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Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Finale fight!

Welcome, our dearest spectators, to the Grand Arena once again. Today is the great day: the day of the Finale! Two brave fighters, the best of the best, will finally show us who of them is worthy of a title of Champion of the Arena, and the tournament will come to a close - until the next year at least.
But, before that, let us remember those who did not make it, those who gave their bloody due to Armok and who managed to entertain the public, no matter how far they made it in. Gilbert “Crazy Legs”, the toad bard giving us the Ballad of the Pits. Adrinna Catastor, the dimension travelling fighter for a new home. Anyola the Obscured, Grekk the Deranged, Shendau Goldpeak, Urist McGladiator. They and more brave fighters have given their lives today for the glory and for the public. And so let it be known that their sacrifice will not be forgotten, and they live still in the Arena through the blood they have spilled on the cold floor of the Arena.
But enough about those who were lost, for we have our two finalists, the most glorious of them all!
The Finale: City Guard NPC vs. Molurus
And so, let us introduce the two mighty warriors who have made it this far, in spite of all the odds and to the expectations of few. In the upper corner, standing proudly, his pike rising up into the sky like a mighty oak, his expression unwavering as steel, the hero of the common folk, the Relatable One, the slayer of favorites and an all-around great guy… BOB, the City Guard NPC (managed by u/CalamarRojo)! A man seemingly born into his profession, he might not have a grand goal in mind; he might not have backstory which could be written ballads about; he might not have a quirky character; but what he does have is ultimate relatability and undoubtable skill in weaponry, which he has proven time and again.
In his very first round, he defeated a murderous environmentalist, a penguin who could have become the next Paul, Flipper Gut-Ripper, through the strength of his armour and his indomitable will alone. The next round, he has made cheese out of Ipetynalzo Toothbreaker without breaking a sweat. But these achievements pale in comparison to what he managed to do next.
The third round had him face off against Zip Zop, a goblin who was thought unbreakable due to her spectacular performance in her first two rounds: winning with a WOODEN dagger against Mephisopheles the Foul Blendec, and then outwrestling a troll - Van the Dungeon Master, to be precise! Still, her luck has run out against the staunch Guard, allowing him to move to the next opponent.
Kosak Stormclaw, the Polar Bear Man Adventurer who was one step away from becoming a legend, from his help in defending the Fortress of Stonegleam from yeti invasion. Known best as the slayer of Shendau Goldpeak, this polar bear man as well could not hold against Bob in the quarter-finals.
And, at last, the most surprising victory of all: one against Anyola the Obscured, the kinslayer in hiding, who seemingly was on the track to finally reconciling with her family. Her skills, proven by her one-hit kill of Beul the Executioner in the Quarter-finale, have earned her many followers, and some rumours even started that she was merely holding back and that she could beat Paul himself. But she too was felled by the City Guard’s pike, shocking many.
Now, he stands truly ready for the Quarter-finale: new finely-made steel armour glinting in the sun, pike raised high up to the sky. Bob seems more confident than ever before, and even his pose, while still completely compliant with one of the common guard, has been filled with something more than boredom of one. It has been filled with determination and strength, and soon, the pike is pointed at his opponent, and the confident smirk appears on his face. Today, we will find out whether this human will become our first champion of the Civilized Races. His job will not be easy, because…
His opponent is standing no less stalwartly, shining in the summer sun like a glorious star himself. His scales and his steel armour blending in a great bling, almost reflecting the warm that is filling the arena. This is a no-less beloved champion of the reptilekind with a grand purpose… Molurus, the Python Man (managed by u/Rowsdower11)! The crusader of the Global Warming, he has deduced that the increased temperature of the world is going to help every cold-blooded creature in the world; as such, he has decided to participate in the Great Tournament to gather funds to start a charity promoting the climate change. Whatever you think of his policies, one thing cannot be denied: he is a force to be reckoned with.
He has cut a bloody swath through Crowemurphy the game developer and Little Tooth the Troll with his scimitar, not facing much resistance from either of them. Then he killed an interdimensional traveler, Lucius Postimus Corvus, the slayer of Gilbert “Crazy Legs” the Toadman Bard and Frostquake the Polar Bear Man, in a quick and efficient display of swordsmanship.
After that, he continued onto the Quarter-Finals, where he faced a fan favorite, a dwarven elf by the name of Dak Vagush, the inheritor of the dwarven hopes and avenger of Urist McGladiator. The brave woman stood her ground in a long and gruesome duel, but eventually had to give to her larger opponent, extinguishing the last hope of the dwarves to win this tournament.
And in the semi-finale he faced yet another fan favourite, She Intends To Stab You the Axolotl Woman. The cold-blooded killer in all senses, her abyssal eyes could send shivers down anyone’s spine, and her gruesome methods of dealing with her opponents, involving slowly bleeding them out, were surely entertaining for some of our more bloodthirsty patrons. Still, even though she had her adamantine dagger, the snakeman’s choice of ditching his armour for the fight against her proved a good decision, and he managed to survive the axolotl woman’s deadly assault.
And, surprisingly enough, he has dropped his faithful scimitar, instead opting for a set of armour. His only means of offense is now his own natural arsenal. He looks extremely confident, as the crowds of reptile men are cheering him up. His snake eyes are shining with determination and readiness. Today, his idea will finally get due funds for its realization… or will have to be delayed because of his death. Which will it be?Take your deepest breaths, bring out your merchandise, for in a few seconds…
The Horn Sounds!
Combat Log; Video
The two fighters are moving towards each other slowly, carefully, calculation and anticipation in their eyes. There is little room for mistake, and it is all or nothing: either the eternal glory and achievement of their goals - or death and dust. Both fighters know this, and look at each other intently. Still, Molurus gives Bob a courteous hiss, and Bob nods his head back, as a sign of mutual respect. And then Molurus lunges, quick like a viper striking its prey.
