quickly acquainted with the operator’s mascot, the spandex-clad superhero Captain Rizk. The superhero theme continues throughout the descriptions of all Rizk Casino games, which often include fun references to the Captain and his faithful sidekick, Lucky the Superdog. This attention to detail, paired with the easy-to-navigate layout of the casino, makes a welcome change from other online casinos that can often present their games in a way that’s confusing and overwhelming to new players.
All titles are grouped neatly into categories on the homepage. This includes a category for recent arrivals, so you never have to look far for fresh new games to play. Sadly, Rizk Casino is restricted in a long list of countries, most notably the United States and Australia. If you’re lucky enough to be living in the UK, you have the option to play in any of the following languages: German, Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish.
As mentioned previously in this review, Rizk Casino’s live games are powered by NetEnt and Evolution Gaming, and this commitment to high calibre developers is evident throughout the casino. Its other games come courtesy of such big names as Play’n GO, Scientific Games, and Microgaming, all of whom have made their marks as some of the best developers in online gaming today. Though it may be young, Rizk Casino’s software is on par with that of older, more established casinos online, marking it as a true contender.
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An Overview of Rizk Casino’s History

As I’ve already mentioned in this Rizk Casino review, Rizk are a fairly recent addition to the world of online casinos. Since its founding in 2016, it has been operated by MT SecureTrade Ltd, part of the Gaming Innovation Group. The Gaming Innovation Group holds the honour of being one of the largest iGaming product suppliers in Northern Europe and has offices across 35 different countries.

Notable Facts About the Casino

As part of the MT SecureTrade family, Rizk Casino is a sister company of Guts Casino and Betspin. Not bad company to be in, considering Guts took home the 2014 award for Best Casino at the Casinomeister awards. Success obviously runs in the family, as Rizk nabbed both the Best New Casino and Best Player Experience awards at the 2016 Casinomeister awards. It followed this success by racking up nominations at 2017’s EGR Nordic Awards, including Best Casino Operator and Socially Responsible Operator. Its rapid rise to popularity and critical claim stands as testament to the quality of the products and services it provides to its user base.

How Does Rizk’s Customer Support Measure Up?

No casino is ever totally perfect, so if ever you have complaints or queries it’s important that you can contact customer support quickly and effectively. For the most part, the site’s customer support is pretty strong. You can contact Rizk Casino online via a live chat option, which can be found alongside the casino’s main categories. You also have the option to contact customer support via email. Support is offered through all of the languages currently available on Rizk too, so nothing is likely to be lost in translation. One area where Rizk’s customer service could stand to improve, however, is through the addition of a customer service phone number. For those of you who prefer to solve issues over the phone, or simply desire the reassurance of a human voice to guide you through your query, Rizk’s lack of phone support might come as a bit of a disappointment.

Security and Safety

In this Rizk Casino review I’ve touched on the game selection, RTPs, and customer support, all of which are important elements to consider when looking at a casino. However, arguably the most important aspect of any operator is its safety and security measures. Ensuring that the casinos you visit hold valid licences should always be your highest priority. All information on a casino’s licences should be readily available on its website. The company holds licences from both the Malta Gaming Authority and the United Kingdom Gambling Commission. Both regulatory bodies are known for their strict standards, and a licence from the UKGC is a requisite for any casino operating in the UK.
Rizk has made every effort to ensure the safety and protection of its customers’ data. It utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption in handling sensitive data, so players can enjoy complete peace of mind. That said, there’s more to player safety than just data protection, which Rizk knows all too well. There’s a reason why it was nominated as a socially responsible operator, and a great deal of that is down to its commitment to responsible gaming. This commitment includes a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to criminal activities like money laundering, as well as providing players with resources for help and support. If, at any point, players become concerned about their own gaming habits, they can set financial limits, and opt for time out periods or self-exclusion. Players can also avail of a reality check, where the casino will send them a reminder of how much time they’ve spent playing.
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Bonuses and Benefits

Winning a best player experience award in your first year of operation is no easy feat, yet Rizk confidently established itself as the hero players need and deserve. Its overall popularity has been helped in large part by its attractive bonuses. As a welcome bonus, players can avail of a free spin of the Wheel of Rizk after registration. You’ll also get 50 extra spins on Second Strike, which are distributed over the course of five days at ten spins a day. Once you’ve got things rolling, you can also enjoy an additional 100% welcome bonus on deposits between £10 and £100. Just be aware that you have to wager this bonus amount 40 times before you can withdraw your money.
When it comes to special games, the site earns full marks thanks to its comprehensive array of slots and frequent new additions. Beyond welcome bonuses, Rizk is a casino that really rewards loyalty. Rather than relying on a VIP club which charges for exclusive membership, Rizk Casino rewards its returning players with more chances at the Wheel of Rizk. The wheel effectively gamifies the entire site, allowing the player to rack up more opportunities to win big the more they play.