But still, combat reflexes of the City Guard allow him to step away just in time, with Molurus flying right by him. The pike is quickly turned and strikes at the python man, tearing right through his leather robe and making a scratch on the arm. The hiss of the snakeman increases, and he jumps right at his opponent, making him fall over and directing his fist towards him - but the Guardsman manages to roll away just in time and jump right back on his feet with little difficulty, before sending his pike in his direction - the strike to be dodged by an agile body of a snakeman.The fighters enter a dance, pike and armours shining in the sun, neither opponent giving a single inch. The strikes are evaded as deftly as they are sent, and this is no small feat. The eyes sparkle with concentration and confidence, a small scratch not dissuading Molurus from his seemingly certain victory. With half the tribunes chanting Bob’s name - or moniker, and the other half cheering for Molurus - many hissing even despite not being reptiles - the atmosphere gives off a tensity only the Finale can provide.
Soon, another wild fist is thrown in the air, whizzing past the pike already breaking through to stab at Molurus’ arm, leaving a serious wound on the snakeman’s bicep! Still, the snakeman does not seem too unfazed by this, quickly grabbing the pike and once again moving in, pushing the Guardsman over with his shoulder! He is quickly pushed away when he tries to impale his fangs on Bob, and the fighters move a few steps back once again.
Still, this time Molurus manages to follow up on the momentum, as his fist flies into the guard/s armored leg - not dealing too much damage. Then another hook follows, to the other leg, and Molurus is pushed away by the shaft of the pike. City Guard’s eyes start to glow with fury, and he goes on the offensive once again. A few stabs whizz past the snakeman’s scales, and he does knock over Bob the third, then the fourth time! Bob’s fans become more and more anxious, calling for their favourite to get himself together.
And it does not take him long to do so, for, from the ground, he stabs right in Molurus’ right arm, and, after a few attempts by Molurus to get back at his rival, another stab follows, managing to hit the same spot, and a bone-chipping sound is heard loudly. For the first time, some resemblance of fear appears in the pained eyes of the python man - but it is extremely brief, and he immediately lashes out at Bob’s arm, the fangs sliding off the steel.The City Guard has the advantage, and he understands it, easily pressing his advantage by making two more holes in the snakeman’s unprotected arm, seemingly trying to mangle it far beyond any recognition. And, in a desperate move, Molurus once again pushes his opponent to the ground, his teeth now trying to bite through his opponent’s leg - and failing yet again. Once more, City Guard rses up, plunging his pike right into his opponent’s hand. Quickly retrieving his pike from his opponent’s hand, Bob moves out of the grappling distance, and braces his pike yet again.
After evading a few more stabs from the pike of the City Guard, the bleeding snakeman quickly takes a look around him, seeing as the hopes of the reptile men around the arena seem to dampen, their faces in desperation. He takes a look at the shining sun, feels the warmth upon his scales, and turns his gaze back to the City Guard, determination renewed in his eyes. He quickly charges once more, and starts to bite the City Guard - first in his hand, trying to get through the gaps in the gauntlets, before biting right on his opponent’s face and starting to shake his around by his head!The City Guard starts to bleed from his mouth, and the snakeman bites off his ear, then impales his teeth through the joints on the gauntlet, sinking them deep into his opponent’s forearm. He starts shaking the human around by his arm, and a pained scream erupts from his opponent’s mouth. As the bleeding intensifies, he bites through the other arm, shaking it around as well, and the trusty pike is dropped from Bob’s hands!
Still, the heat of battle has taken its toll on both fighters, and they both tumble to ground, where Molurus continues biting at his opponent, still trying to kick his opponent off him. Still, soon enough a hand is ripped right off from the rest of his body. This, combined with the continued biting, about does it for the City Guard. With his last breath, he mutters one thing: “Someone… help… please...”
With that, brave guardsman Bob’s head drops on the ground, and Molurus slowly, exhaustedly, rises up to standing, roaring ovations of the public. The python man looks at his warm-blooded opponent, giving him a solemn, respectful bow. After that, he manages to break out a smile, and bathes in the sun and the cheers of the spectators. He has done it.
Congratulations, Molurus! You have prevailed in the tournament despite everything, and you are the winner of the Fifth Gladiator Tournament!
But wait a moment…
The crowds shake as the gates are knocked on heavily. A deep, wrathful roar resounds through the tense air of the Arena. The people start to whisper among themselves, and some even start to leave in a hurry. And soon enough, the door opens, revealing a terrifying figure of a harp seal man, dressed in full adamantine armour, a blue hood over his head. He raises his morningstar far up in the air and smirks malevolently. He cannot be mistaken for anyone. Paul the Pulverizer is here to defend his title.
And so, the Arena staff quickly patches up Molurus for the newest fight, as Paul stretches and swings the morningstar around, warming his muscles. The two stare off for a long time, hatred soaring through their eyes, and the two of them square off in the Arena again. Another match is in order…
The Title Match: Molurus vs. Paul the Pulverizer
The contender for the title has already been introduced, so let us reintroduce the current holder of the title of the Champion of the Arena - though everyone knows him already. Paul the Pulverizer (managed by u/LegalPusher), the infamous environmentalist crusader, has been driven away from his home by the Global Warming and has departed on a quest to cull the world in order to slow it down the previous year; and in the name of the ice caps everywhere, he has murdered his way through many.
First, it was an unnoticeable kobold, Sneekris. Then, in a fit of brutal strength, he has killed Shakkan D’armignan with his own teeth after being disarmed of his morningstar. After that, he brutalized one of the fan favourites of the Tournament, Glovely Graypelt the bravest of opossum women. In the quarter-finals he destroyed lovable Kisat Dur Panda. In the semi-finals, Cowlvin the Cowvalier, a minotaur with a starving family, fell to his vicious morningstar. And finally, in the Finale he defeated the tough guy batman En Yaw Ecurb, before wrestling the title away from Notorious Breakfast and commencing the Massacre of the Arena. But do not worry, the Arena Officials have ensured that there will be no second one even if the sealman wins.
Weirdly enough, a few of the previous tournament’s fans have turned out, flying the ‘Seal the Deal’ banners from the previous year. Paul’s expression is one of unrivalled confidence - after all, in the eyes of the many he has become something akin to a demigod of slaughter. How could Molurus possibly stand up to such a force of nature?..
Molurus himself for a moment seems a bit insecure, but his commitment to his cause soon overpowers whatever dread his heart holds. This harp seal man is the antithesis to all he stands for. It is either his awful vision of a cold hellish world, or the hot paradise. He will fight for his dream, whatever the cost. He straightens up, looking at Paul and hissing through his teeth.
One thing is absolutely certain. We are in for one hell of a title match.
The Horn Sounds once again!
Combat Log; Video
Paul moves straight to his opponent, as quickly as a harp seal man can, his posture exerting supreme assurance. After all, he has defeated all his opponent without much struggle, and this puny, disgusting snakeman will be an easy pulverizing target. In a few moments, Molurus attempts to lash out at his opponent, but his head is slapped away, and the deadly morningstar rams itself into the snakeman’s hand, the force tearing the scale on the snakeman. Still, the response from Molurus comes immediately, as he punches his opponent’s arm, the force enough to slightly tear the skin higher up the seal man’s arm. Slight confusion briefly appears on the seal man’s face, before he decides to charge at the snakeman, and the two of them tangle and fall to the ground together.
Molurus manages to push his opponent down, and stand up before him, but the grounded harp seal man manages to drive his morningstar into the python man’s hand. In response, another punch follows, striking Paul’s arm, though most of the force is dissipated by the armour.
Soon after, Molurus manages to grab Paul, in hopes of making him an easy target for his fist - but the head moves away just in time, and Molurus is forced to release his opponent. He quickly manages to get behind the seal man and punch him in his flipper - once again, without significant consequences, and Paul retaliates by bashing his opponent’s tail. Then, a punch to the seal man’s arm is met by a morningstar flying right into the snakeman’s mouth, pushing him quite a bit back! Molurus spits some blood on the floor of the arena, before getting back to the fight,
The two fighters are quick to get back at fighting, the glint of the sun reflecting from the python man’s armor contrasting with the blue adamantine like flame and ice. A wild lunge from Molurus - and he is bashed in his tail once again. The follow-up, however, is evaded quite deftly by the snakeman, and he tries to sink his teeth into his opponent’s flipper - but the fangs slide off the armour yet again. Molurus continues his assault, and two out of many punches land, failing to cause significant damage yet again - before his jaw finally grabs the sealman’s head!Just as with the Guard, he manages to shake Paul around by the mouth for a bit, before he is thrown off by a morningstar’s jab in the gut. Blood starts to pour from Paul’s mouth, giving him a decidedly sinister look, as the duel continues on. And yet, the sight of blood covering Paul is a sign that even in all his armoured and brutal glory, he is not immortal. The scared fans start to perk up just a bit…
Molurus continues punching his opponent, with predictable results, and some of the public simply starts to shout for Molurus to “bite the hell out of that bastard”, and soon enough Molurus knocks his opponent’s teeth out and uses the distraction to bite the sealman’s finger! Even the two morningstar strikes, with the spikes of the weapon stuck in snakeman's flesh after the second one, do not prevent the snakeman from viciously ripping the finger off!Another bite to the head quickly follows, and once again shakes the seal man around to the best of his ability, before Paul again takes them both down to the ground. Molurus once again rises up over his opponent - but not before receiving a morningstar strike to the head. he delivers three punches to his opponent, but the morningstar to the tails throws him a bit back, allowing Paul to get back to his feet.And right afterwards, snakeman’s fangs sink into Paul’s secondary arm, and Molurus shakes it around with an audible sound of tearing flesh. Afterwards, he delivers a left hook to the sealman’s head, his head slightly turning, and he attempts to deliver another strike to the arm, but the force is deflected by the adamantine. The retaliation is quick, and the offending hand is quickly proven the target of the morningstar. Still, the snakeman quickly grabs the sealman’s gauntlet and starts punching his opponent again and again.
But the battle has been going for long now, and the strain of tiredness finally gets to the fighters, who collapse on the floor, breathing heavily. As soon as Paul tries to get back up, the snake fangs slide across his flipper, force not enough to break through but enough to send the seal man back to the ground. With the shaft of the morningstar, Paul immediately knocks out one of the snakeman’s fangs! But this does not stop Molurus.
With both fighters too exhausted to evade attacks, the final test of toughness starts. The snakeman bites at his opponent, the armour deflecting less and less force from the desperate bites of the snakeman, as the morningstar bashes him time and again. Sooner or later, someone will have to give, and the crowds start to cheer more desperately for their chosen gladiators…
After a bit of this, Molurus plunges his teeth into the hand of the sealman, shaking it around again, before managing to get straight to the sealman’s throat! In a desperate attempt to throw the snakeman off before it’s too late, he drives the morningstar into his arm - but when Molurus starts to shake his opponent around, Paul finds his body quickly paralyzed, and the morningstar - the weapon of slaughter - drops to the ground! Molurus bites on his defenseless opponent’s head, shaking him around violently - and for the first time, the pain makes the dreaded, undefeatable Paul lose his consciousness.
Molurus continues to wrathfully shake around his opponent’s head, almost as if trying to drain every single drop of blood from Paul - or rip his head off. And he succeeds in the first part soon after. The crowds stand in shock, as they watch the seal man finally take his last breath… before erupting in cheer perhaps unheard in the Arena ever before. The Slaughterer is gone, and Molurus is the hero of the day. Bathing in all the attention and the rays of the sun once more, he gives the world a true, genuine, wide smile. Now, he will not be stopped in his goals of making the world embrace Global Warming. At least, until the next year comes.
Congratulations, Molurus! Despite all odds, all expectations, all fears, you have managed to defeat Paul, who once seemed absolutely invincible, just a year after he went up on his throne, and now you are officially the Champion of the Arena!
And so concludes the Fifth Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament, our dearest spectators. It has been a great honour having you all here, watching, cheering, booing, weeping. We really hope that all of you will come back to the next tournament, at this Crucible of Legends. The Arena will await you in a year. Farewell, and may Armok be with all of you.