Bottom Line – A Worthwhile Up-And-Coming Casino

Ultimately, Rizk Casino is definitely not a casino you want to miss out on. I had a lot of fun looking playing through its games for this Rizk Casino review, and it’s clear that it has what it takes to become a popular destination for newbies and seasoned players alike. Its straight-forward, no-nonsense site layout echoes its “Real Rewards, No Bullshit” mantra, marking it as a refreshingly accessible and frank online casino.
Rizk’s mobile capabilities are also worthy of praise. It’s obvious that the operator understands the current market and the needs of players really well, and it shows in its dedication to mobile flexibility. Being able to choose between the mobile browser or the official app is a huge advantage for players, especially those who might want to give the casino a test spin before sacrificing some precious RAM by downloading the app.
As it currently stands, Rizk’s biggest weakness is probably its lack of customer support phone call. While not a huge mark against it, Rizk could probably benefit from adding a phone number. Its live chat is a top-notch service, but to truly satisfy the needs of customers it could do with diversifying its customer service options a bit more. Like I said, it’s just a small quibble with an otherwise innovative and interesting casino that’s sure to continue to attract fans. If you’re interested in finding more highly-rated online casinos, you can check out my page for casino reviews.
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ComeOn Casino 300 free spins bonus no deposit required (register)

ComeOn Casino 300 free spins bonus no deposit required (register)

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Sign up with ComeOn Casino today and receive 300 No Deposit Free Spins! In addition, enjoy a 100% welcome bonus, $1500 free cash and daily free bets! Click on the link below to visit exclusive promotional landing page. 18+ New customers only.
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ComeOn Casino & Sports Review

The company is fairly new to the online gambling business, having started in 2008 under Malta’s jurisdiction, although it’s obviously racked some years under its belt already. Now that I think of it, we rarely review sites younger than ComeOn!, probably because you need to see how a site treats its customers for consistent period of time.
To make it as an online gambling site, you need to provide years and years of consistently honest and high-quality service to get us to write about you. (We wish some of the other informational gambling sites followed the same principles – when dealing with real money, it’s better to be safe than sorry.)
You might assume that ComeOn is diving deeper into the UK market by agreeing to a sponsorship deal with Liverpool – however, the sponsorship is mainly used to promote ComeOn! to Liverpool’s Scandinavian fanbase, which is quite significant considering that John Arne Riise (Norway) and Sami Hyypia (Finland) were important first-team players within the Liverpool squad, and both were in the starting line-up when Liverpool won the Champions League in 2005.

About ComeOn Casino

ComeOn and play! With a name like ComeOn!, you’re already off to a fun start.
ComeOn! offers both a Casino and Sportsbook with Live Betting in each, and its name reflects its personality. I was excited to see a fun, lighthearted approach to online gambling. After all, what other casino mentions Shakespeare in their “About” section?
The attractive website featuring clever explanations and instructions especially shines through on the promotions page and in the sportsbook. You’ve got enough information to keep you satisfied, but not too much to bore you. The bonuses and rewards offers are abundant, well-organized and explained. The sportsbook has one of the most user-friendly layouts, and that can be tricky when you’re featuring endless numbers.
I certainly don’t want to leave out the casino as it features a combination of the top software companies. The result is a total of over 500 gaming favorites including some of the life-changing progressive slot jackpots like the “Megas” – Fortune and Moolah. You’ll also find Hall of Gods, and ten others that you may be familiar with if you’re a slot aficionado.
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Who Can Play at ComeOn! Casino?

I’m on the UK-version of the casino that offers the most significant variety for players, as some of the gaming is restricted in other geographical areas.
Although the site is open to customers from most countries, it does not allow players from the following countries:
  • United States
  • Australia
  • Czech Republic
  • Croatia
  • Curaçao
  • France
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Spain
  • Turkey

Software Suppliers

I think it’s a benefit when a casino provides games from a wide variety of software companies. It not only boosts the number of games and the variations, but it allows for more of the top progressive jackpots.
For example, using both NetEnt and Microgaming allows ComeOn! Slot players access to both of the all-time big money games, Mega Fortune and Mega Moolah.
The casino offers selections from Evolution Gaming, Microgaming, NetEnt, Play ‘n Go, Playtech, WMS, and Yggdrasil. The sportsbook features Sports Betting Tech software.
There is a list of exclusions in the terms and conditions area that come with each of the companies. Each software developer has its individual licensing and restrictions, so the game catalog will vary depending on where you live.
In the case of Microgaming and NetEnt, there are also some specific game restrictions. So, where you may see some of their offerings, a few titles will be removed based on location. The same applies to Sports Betting Tech and the sportsbook access.
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The Good Stuff

2,000+ Game Casino

Not only are there plenty of gaming options, but I like the combination of the top providers like NetEnt and Microgaming used as players can choose from their all-time favorites in one place. There is a wide range of games for the slot, table game, and video poker players but, specialty games is notably missing from the menu. The addition of some scratch cards, keno, bingo, and parlor games would take the casino to the next level.

Fast Payouts

If you’re using Skrill or Neteller as your financial method of choice, you can have your cash on hand in about a day. There’s a 24-hour internal processing window. But then, while credit cards and bank transfers could hold up the process for a few more days (or even up to seven), e-wallets have immediate transfer capability. Compared to some sites that take a week or two to pay, a 24-hour turnaround possibility is a considerable benefit.