u/ERR40 wins the betting, with good a margin!
Written by u/Black_Griffin23
Edited by u/Morpheus_Darkwater
Tournament run by u/Morpheus_Darkwater
submitted by Morpheus_Darkwater to dwarffortress [link] [comments]

[OC] [Satire] Ryan Ellis: The “Mario Lemieux of WAR”, and the Biggest Norris Trophy Snub of Our Times

WAR is cumulative, to begin with. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate.
The Lengthy Intro Section
WAR is of course an “advanced hockey stat”, Wins Above Replacement, that attempts to quantify most of the aspects of a player’s on-ice contributions by smashing them together into one catch-all stat. By “cumulative” (or “absolute” or whatever term you want), I mean that in a given season, WAR itself is not a /60 or /GP rate stat, even though parts of its calculation involve using /60 rate stats, statistical/machine learning techniques, etc. I think this is a common misunderstanding of the model, and it’s very important moving forward.
It’s more like goals rather than goals per game, and tries to measure the total impact of a player. Think about the Richard Trophy: it just got awarded to Alex Ovechkin and David Pastrnak jointly because they scored the same amount of goals, although Ovi played a couple less games so obviously he scored more per game. And Mika Zibanejad scored more per game than both of them and wasn’t even a finalist! Harsh. The creators of WAR have taken a similarly unfair route with their stat: you only get credit for the things you actually did on the ice, rather than the things you were on pace to do.
I put three basic reasonings at the end of the post (since it’s probably pretty boring to many readers!!!) for WAR being cumulative for people who want to dive deeper, because some people don't seem to want to believe it. Honestly I think one of the explanations is pretty easy to understand but if you hate that stuff, skip it. The main point here is to laugh a bit, and not to think too hard about it.
I’m only talking about one popular WAR model here, by Evolving-Wild (“home for the most advanced NHL statistics on the web!”...a little unclear if they mean “most advanced!” or “we have advanced statistics by the binful!”, but a good resource either way). I do this mostly because I have some of their data handy, but I’d imagine some other common models have some similarities. And if they don’t…well, I’ll just poke a little fun at this one. Disclaimer: I OF COURSE AM NOT REPRESENTING ANYTHING HERE AS EW’S CLAIMS IN ANY WAY besides a few pretty tame direct quotes for clarification, I’m not trying to pick on them specifically but for lots of sites it seems all the good stuff is behind a paywall these days, this is a humorous (hopefully, or this was a lot of work for nothing…) satirical article, etc. etc. The focus is more on general advanced stats and hockey stuff.
Keep in mind of course that WAR and GAR (Goals Above Replacement) are essentially the same thing, just differing by a league-wide conversion factor of how many wins a generic goal is “worth”…a ranking of players by GAR and WAR in a given year will yield the exact same results. That factor appears to be roughly 5.5-to-1 goals-to-wins if you really care. So I’m just going to use GAR for its aesthetic qualities, because it makes differences look larger, which should help with my case due to implicit biases in our brains. I shamelessly used “WAR” in the title to try to get more visibility from more casual readers. I have no regrets. But without further ado…
The Also Lengthy Semi-Intro Section
As we all know, “traditional” hockey stats such as points and +/- don’t paint a great picture of a player’s true skill. To better uncover this, you need advanced stats. If Connor McDavid were to score 150 points next year, that’s not enough to say he was the best player in the league these days. You have to break things down into many smaller factors if you really want to get it right. What’s the ice time distribution and skill level of his teammates? How many total minutes did he play? Did he get power play time? Was it 1st or 2nd PP? What percentage of points were on the PP? What percentage of points were primary vs. secondary? Were there other players down the lineup that were better per minute but just didn’t get the opportunity because the coach gives Connor McDavid a bunch of minutes for some reason? And so forth. And that’s just evaluating offense; defense, a component that is obviously completely separate from offense, is even worse to calculate. And goaltending? Well...he does do an awful lot for the Oilers, but we probably won’t have to worry about that aspect for McDavid. But for goaltenders? Forget about it. So let’s just focus on skaters here.
Unfortunately, your human brain just isn’t capable of breaking all this stuff down for every player and every game, which is why the so-called “eye test” just doesn’t work. After all, you’d have to remember literally every single event that occurred on the ice in order to make a truly informed judgment of a player. And even if it somehow WAS possible to remember all that...the brain just can’t do it objectively, due to a plethora of biases which simply can’t be overcome. Theoretically it could work if you used that little voice in your head to shout, every few seconds or so over and over, “DON’T BE BIASED!”, but the problem is that when you go to sleep, your subconscious is going to decide “this is really dumb” and stop shouting that. That’s when the bias creeps in, and just one speck of bias basically contaminates and invalidates the whole process. All of this is why we need computers a lot more than they need us.
You have probably seen news in recent years about the massive successes of machine learning techniques in a ton of fields, but particularly in learning how to play and win games. And a lot of these games are hard...Chess, Go, etc. I mean...look at who plays Chess vs. who plays hockey. So I think we can expect hockey should be pretty simple to analyze comparatively with the sophisticated methods we have available today. We live in a very fortunate time now where, through the twin majesties of mathematics and computer science, we can easily record and account for all of the various factors involved in quantifying a player’s contributions to winning. So when you see phrases like “controls for” or “adjusted for” or “accounts for” or “isolates”, what these mean is that everything’s all taken care of and you don’t need to worry about it any more. Time on ice? Controlled for. Quality of Teammates (QoT)? Adjusted for. Quality of Competition (QoC)? Accounted for. System effects due to coaching? Isolated. And so on. This is what they do in Chess too: you have to adjust for home/away, temperature in the room, etc…for example, even the best Chess computers tend to play pretty poorly away from power sources. Anyway, if you see someone who is outlandishly good or bad at something in these metrics, you might be hesitant, but you have to just accept it. The model has learned far more than you ever possibly could, and it’s getting even better every day. You’re just wasting your time digging any further into it.
The overarching point here is that we can finally say which players are really, truly “the best” with a lot of confidence. I mean, it’s tough to argue with “math” after all. So let’s summarize the main points here:
  1. GAR is based on what you actually accomplished on ice, and is not a rate stat.
  2. GAR evaluates the impacts of all on-ice contributions of a player toward winning, i.e. offense/defense/special teams/penalties.
  3. GAR is a more detailed, accurate, robust, and therefore trustworthy metric than any typical combination of “traditional” stats. It incorporates more data and uses more sophisticated techniques.
The ”Great, but what exactly does this have to do with Ryan Ellis and Mario Lemieux?” Section...or The “Where exactly is this going” Section.
Let’s all sit and think of a player who has had a season so impressive that, despite missing a significant amount of games, they still pretty clearly had the best year in the league. Who is the first player that came to your mind? It may very well have been Mario Lemieux. And he’s the easiest example, so I’ll stick with him.
Lemieux did this a number of times but arguably the most impressive was the 1992-93 season, where he played in only 60/84 games (71%) but put up 69 goals and 160 points in some of the very best per-game seasons ever for those statistics. So the voters concluded that despite Mario just up and deciding to take a two-month vacation in the middle of the season for some reason, his contributions were impressive enough that he was near-unanimous winner of the Hart (in an absolutely loaded field), and he also won the Ross, Pearson, Masterson, and the coveted Alka-Seltzer Plus Award.
Now of course there’s the fact that shot data were first recorded by the NHL only in 2008, and TOI was first recorded in 1998. These data are absolutely crucial for virtually all advanced stats, including GAR, its constituent "Expected Goals" (xG) models, etc., so unfortunately we can’t just apply our great new methods to older players. Because of this, identifying the best players in the league back then was basically just a combination of superstition, reputation, and homerism. That’s really all that was possible at the time, given the coarseness of traditional stats and the obvious issues with the “eye test”. The biases involved mean that we can’t put very much stock in people who watched Mario play routinely either, or really even gain much out of watching his old games ourselves.
However, I’ve written the name “Mario” too many times now for it to be worthwhile changing it, and since people seem to view Mario highly as a “traditional stats savant”, it fits my argument well so I’ll just keep it. But remember that because of all the reasons I’ve said so far, I’m taking a pretty big risk here by saying Mario conclusively had the best season in the league that year, or even a particularly noteworthy one. It’s the best I could do given the limitations of the data available.
The “Look, I’ve been pretty patient but you better say something about how this involves Ryan Ellis right now or I’m leaving. It’s literally in the title. Do you know how titles work?” Section
Ryan Ellis basically just had the defenseman equivalent of Mario’s 1992-93 season. That’s how impressive it was. He ranked first among defensemen in GAR, and 3rd in the entire league, despite only playing 49/69 games (71%, the exact same as Lemieux, which I TOTALLY planned) due to him also taking a vacation or something right in the middle of the season. That seems like inconvenient timing to me but I assume he cleared it with his teammates and coach first. I guess when you’re putting up that kind of a season, nobody’s going to tell you no? I know though that the biggest competitors on opposing teams, the veteran types who just “know how to win”, would secretly be really miffed if they didn’t get to play even one full game against the best of the best on the biggest stage in the hockey world. They’d find the whole ordeal a little unsportsmanlike and disrespectful to the opponent.
Using the crude stats of yesteryear, Mario won the Ross with a 12-point lead (8%) over LaFontaine, and won the Alka-Seltzer Plus Award with a +10 lead (22%) over Murphy (his teammate). Similarly, using advanced stats, Ellis outpaced the nearest defenseman, Pulock, by 3.8 GAR (20%). This converts to ~0.7 WAR (I did this based on last year’s conversion factor but it’s probably pretty close). This is incredibly impressive given all the missed games.
Now perhaps you’re saying “these GAR stats are great and all, but there’s a lot of uncertainty in the NHL’s play-by-play data such that we don’t need to get wrapped up over little differences in the values”. And this is generally true. Here is what the authors of the stat had to say about their model, in the last of their explanation posts (links are below): “The methods we used for constructing our model did not allow us to determine error estimates, and while additional research is required to lock this down, we feel a .5 Win +/- error range makes sense.” So while there may be a little potential overlap with Pulock given the ~0.7 WAR difference, it’s still a pretty sizable discrepancy that shouldn’t just be conveniently swept away. So Ryan Ellis has very arguably contributed more to his team than any other defensemen in the league this year, and pretty confidently contributed more than his teammate and actual Norris finalist Josi (~1 WAR difference). In only 49 GP!
Plus, let’s be serious for a second, it’s not like the “points and +/-” crowd that seems to run the NHL awards is looking too carefully at the “uncertainty” in the traditional metrics. I think if you’re really serious about promoting advanced stats, and hope to get them wider adoption as soon as possible, it’s your DUTY to downplay any uncertainty in these metrics. Considering many NHL awards trigger monetary bonuses in player contracts, wider usage of advanced stats would make sure funds are allocated to the correct players. Think of how much better our world would be if that were the case, of how many hearts would be warmed seeing the dispensation of true justice in such a prominent setting. So if it feels a little shady to downplay it, just shake it off and move forward. It’s for the greater good.
So how does Ellis’s phenomenal season compare with some of the other recent greats? He just tied for the 2nd-best GAR season amongst defensemen since 2013-14 at least. The best was Oliver Ekman-Larsson’s legendary 2015-16 campaign, when he actually finished at the top of the entire league, and tied with Ellis for second is Brett Pesce’s 2016-17 season, which I’m sure we all remember fondly. Both of those players, and teams, were really something those years.
But what’s maybe even more impressive is that Ryan Ellis just had the highest GAR-per-game season by far of any skater since at least 2014-15 that played even 40+ games. Ellis had an incredible 0.47 GAGP; the next-highest was McDavid in 2016-17 with 0.41, followed by Kevin Shattenkirk in 2014-15 with 0.38, and Mark Stone in 2018-19 with 0.37. Truly a breathtaking season.
You may recall that the Norris Trophy is awarded for demonstrating “the greatest all-round ability in the position”. That sounds a lot like what GAR calculates! The all-round contributions of a player, including pesky things like penalties that a lot of people tend to completely ignore. So obviously GAR should be much better for determining who’s worthy of the Norris than the old stats with their clear deficiencies.
Finally you can see now why Ryan Ellis is the biggest Norris trophy snub of our times...the past half-decade at absolute minimum. He just put up a legitimate Mario Lemieux-esque season...the best GAR season for a defenseman this year by 20%...and at absolute best finished 4th in Norris trophy voting! And for anyone thinking “but what about Josi?”...just look at the chart I posted before. Ellis contributed almost double what Josi did to NSH on a per-game basis, and a significant amount more overall regardless. I think it’s pretty obvious who was propping up who here, and who Hart voters should have recognized as "dragging" NSH to a playoff spot.
The Insightful Conclusions Section
That was a nice deep dive showing why Ryan Ellis is the “Mario Lemieux of WAR”, wasn’t it? You can bet that if Ellis had as much of a lead in a traditional stat like points as he does in GAR, he would be a clear awards contender and arguable front-runner, and this demonstrates how old-fashioned and hypocritical everyone has been about this. It also shows why he, and not his teammate Roman Josi for example, contributed the most to NSH making the playoffs, and that he contributed at a higher rate this year than arguably anyone in recent history. In fact, since advanced stats are more...advanced than e.g. points, we can actually be even more confident that Ellis’s season is actually deserving of unbridled admiration than Lemieux’s.
Every thinking person should be outraged by how little Ellis has been talked about, and by the old guard’s failure to more fully adopt advanced stats. If you’re already an advanced stats believer, you're clearly a thinking person, and I’m sure you had come to these conclusions months ago and have tried to let everyone know insistently that Ellis should be the obvious winner of the Norris despite missing the games. You were probably nodding at how obvious this all was the entire time while reading. I can’t count how many people I’ve seen claiming this on hockey, noted haven of many advanced stats experts. Kudos to you for sticking to your trust in advanced stats, and not wavering just because it may not have sat right with more “traditional” thinking. After all, if a model doesn’t give us some results that go against our preconceived notions, what was the point of even developing it?
However, even after that (I’ll just say it for everyone) brilliant and incisive writeup, I think some of you may STILL be saying to yourself something along the lines of “Ryan Ellis? He’s a really good player for sure but I guess I would’ve expected it would be somebody else having that dominant of a season, better per-game than McDavid and all”...well, there’s a good reason you’re saying that. It’s because you’re biased. We all are. Or if it’s something like “I feel like if I’d seen one of the best seasons in recent memory, I should have been able to tell”...well that’s a combination of bias, once again, and the eye test just not being good at telling you which aspects of performance are truly valuable in hockey. Or if it’s something like “maybe there’s something a little wacky with him having such low GP, etc.?”. I told you: it’s all been taken care of, don’t worry. Lay back and let the GAR just shower over you.
Appendix 1, SKIP FROM HERE DOWN IF YOU DON’T CARE: Easy, non-math stuff suggesting GAR is cumulative
First, let’s suggest that GAR is cumulative by an easy, non-math way through simply visualizing it. This link shows GAR for 5 different seasons of NHL data on the vertical axis...these are individual player-seasons, i.e. not combined over that time interval. These are the 5 years before the current one, specifically the 2014-15 to 2018-19 seasons. I don’t have access to the current one because I’m too cheap to pay...I’m doing this highly entertaining writeup for free after all! People should probably be paying me.
The horizontal axis here is GP (using TOI instead gives pretty similar qualitative results...obviously they are correlated). You’ll see that the GAR trend, as probably expected, is positive with increasing games. On the far left, you’ll see there’s also a pretty small spread around an average of (roughly) zero. So no one with few GP has very high, or very low GAR. So just from that, it’s probably not a rate statistic, otherwise analytics superstars that have missed games would have similar values as in a full season. Obviously, this isn’t the case. You can also see how, as you move right and GP increase, there is a larger spread of data around the trend. So compared to the average, “good” players will get more positive in GAR with more GP, and “bad” players will get more negative in GAR with more GP. This again implies that GAR is cumulative.
Appendix 2: A few small mathy things suggesting GAR is cumulative
If you’re interested, you’re welcome to go through the very detailed breakdowns from the Evolving-Wild folks here and here and here...which in my opinion might have benefited from more equations and less words! But I think this snippet from the Part 2 post, among other things, helps imply that GAR is cumulative:
While the RAPM models are inherently above-average on the career level, the outputs of the respective SPM models need to be adjusted to their own above-average form for each season. To do this we take the per-60 output from these models, expand these to implied impact [(SPM per 60 output / 60) * player TOI], and determine the mean of this number within the league at a per minute rate for each position. We then subtract this league average per minute rate from each player’s SPM per minute value and multiply the resulting value by each player’s time on ice. This is the same for all components.
Everybody got that? Ok good. What I gather from this is...the sub-models give you /60 evaluations of the player’s performance. But the actual impact of the player, according to GAR, involves their /60 performance being multiplied by their TOI, with some later adjustments. This makes a lot of sense of course! If you’re as good as a similar player, but you play half as much time as can’t be expected to have as much impact.
Appendix 3: EW’s site definition
Evolving-Wild’s Dictionary defines Goals Above Replacement (GAR, WAR, and SPAR) as “a metric that attempts to assign a total value to each player, which represents how much that player contributed to their team in a single number.”. I may have tricked you into reading this last, so that you would think a little FIRST and be pedantic about wording SECOND. Because that’s a pretty brief statement. But there it is.
TL;DR: Some posts are not meant to have a TL;DR. Thanks to anyone who read the rest first
submitted by andontheslittedsheet to hockey [link] [comments]