Highly Recommended For Sports Bettors

Not only is the sportsbook extremely functional and, even the absolute beginner can navigate him or herself around easily, but this operator focuses on promotional opportunities for sports punters and provides an “odds boost” section. Players who use both the sportsbook and casino won’t miss out on anything by having to choose one over the other. The welcome bonus package and other offers aren’t “either or.” Clients can take advantage of all of the offers but just can’t combine the types of betting when meeting a wagering requirement.

The Bad Stuff

Mobile Casino

While I wouldn’t exactly call the mobile casino “bad,” it was disappointing. While there are plenty of gaming options, just over 400 to be more precise, it lacks the sorting mechanisms and information provided on the full website. A list of promotions isn’t available, and the casino was somewhat challenging. All of the games are grouped together in one area. You can isolate new games and jackpots but, whereas the full website has top-notch filtering, everything is combined on smartphones and tablets. It was surprising that the casino didn’t even separate out table games from slots and video poker. Fortunately, the mobile casino provides an option to pull up the regular website. You won’t then have the best mobile translation of the games, but you will have the ability to get to the promotions and to isolate some gaming possibilities.

Deposit Fees

This banking requirement came as another surprise to me. It’s extremely rare that a gambling site charge deposit fees unless it’s targeting Americans who don’t have much of choice in the matter. While there aren’t fees imposed for every option, bank transfers, Paysafecards, and Skrill will cost you 5% of your total deposit. Two free payouts per month are available, and then subsequent ones come with a €5 fee each.


The ComeOn! sportsbook is one of the more conveniently laid out books that I’ve come across, especially for new and recreational punters regardless of being on the full site or mobile. Across the top link bar of the sports betting section you have access to live betting, today’s events, and also results. It’s rarer than you might think to have a site that gives you the results of your bets, so it’s nice to be able to find all of that here without having to go to the news or a sports site to get that information if you happen to miss watching your game.
The results section allows you to filter by sport, and what time the game or event was (last 24 hours, last 48 hours, last 4 days, or last 7 days). Along the right-hand side of all the pages in the sportsbook section, you can see live scores of popular games in progress. It’s nice to see an online sportsbook doing a little reporting instead of just taking bets and expecting you to go somewhere else for your results and updates. While most of you will be watching the games you’ve bet, it’s still a nice perk in case you get pulled away for something and have to miss the game.
With 30+ sports to choose from, you should have no problem getting action on your favorite game. They have all the major sports that you’d expect to see with a quality sportsbook and also some less popular sports like bandy, darts, sailing, and table tennis. We aren’t saying these sports aren’t popular (and awesome), we’re just saying it’s rare to see them on a sports betting site these days. Football matches, especially in England, offer more than 100 markets each and cover everything from Premier League, to Isthmian Premiere and Super League Women.
ComeOn! has a ton of specials bets for you to choose from that include politics, Christmas specials, and even the BBC Sports Personality of the Year. This book really gives you the ability to bet on anything that you want.
The minimum bet is just 40p, and this bookmaker does impose a £100,000 daily maximum win rule. So, if you’re a higher stakes bettor, grab your calculator and do the math first. That way you don’t lose out on anything above that mark.
The interface of the betting section is clean and easy to find the bets you are looking for. When you select a bet, it automatically pops over onto a slip on the right-hand side of the screen. From there, you can input your bet amount, and the program will automatically tell you how much you should expect to get back with a correct pick. You can type in your bet amount or click a plus or minus sign to jump up in convenient increments ($5, $10, $25, $50, $100, etc.). This is nice if you’re looking to get a quick bet in.
You can easily add multiple bets to your tickets to create parlays.
When you create a parlay with ComeOn! they give you some bonus odds that are a few more percentage points in your favor.
It looks like the more teams that you add to a parlay, the higher percentage bonus odds you will receive. This can be anywhere from 1% all the way up to 50% depending on your tickets. With three bets, we got an additional 5% in bonus odds for our bet.
One other feature that ComeOn! has that we feel should be industry standard but is not is the ability to switch all of the odds on the site between decimal, fractional, and American. This makes things easy for you in case you like to use a format over another. Some sportsbooks in today’s world still don’t have the ability for you to do this or force you to do it individually for each bet you’re making. Big props to ComeOn! for taking care of this one.
Overall, we were big fans of the sportsbook here. It was clean, well laid out, and had an enormous number of betting options to choose from. Their less popular sporting options and crazy specials bets were fantastic to see and not something that you’re going to get with just any book on the web. If you’re looking for a new sports betting home, this could be a slam dunk for you.
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ComeOn Casino Game Selection

The casino offers over 2,000 games combined in the regular and live dealer areas. Just as with most sites, slots are the primary focus, and ComeOn! provides 1,000 different ones from which to select. If you’re an avid slot player, you’ll recognize most of the names but, there could be a few mixed in to surprise you.
What I liked most about this casino are the extended sorting features. The jackpot games are in one section, but you can also search per name or filer them by the software company or via game bundle like “high stakes” or “classics.”
Below every game, there’s also a highlighted feature to help you pick the best one for you. It’ll say if there are sticky wilds, win both ways, the amount of the multiplier, high paying, multiple jackpots, 3D graphics, etc. I think those designations not only help new players but the experienced ones as well, find a new game based on what they enjoy most about slot play.