The real reason Five is 13, and other time travel oddities (Spoilers for Season 1)

I've seen this question asked several times in a few different ways:

I have done Some Thinking. And some Reading. And then, Some More Thinking.
Here is what I came up with.

Why Five Didn't Jump Back Right Away, or, An Intro to Layman's Quantum Physics

Traveling forwards in time is much simpler than traveling backwards.
To travel forwards in time, all you have to do is accelerate along your same time-space curve at greater speed.
Technically, we are all time travelers.
It's just that most of us travel at the rate of one second = one second. 1:1. We all travel through time together at the same rate and don't think much of it.
Five can travel much, much faster than that. That's what his spatial jumps are. We can't see him, because he's moving faster than our eyes can register, but he's not apparating. Just sprinting.

Temporal jumping ahead of himself.

To travel backwards in time is much more difficult.
This is due to the probabilities involved in causality. Imagine a game of pool - you shoot the cue ball at the pyramid and all the balls scatter across the table.
To undo that action - go back in time - you have to re-form the pyramid using the cue ball to gently hit each ball back into a pyramid formation without sinking any of them into a pocket.
This is infinitely more difficult than breaking the rack in the first place.
Anyone can break a rack; very few people would be able to put it back together.

Five realizing he's gone into the ice and never acorned.

Most current theories on time travel involve quantum physics and moving between what they call parallel universes (Many Worlds Theory). You're not having to reverse causality here; instead, you break down into quantum particle sized bits and travel through a wormhole connecting two different timelines.
That's what Reginald meant when he said time travel is like "descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." It's difficult and relies on the ability to calculate very complex probabilities.
From now on I will call a certain time "a dimension". It just makes it much easier to talk about.
Example: Instead of saying "he went back to 1955" I will say "he traveled to a dimension where it is 1955".

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Travel Through The Multiverse

In the multiverse theory, the universe is composed of many dimensions (remember: dimension = timeline). There is a dimension for all possible things that could happen. (There is one theory that says "many things can happen in the multiverse but not everything", but let's ignore that for now).
So there is a dimension where you brushed your teeth this morning, and there is a dimension where you didn't.
Every decision "creates" a new dimension.
You can think of this as a single timeline that keeps on branching off into different lines over and over, infinitely; the sum of all things is like a massive, always growing tree.
We only know what's on our individual leaf, but every single change before us is what created the trunk, the branch, the twig, etc, that our leaf is based on.
If we stay on our own twig, all the leaves will be pretty similar. But leaves on other branches could be so different than ours that we don't even recognize it as the same world.
(Reginald's planet? Hmmmm. Could be another planet. Could be...Earth.)

Image credit/read more from an actual theoretical physicist:

How Are We Sure Umbrella Academy Is Using Multiverse Theory?

Mainly because: they tell us. They make it pretty explicit three times. There's how Five describes getting back to his siblings' world; there's the dimensional branching that occurs in the plot between episodes 6 and 7; and then there's Five using probability fields to calculate whose death can potentially stop the Apocalypse.

Smarter than all of us.

A) Five tells everyone in the first episode exactly what he did to "get back".
He says it right away, it's just that most of us were preoccupied with his rapid-fire dialogue and sandwich-making skills and missed it.
Vanya: Wait, how did you get back?
Five: In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time.
Diego: That makes no sense.
Five: Well, it would if you were smarter.

Diego is Trying Very Hard to Understand. Klaus is...Klaus. Might be contemplating the mysteries of space time, might be seeing that hippo again.