ComeOn Mobile Casino

Just over 400 of the 558 total games are transferred over for playing on the go, but they can be challenging to locate. The mobile casino offers large, colorful graphics, but you have to comb through hundreds of gaming options to narrow down your choices.
Oddly enough, there isn’t a separate section for slots, table games, and video poker. They’re all combined. You can access the ten-game jackpot section, but everything else is a mish-mash.

ComeOn Sportsbook Promotions

Usually, I find that gaming sites emphasize promotions for casino players and leave sports bettors pretty much out in the cold. However, on this site, you’ll see more rewards for sports punters.
There’s a Free Bet Club as well as ever-changing offers that are posted on the main sportsbook page. Sports bettors are also included in the welcome bonus and limited time promotions. They also have enhanced odds specials to boost the value of the betting experience with
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ComeOn Banking

When it comes to banking for ComeOn’s customers, there are plenty of options, especially for UK residents. What I was surprised to find, though, was a fee assessed to a few of the deposit methods. Paysafecard is one of them and it doesn’t make sense as to why any charge would be incurred. It’s a prepaid method so, essentially, the player is transferring in cash.
The minimums are low, though, so recreational players will be pleased. If you’re looking to deposit the highest amount, you’ll need to opt for a Neteller or Skrill transfer. I would recommend Neteller as it provides for a £8000 deposit and no fees are assessed.
There isn’t a bitcoin option, but Apple Pay is one of the accepted payments, and it’s not always easy to find a site that takes it.

Deposit Methods

Regardless of which financial option is selected, the funds should be immediately available to you in your betting account.
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Apple Pay
  • EntroPay
  • Online Bank Transfer By Skrill
  • Neteller
  • Skrill and Skrill 1-Tap
  • Paysafecard

Withdrawal Methods

Withdrawals are processed internally within 24 hours, which is relatively fast. I read through some player forums, and most people backed up that 24-hour window. However, the money will only be in your hands within that period if you opted for Neteller or Skrill as your deposit method.
Your payout uses the same system as for deposits and opting for these e-wallets eliminates a lengthy external processing.
Regarding fees for payouts, if you do a quick glance at the information table, you won’t see any listed. However, I did note that in a separate area publicizes that only two free withdrawals are allowed for every 30 days. After that, there is a €5 charge for all subsequent cash outs.
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • EntroPay
  • Bank Wire Transfer
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
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Customer Service

The customer service department is reachable by live chat or email only. There isn’t a posted email address. You will need to use their prepared form if you don’t like the chat option.
As a tip, though, there are some great FAQs hidden in the help area. I searched to find these and came up empty until I clicked the tiny little green question mark on the right side of the screen that I thought would initiate a chat. Instead, I found a comprehensive help section tucked in there including all of the banking information that I previously couldn’t locate either.
So, your questions may be answered just by reviewing that information. But, if you do need to get one-on-one assistance, the service agents are known to be fast responding, courteous, and very helpful.
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The three most played solitaire card games in the world

The three most played solitaire card games in the world
The main reason that traditional playing cards first spread across the world is due to their primary use: for playing card games. But you don't need others to play card games, courtesy of solitaire card games. These have existed for decades, going back as far as the 19th century. But there's no doubt that the arrival of the personal computer into office spaces and homes has had an enormous impact in introducing these classic games of patience to the masses, and in popularizing them.
Arguably the single biggest reason for this is Microsoft. Microsoft first began packaging a simple version of Klondike Solitaire with their operating systems with Windows 3.0, which was the third major release of Microsoft Windows, and came out in 1990. At the time, desktop computers had only just become a staple in homes and work-places. Part of the rationale for including a solitaire card game was to assist new users in learning how to use a mouse, and to help them become familiar with features like dragging and dropping, and the overall graphical interface of a personal computer. As Microsoft continued delivering new versions of their Windows operating system in later years, a couple of other solitaire card games were added, notably Spider and FreeCell.
This development single-handedly revolutionized office-culture around the world. It's a little known fact, but sources within Microsoft have stated that Solitaire is in fact the most used software program in the entire Microsoft family, even ahead of programs like Word and Excel. At the time, it even led to debates about whether introducing computers into the workplace would actually decrease productivity, due to real concerns that Microsoft Solitaire was leading to many hours of time wasted by employees.
What accounts for this tremendous success? First of all, digitizing what was already a popular game meant that it removed the practicalities and constraints involved in using a physical deck of cards. By eliminating the hassles of shuffling, dealing, and physically moving cards, and taking away the requirement for a reasonable amount of table space, all the book-keeping and tedious elements of the game were instantly eliminated. Now solitaire card games could be played much more quickly and easily.
Software versions also created new opportunities for the game that didn't previously exist. Digital implementations made it possible to record percentages of wins, best times, and win streaks, all of which give additional incentives to return to the game. They also made possible forms of the game that - for logistical reasons - would be difficult or impossible to play in real life with a physical deck. Digital versions of solitaire were also easier to learn, given the enforced rules, automated layouts, and instructional tutorials that typically accompanied them. And of course, solitaire has an addictive quality about it, given the inherent challenge of trying to win from a deal. Being able to easily and quickly play a game of digital solitaire makes it a highly attractive time-filler. Despite the advent of flashier and more impressive games, people keep returning to the simplicity of dragging cards around for a quick five or ten minute fix of Solitaire.
But this also explains how the three most played solitaire card games in the world accomplished this status. As Microsoft Windows was slowly conquering the world and asserting its monopoly on the global market of operating systems and personal computers, their versions of solitaire were the ones that became firmly established into homes and offices. So we have Microsoft to thank for making Klondike the solitaire game that nearly all of us are familiar with. For many people, this is the game that they identify "Solitaire" with.
With Microsoft adding Spider and FreeCell in later years, these two games were quickly adopted and became beloved by solitaire fans as well, causing them to leapfrog many other classic solitaire games in popularity, and make them the most commonly played versions of solitaire behind the evergreen Klondike. With the release of Windows 8 in 2012, this trilogy of titles was rebranded under the name "Microsoft Solitaire Collection", as part of an ad-supported freemium package that also included two new solitaire additions: Pyramid and TriPeaks.
While there are many other classic solitaire games that exist and are played around the world, in terms of the sheer number of games played, Microsoft's holy trinity of Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell unquestionably reigns supreme. As proof of its success, Microsoft Solitaire was inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame in 2019, alongside other greats like Doom, Donkey Kong, Tetris, Super Mario Kart, World of Warcraft, and The Legend of Zelda. To get there, it had to meet criteria that included being widely known and remembered, having enduring popularity, and not only influencing other games but culture in general. It's estimated that it has been installed on over a billion devices, localized in 65 different languages, and is considered to be instrumental in paving the way for the growth of the casual game market.
Of course today there are many more ways to enjoy these popular solitaire greats. Besides apps for your mobile device, all you need is a web browser, and sites like enable you to play them for free online wherever you are in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. Besides dragging and dropping cards with the click of a mouse on your personal home or office computer, touch screens have only helped to increase the number of ways you can play solitaire, especially on mobile devices. So let's take a closer look at the three most popular solitaire card games.
Overview: Klondike is the solitaire game most of us will be familiar with from our personal computer, or that we've seen bored staff playing in the office. It's the quintessential solitaire card game that everybody should at least try once, and is the game most people have in mind when they think of "solitaire". Its name has its origin in the late nineteenth century gold rush in the Klondike part of the Canadian Yukon, where prospectors would play the game in order to help pass the time. It sometimes goes under other names like Canfield (in the UK), although this latter name is technically incorrect, and actually refers to a different solitaire game.
Game-play: Using a single deck, the aim is to arrange all 13 cards of each suit in a complete sequence from Ace through King. These sequences begin with the Ace as the foundation and build upwards, hence games like this are typically described as builder type solitaire games. Cards are placed in an area called the tableau, and the initial deal involves laying out seven piles, ranging from 1 to 7 cards on each, and with only the top card of each pile turned face up. These cards can then be arranged within the tableau by building downwards in alternating colours, and moved between columns to in order to access other cards. Only a King or column built down on a King can be transferred to a free space in the tableau. Unlike an open game where all the cards are visible and face-up from the start of the game, Klondike is an example of a closed game, because not all the cards are known, and slowly become revealed as you make them available.
Variations: The most common way of using the stock is to deal three cards at a time, but many people also play with an alternative rule in which you deal one card at a time, which is sometimes called Las Vegas Solitaire, and even played as a gambling game in some casinos. This gives you access to many more cards and increases your chances of completing the game successfully. To make the game harder, you can also limit the amount of passes through the deck to just three times, or only once.
My thoughts: Depending on which variation you're playing with and how many redeals you allow, a skilled player should be able to win standard game of Klondike nearly half of the time. It is very satisfying to finish a game and get all the cards onto the foundation, but be warned, because it's also very addictive! Once you're familiar with how the game works, you can polish off an entire game in as little as five minutes, making it an ideal choice for a casual game to keep returning to. It's also a game you can get better at, and for some excellent suggestions on improving your strategy, check out the article 7 Strategies to Win Solitaire.
Related games: If you want an easier Klondike style game that you should be able to win nine times out of ten, try Westcliff, which has ten columns; or Thumb and Pouch. There's also the easier two deck version of Klondike called Double Klondike, as well as Gargantua and Harp; while the two deck game Lady Jane is even easier yet, and you should be able to win 99% of the time. If you enjoy Klondike and want to try similar games, variations worth trying include Agnes Bernauer and Agnes Sorel. Easthaven adds a tricky Spider-like method of dealing the stock, while Blind Alleys and the closely related Pas Seul use a 6x3 tableau.
Many other Klondike-inspired builder games exist which change more significant things about the game-play. One of the more popular ones is Yukon, in which the entire deck is dealt at the outset, and where you can move columns of cards even if the cards being moved aren't in sequence. This gives you easier access to cards, but the columns consist of more cards to begin with.
Two players: For a version of Klondike that enables you to play competitively with another player using two decks of cards, take a look at Double Solitaire. Players have their own deck and tableau, and the aim is to be the first to play all your cards to eight foundations piles which are shared. As well as turn-based play, this can also be turned into a real-time race game of frenzied simultaneous solitaire.