We can all be that smart, it just takes a little explaining. So:
What Five has done to "get back" to his siblings is to jump from one leaf to another leaf of the multiverse tree.
He has to make a close jump, because otherwise he could end up in a very different dimension to the one he left- one where his siblings are not his siblings, or where half of them died in a car crash, or any number of an infinite range of possibilities.
Sure, he could go live in a dimension with no Apocalypse, but that world might not have anything he cares about in it. It might not even have him.
This also explains why initially he couldn't just jump "back" - he had to master inter-dimensional travel using probability calculations and using his power to reduce himself to the size of quantum particles, then reassembling himself in his destination dimension.
A lot more complex than just making his existing body/consciousness Run Boy Run really fast.

Dancing in the Moonlight of 2019 Dimension A.

B) We as viewers jump dimensions in the middle of the series and never go back to the original dimension.
Episodes 1-6 take place in 2019 Dimension A. At the end of episode 6, The Day That Wasn't, we leave 2019 Dimension A with Five and travel to 2019 Dimension B for episodes 7-10.
We never go back to 2019 Dimension A but that doesn't mean 2019 Dimension A is gone.
The Luther that danced with Allison is still out there in his Dimension doing Luther stuff; the Vanya that discovers the journal and the Klaus who talked to Dave still exist in that dimension. They're all out there, at least for the next few days pre-Apocalypse.
We just never check back in with them again.
In a way, the only "real" character we follow this entire show is Five.
His consciousness is consistent across multiple dimensions (and so is ours as viewers). Everyone else we observe is a "new copy" after The Day That Wasn't.
In other words, both of those "Days" were. Nothing disappeared. We just stop observing Dimension A.

The tired look of a man who has to go through withdrawal like eight times in as many days. I think he might spend as much screen time in withdrawal on this show as on actual drugs.

At this point you might be asking: why doesn't Five just keep doing this infinitely to stop the Apocalypse? Live the same exact day over and over until he gets it right?
The answer is that to make such a precise jump between dimensions - a single day - Five has to use a Temps Commission briefcase. His organic ability to jump is difficult to control, and he is shown to need many years to calculate his first organic jump to 2019 Dimension A.
He only seems powerful enough to transfer his consciousness across long distances, and maybe a body across shorter ones (between leaves coming from the same stem, ie the dimension where he picked up his 13 year old body - a 2002 Dimension - to Dimension A in 2019. I'll explain that more below).
The briefcases are perfectly calibrated wormhole-openers that can transport a whole body or two, like Hazel & Cha-Cha, or Hazel & Agnes. This means the briefcases go between two set points across the multiverse: this is confirmed by Klaus' journey to 1968 Dimension and back again simply by opening it. The briefcases seem to be programmed at Temps Commission HQ.
We have to assume that Five is not capable of programming them himself, or he could have used the briefcase he stole after blowing up Temps HQ to live the same day over and over infinitely until he successfully stops the Apocalypse.

Not clear what he is fiddling with here. It's either nothing, or a supermassive black plothole.

So in episode 6, The Day That Wasn't, Five arrives in 2019 Dimension B from the Temps Commission HQ in 1955 Dimension. That's the only route that briefcase can take, presumably.
He can't go back to HQ to get a new briefcase because he blew most of them up with a grenade to buy himself some time, and also those people will kill him on sight now, so he's pretty screwed.
To Groundhog Day that single Day That Wasn't/Day That Was again, Five would need a briefcase set to jump from 2019 Dimension B to 2019 Dimension A, and he does not have one.
Even if he did have one, the Temps Commission could rebuild their whole HQ, train another assassin army, and start sending them after him in waves. They are not bound by the constraints of a single timeline. Five is having a hell of a time out-running them, but he is.

Luther confused.
C) We see Five calculating what he calls a "probability map" when he decides that Milton Green (and three other people) must (maybe) die to stop the Apocalypse. In quantum physics, everything is defined in probabilities, not in certainties.
If you only did standard public school science and math, you were likely taught that you can calculate the orbit of an electron around a nucleus and that the electron has a definite place in space as it moves around that orbit.
In quantum physics, this is known to be wrong. Electrons are both particles and waves, and they can't be observed at any one location, and they do not have an orbit.
Instead, you calculate their probable location using a probability cloud in order to define where the electron is more likely to be and less likely to be. The denser the cloud, the more likely the electron is in that region.
Five is doing the same type of calculations when he is jumping through wormholes and trying to figure out how to stop world events from happening.
Five: Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum. The Butterfly Effect. So all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, whoever they may be, and kill them.

That would be: Robert Polko, Assistant Art Director; Nicole Lane, First Assistant Production Coordinator; Aleks Cameron, Assistant Art Director; Kathleen Vernice Chavez, Art Department Coordinator; Gary Hampton, Production Assistant. I didn't find a Milton Green. I'm not surprised at all this is an Easter egg. I AM surprised Gary Hampton, lowly PA, made the cut. Probably someone's nephew.

Five is running math on probabilities, not certainties. In other words, he lives in a world where there are no certainties. This informs his perspective on the ethics of killing.
If you only murder one of an infinite number of versions of a person, did you really kill them? Or did you just kill "part" of them? And if it stops the Apocalypse, isn't it worth it?
He gets very frustrated when Luther won't let him just kill four people. To Luther, who is bound in one dimension, this is ethically wrong.
Luther thinks in black and white, and he needs certainties: this man is a terrorist with bad intentions, he needs to be stopped. Five exists multi-dimensionally, and is constantly aggravated by his siblings' inability to grasp that fact.
It's one of the reasons Five seems to be so detached from his siblings. These are just one version of many he has potential access to.
Ironically, Luther is able to leverage Five's completely irrational love for Dolores in order to prevent him from killing Milton Green and the others.
Remember, Dolores is in reality just as replaceable as a Milton, or a Luther - Five could hop to another dimension and find another Dolores. Even falling out the window in this dimension would only probably dent her up a bit.
Luther's plan has all the nuance of a caveman: You kill people? I break thing you love.

That look of relief on his face tho.

But, however inelegant, this is a successful emotional argument - Five can't bear to see his love dropped out a window, even if she is one of an infinite number of loves.
He can't stomach seeing this one suffer pain at all - and so Luther manipulates the much smarter Five into doing what he wants.
Who's the genius now?

It's still not Luther.