Overview: One of the two games that lurks most closely in Klondike's shadow is Spider. Along with FreeCell, it has risen into prominence courtesy of Microsoft Windows, and chances are good that you've seen a version of it on your home computer along with other common games like Chess, Minesweeper, Hearts, and Spades. It is said to be a favourite of president Franklin D. Roosevelt. Many consider it to be the best solitaire game since it gives a lot of room to overcome the luck of the draw by skillful play, and comes with a good chance of winning the game. According to Gregory Trefry's Casual Game Design, by 2005 it had outstripped Klondike and become the most played game on computers that had Microsoft Windows, largely due the increased challenge it offers over the more luck-based Klondike.
Game-play: A game of Spider uses two decks of cards, and the game starts after dealing out 54 cards out in a tableau of ten piles. Like Klondike, the aim is to get cards of the same suit in order from Ace through King, but in this case there are no foundations. Columns of cards remain in the tableau until you line up a whole column of a suit in order, descending from King down through Ace, at which point they are removed from the game. Cards can be moved within the tableau in a somewhat similar fashion to Klondike, but whenever you need fresh cards, the 50 cards remaining in the stock are dealt out 10 at a time across the entire tableau.
Variations: In the standard form of the game, which is the hardest way to play, you play with all four suits, and while descending columns of alternating colours can be built, you can only move a stack if they are all of the same suit. This is generally considered the more Advanced form of the game, while an Intermediate form of Spider uses two suits and makes the gameplay easier by only using Spades and Hearts. The one suit game only uses cards from a single suit, and can be considered the beginner version, and serve as an excellent introduction to Spider. Officially all spaces in the tableau must be filled before dealing from the stock, but a more relaxed form of the game is possible by removing this requirement.
My thoughts: Unlike Klondike, in Spider all the building happens within the tableau, so that immediately gives it a different feel. Winning Spider, especially in its standard form, can prove quite a challenge. But it's also one of the best solitaire games in view of the analysis and skill it allows for. New players should begin with one suit Spider, and you can always progress to the more difficult and strategic versions later. Single suit Spider is easily winnable most of the time, and is a more relaxing way to play. But even an easier game of Spider will take two or three times as long as a game of Klondike. While taking longer to play, it gives more room for skill and thoughtful play, and comes with the reward of increased chances of completing the game successfully. Microsoft's versions of Spider incorporated a scoring system, so that players could use "undo" in order to discover hidden cards and use this to determine their choices, but with a small point penalty.
Related games: Given the popularity and success of Spider, many other solitaire games exist that take over its basic concept, such as Mrs Mop, which has all the cards dealt face-up at the outset, and Beetle. Tarantula and Black Widow both make Spider easier by allowing you to move sequences in the tableau that are of the same colour (Tarantula), or of any colour (Black Widow). Spiderette is a single-deck version of Spider, and uses just seven columns Instead of ten, which are dealt out in a triangular style much like Klondike. Like the standard game, the way the cards are dealt can play a big role in whether or not a particular deal is solvable. Other common one-deck Spider games include Will o' the Wisp (which has a 7x3 tableau) and Simple Simon.
Special mention should be made of the popular game Scorpion, which allows stacks to be moved within the tableau even if they aren't arranged in order, in the style of games like Yukon. It's not easy to win, however, and the Wasp variation increases your chances significantly by allowing any card or stack to be placed in an empty space in the tableau, not just Kings. Three Blind Mice is another favourite Scorpion variant, and uses a 10x5 tableau.
Overview: FreeCell emerged out of relative obscurity in 1995 as a result of its inclusion in Microsoft Windows 95. Even though it was created by Paul Alfille already as early as 1978, it was only when it was brought into the public eye with the help of Windows, that it quickly became an addictive pastime for many, and gained a loyal following. Just a few years later it was included along with Minesweeper in the chapter "Computer and Online Games" of the published version of Hoyle's Rules of Games. Fan websites were even created for it with information about the different deals, and strategies.
Game-play: At the start of the game, a single deck is dealt face up into eight columns. There are four foundation piles, and as in most solitaire games, the goal is to build cards from each suit in ascending sequence from Ace through King. But in addition to these foundation piles, there are four storage cells that can be used to temporarily store a card from the bottom of any column, and that's where the real fun of FreeCell lies. Cards in the tableau are arranged down in alternating colours, and such sequences can be moved between columns - but only with the help of available cells - while a space created in the tableau can be filled with any card.
Variations: FreeCell has inspired many variants and related game, which are too many to list. Several of these are true to the basic concept, but simply increase the number of cards in the game. For example, there is also a two-deck version called FreeCell Duplex. There is also a version with three decks and one with four decks.
My thoughts: FreeCell has the distinction of being a solitaire card game that lends itself particularly well to a digital implementation. In the Windows version, each unique deal was assigned a different number, nearly all of which were solvable, and people could use this number to attempt the same deal as other players. The computer could also calculate which moves were possible and which were not. While later versions came with over a million unique deals, the original Microsoft FreeCell supported 32,000 numbered deals, dubbed as the "Microsoft 32,000". In the hey-day of FreeCell in the mid 1990s, a crowdsourced project assigned all these deals to different people, successfully completing all but one of them. Given that all the cards are visible at the start of the game, FreeCell is an open game and you have perfect information to work with from the outset, so there are no surprises awaiting you. Winning requires sheer skill, and there is very little luck.
Related games: FreeCell has among its ancestors Eight Off and Baker's Game. In both games you build down in the same suit instead of in alternating colours. Eight Off gives players the added advantage of having more storage cells to use. It was the novel use of alternating colours that helped make FreeCell a big success, but these two predecessors are also very good.
Given its tremendous popularity, FreeCell has inspired many other games of its kind, many with small twists to the setup or rules. One popular take on this style of the game include Art Cabral's excellent Seahaven Towers, which has a different starting layout. Also highly recommended is David Parlett's Penguin, which has seven reserve cells, and gives you three of your starting foundation cards but buries the fourth one at the bottom of the first column in the tableau; this is the "penguin" that you must free.
The above three solitaire games can all be described as builder-type games, and there are many other builder-type solitaire games that have been inspired by them or are related to them. The most popular ones besides the trilogy covered here include: Baker's Dozen, Beleaguered Castle, Canfield, Forty Thieves, La Belle Lucie (Lovely Lucy), Scorpion, and Yukon. Each of these games is in turn a representative of its own family of games that provides variations of the same theme. So it's worth trying each of these other titles too, to determine which ones you especially enjoy playing, and then exploring further within each family.
But despite the tremendous diversity, these three reign supreme: Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell. Nearly everyone who has had a Microsoft Windows operating system on their computer at some point in their life will be familiar with one or all of these three solitaire games. This is particularly going to be true of those who were the early adopters of personal computers in homes and offices. Those who found themselves behind an office computer in the 1990s, lived in an era when video games weren't nearly as advanced, impressive, or varied as what they were today. This was a time when social media didn't yet exist, and when the world wide web consisted largely of text based websites that were accessed with slow dial up modems. In this environment, solitaire was the ideal companion for a lonely and boring day behind the computer, and a welcome distraction.
The positive reception of Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell by this audience, has ensured that these three brands of solitaire will continue to have an enduring legacy, far beyond what even Microsoft ever imagined when first making them our friends. Almost 30 years on, these solitaire games have already stood the test of time, and will undoubtedly continue to be enjoyed by future generations.
Where to play them? Head to and try a game of Klondike, Spider, or FreeCell!
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to boardgames [link] [comments]

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That’s not to say that you won’t receive some offers via email, because a casino always has the discretion to do that, but there are very few guaranteed promotional programs listed on the site.
The welcome offer is a three-tier program and includes some free spins as well as the deposit match.
There is a limited-time promotion that incorporates a few different incentives all into one. It’s in honor of the casino’s 24st birthday and combines free spins with prize drawings, including a top £1,000 amount.
The birthday celebration is a one-off, but it’s also typical of other limited time offers that this casino provides. Through the archive, you can even take a peek at some of their most popular games and incentives so that you know that there will be more to come.
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InterCasino’s VIP/Loyalty Club is called InterVIP, but whereas most casinos automatically opt all registered players into a program, this one is by invitation only.
The more high rolling of players will be asked to participate and will receive the royal treatment from personal Account Managers to the private invitation to trips and vacation experiences. There is an option to request that you be accepted, but it will be based on your amount of wagering.
Final Bonus Notes
We always urge players to be diligent and read the fine print when it comes to any bonus or incentive offered by an online operator, and it does not just regard the rollover requirements. While the wagering requirement is the big issue, there are other things to note like what games you can or can’t play when trying to meet the rollover.
Also, on this site, players from the United Kingdom or Norway are exempt from bonuses if they use Neteller, Skrill or Paysafecard to fund their betting account.


While it’s not the most extended list of options we’ve seen, it does cover all bases except Bitcoin. You’ve got the option of credit and debit cards, e-wallets, prepaid, and online banking, so it’s a case of variety over quantity.
Just a reminder that players from Norway and the United Kingdom are unable to collect a deposit bonus if they use Skrill, Neteller or Paysafecards.
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Does the Trump-hydroxychloroquine story show that some Trump supporters act like dangerous cult members?

Partisan political opinions and behavior, and rigid political identities and loyalties, are nothing new, in and of themselves. However, I think the situation with Trump and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) reveals something worth noting and worrying about. It appears that as a result of Trump having floated the idea of HCQ being a useful therapeutic for Covid-19, and having suggested that there’s no real reason not to take it, people are now taking (or attempting to take) HCQ without any immediate clinical need. To be clear, this means taking a drug in the absence of a known clinical need, and exposing one’s self to potential side effects, including common side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea and vision disorders, uncommon ones such as seizures, tinnitus and neuromuscular dysfunction, and side effects of unknown frequency like liver failure, bone marrow disorders and heart disorders. A new observational study of HCQ and chloroquine usage around the world has found that these drugs are associated with an increased risk of death and heart arrhythmia in hospital patients. (Note: there are now some questions about this study.) Even prior to this recent study though, the FDA had warned that due to the risk of cardiac side effects, HCQ and chloroquine should only be used for Covid-19 treatment in a clinical trial or in certain hospitalized patients under an emergency use authorization. The FDA had also stated that ‘Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have not been shown to be safe and effective for treating or preventing COVID-19.’
Trump has said a number of things about HCQ. Back in March he stated that the drug was safe in terms of not being liable to kill anyone:
It's been around for a long time so we know if things don't go as planned it's not going to kill anybody
After Anthony Fauci said HCQ wasn’t effective at preventing covid-19, Trump followed up with:
we ought to give it a try…I think we disagree a little bit. I feel good about it. That’s all it is, just a feeling, you know, smart guy. I feel good about it
The next day, he said that:
HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine…Hopefully they will BOTH… put in use IMMEDIATELY. PEOPLE ARE DYING, MOVE FAST, and GOD BLESS EVERYONE!
In early April, Trump said:
"Hydroxychloroquine, I don't know," he said, shaking his head. "It's looking like it's having some good results. I hope that, that would be a phenomenal thing."
Stating again that HCQ doesn’t kill people, Trump replied to a reporter’s question by saying, in part:
What really do we have to lose? We also have, this medicine’s been tested for many years, for malaria and for lupus, so it’s been out there. So it’s a very strong, powerful medicine, but it doesn’t kill people…if it works that’d be great. If it doesn’t work, we know for many years, malaria, it’s incredible what it’s done for malaria, it’s incredible what it’s done for lupus, but it doesn’t kill people.
Describing a case where a woman from Michigan suffering with Covid-19 received HCQ via her husband, Trump likened the drug to a ‘miracle’:
"Four hours later, she awoke and she said, I feel better," Trump recalled. "And then, shortly thereafter, she felt great."
"The way she spoke," Trump said, "it was like a miracle. And this was not a fan of mine, but she's a fan of my now."
When meeting with some recovered Covid-19 patients, some of whom had taken HCQ, Trump said:
“You know, what do you have to lose?" Mr. Trump said Tuesday. "They've been taking it for 40 years for malaria, which by the way, it's an unbelievable malaria pill. Unbelievable lupus pill."
Ten days ago Trump revealed that he had been taking HCQ, prescribed by his physician, for ‘about a week and a half’, and made a number of statements about the drug, including:
maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t [have a preventative effect]…what do you have to lose?
You’d be surprised at how many people are taking it. The frontline workers, many, many are taking it
What has been determined is it doesn’t harm you.
So in sum, we can see that Trump has repeatedly stated that HCQ doesn’t pose any health risks, and that even if its effectiveness as either a treatment or a preventative agent isn’t clearly established, it could nevertheless be a gamble worth taking (repeated uses of ‘what do you/we have to lose?’). On top of this, he has now revealed he’s taking the drug himself.
The really worrying aspect to this is that Trump’s persistently pushing HCQ appears to have caused a number of people to begin taking it as a preventative agent themselves, putting themselves at risk of major side effects and even death, as these reports demonstrate. The details include:
There were many replies thanking this person for posting this supposed HCQ ‘home recipe’, even people who apparently made it and drank it:
You have changed my life! ThankQ!!
Little things like this has big impacts! My family will stay healthy!
Patriots this is all true. If you did your research you would know this already. We've always had the cure. #WakeUpAmerica do research on everything so you know the truth and aren't led to slaughter by the #FakeNewsMedia and #FraudFauci
I made this! Doesn't taste great. Taste like medicine
Im going to make it today!
Great to know. I screen shot the recipe. I will make it!
Made it, with Zinc for My Husband when he Started to feel Sick and 3days was Batter and Feeling Great. When you start to feel the symptoms, of flu like, drink through the day. I Sweetened with honey. Plus if you can sit in the outside sun light for about 20min. A day
Screenshot, printed 5 copies, posted in our medicine cabinet & given to like-minded neighbors. Emailed to friends.
I just made this and it is VERY hard to drink
wow . Next level bitter !
So we have former Trump staff, a prospective senator probably looking to ingratiate himself with Trump, a right-wing commentator, and a QAnon conspiracy theorist and their followers, all taking HCQ or attempting to create their own ‘home brew’ HCQ, all because Trump floated the idea of it being effective and implied that everybody has nothing to lose, only everything to gain!
Is this not dangerous cult-like behavior? These are people who, due to the influence of a political leader, are either taking a drug with no clearly established benefit against Covid-19 (which should only be taken if in a clinical trial or possibly if hospitalized) and risking possible side effects or death, or think they’re concocting their own solution of this same drug following the advice of a Trump-concerned conspiracy theorist (which has trickled down from Trump’s own influence). This is a level of psychological attachment which comes at the possible expense of one’s own health, wellbeing and life, in a very immediate way.
If Trump were to, say, kill himself, how many of these sorts of people would then follow suit? I realize this is an extreme statement, but there is clearly a level of attachment and even devotion to Trump among some of his base and supporters which comes at a potential cost to their own health, wellbeing and life itself. This is how people in a cult behave. What do you all think of this? Am I over-reacting to this scenario, or is this a disturbing phenomenon?
submitted by RalphOnTheCorner to samharris [link] [comments]

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