Why Five Ended Up 13, And Not 58, And Not 29

A) He can't be 58 because he couldn't bring his body through the wormhole. As he said, he had to make his consciousness very small to fit through a wormhole in the fabric of space-time. His 58 year old body was always going to stay in the 1963 Dimension where JFK was being assassinated.
I'm not sure if his dead or comatose body would be lying there with no consciousness in it, or if it was destroyed by whatever he does to jump. I think the former is more accurate, which is...ew.
Why can't he bring his body? We could hypothesize that it would take a lot more energy to get his 58 year old body from 1968 Dimension to 2019 Dimension A than it would to just send his consciousness there.
The wormhole would have to be an order of magnitude larger to fit a body through, and that would take a lot of energy. We can assume Five can't generate that much energy - or at least, not yet.

Klaus totally undermining my theory with that goddamn fire extinguisher. Apparently a fire extinguisher is a more accomplished interdimensional traveler than Five. It certainly managed to reassemble itself. Although I guess it could have ended up as a younger version of itself. Who among us would know?

B) He can't be 29 because in order to arrive in a dimension close enough to the one he left to feel like home, he has to jump into a dimension where he ran away at 13 and never became 29.
He doesn't have a 29 year old body because it doesn't exist in 2019 Dimension A, or in any adjacent/recognizable-to-him dimension.
In my mind, he actually made two jumps to get from 1963 Dimension to 2019 Dimension A.
First, he broke down his consciousness into quantum particles so he could make the big jump from 1968 Dimension to a 2002 Dimension to get the body (very difficult), then he runs along that same 2002 Dimension branch forwards, until he's in 2019 Dimension A (less difficult).
(And yes, this means he displaced/killed some version of his 13 year old self's consciousness in order to occupy that body.)
The CGI supports this: Five is 58, then he is 13. He doesn't rewind from 58 to 48 to 38 to 28 to 13.

This show would have been over episode 1 if Klaus had better aim. BONK.

Why didn't he just go to a 2019 Dimension where he was 29? To pick up a 29 year old body for his quantum state consciousness, he would have had to hop to a very different dimension - a different branch of the tree - where he never left in 2002 and instead grew up with his siblings into being 29, and therefore who even knows if there's an Apocalypse to stop.
He wants to be in a timeline where he disappeared and people missed him and all that stuff - otherwise it wouldn't mean anything to him, it would be these completely other people living different lives and having different memories of him.
It's also possible he was incapable of calculating the sheer amount of probabilities to travel there safely - maybe it's just way too hard mathematically to jump between branches and not just twigs.
I feel like in the back of his mind, Five was aware of this. He says "Dolores kept saying the equations were off - bet she's laughing now."
Since Dolores is a manifestation of his own mind, we can assume that Five was subconsciously aware he was going to end up in the "wrong" body.
He probably knew he wouldn't be 58 but maybe thought he was going to pick up his 29 year old body, not his 13 year old one.

Five at 29?

Season Two Implications

And there you have it, my best take on the rules for time travel that govern Umbrella Academy.
What does this mean for the next season?
Well, it appears at the end of episode 10 that Five has the ability to temporal jump himself and his 6 siblings.
How can this be, when he could barely jump himself anywhere before? I don't know, I'm guessing Harry Potter rules apply ("It's the power of love!").
Or maybe he always could, but just never attempted it.
That's certainly what it sounds like when the siblings are scrambling for a plan on the Icarus Theater stage all panicked about their impending Doom.

Except Klaus. Klaus' end of the world face is pretty...serene. Just gonna clutch these dog tags and think sweetly of my dead boyfriend til the bitter end.

Five: We use my ability to time travel, but this time, I take you with me.
Diego: You can do that?
Five: I don't know, I've never tried it before.

There's a first time for everything.

What we see in the final scene is the siblings all reverting to age 13.
If my theory about why Five ended up in a 13 year old body is correct, then he has brought their consciousness to a 2002 Dimension - but could technically be jumping them to any Dimension, any time.
They could be in 13 year old bodies, but ultimately wind up back in a 2019 Dimension C universe immediately, or somewhere else entirely.
However, I do feel like the plot is going to stick them back in 2002, because that's more interesting character-development-wise. (By the way, if all this is correct, they've done the same thing Five did and displaced the consciousness of their 13 year old selves - essentially killing them all).

Ethical quandary for the day: If your older self kills your younger self to steal their body, is this murder?

I'm very interested to see what will happen next - will they just spend some small amount of time in a 2002 Dimension "fixing" their relationship with Vanya, and then have Five jump their consciousness forward into 29 year old bodies?
I would guess so, because if they stay in a 2002 Dimension and age naturally, they're going to all end up weirder than ever - living out their teens and 20's as people really in their 30's and 40's. And Five will be like, what, a 70 year old? Eesh.
Plus, the audience will want them to get back to adulthood pretty quick. Nothing against the child actors, but that's just reality. They could do most of the aging off-screen, like we cut from 2002 back to 2019 and don't watch them grow up, but that still makes them all weirdly old consciousness-wise, like Five.
I'm really upset this probably means we'll get a new adult Five. I will hate him for no reason, like you hate a new teacher who replaced the old teacher you loved, because I want Aidan Gallagher on the show forever. If they find a good way for the plot to have him stuck as 13 somehow and age up naturally, that would be fantastic.

What do you guys think?

Update 4/16/19:
I've posted Proof Against a Single Timeline Interpretation which is me testing out the idea "Can a single timeline explain the events we see on screen?" It was originally part of this one but I cut it for length.
However, it does address some of the questions people asked here like "If there are multiple timelines why does the Temps Commission care about altering events?" and features a very ugly but very useful graphic I made in Paint to help explain why.
submitted by here4kennysbirthday to theumbrellaacademy [link] [comments]

[SELL/SWAP][US ➜ EARTH] Hoards of Skincare Stuff & Makeup Things ✪ NEW ITEMS ADDED ✪ Let me dump these on you so that my boyfriend doesn't dump me ☺︎


This week's makeup sale from the girl who hoards makeup and whose boyfriend may dump her because her makeup is taking up WAY too much room in on our tiny house (OK, he won't dump me...I think?) features (you guessed it) EVEN MORE MAKEUP (& skincare)!
Did you know that reddit limits your characters in a post to 4,000? Neither did I until I started selling makeup here! On that note, even if you checked out my list last week, PERUSE THAT SHIT AGAIN. You heard me! Since I have more makeup than can fit in a reddit post, I have to rotate things each week so you bet your ass there are some new goodies down there ⬇︎
SWAP LIST ★ (Please note, I am not looking to purchase these items, but will swap for them.)


Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Stargazer DS (.045 oz) BN
Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Orchid DS (.045 oz) BN
Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Plumeria DS (.045 oz) BN
Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Cotton Candy DS (.045 oz) BN
Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Nude FS (.12 oz) Swatched
Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick Hemp FS BN
Bareminerals Gen Nude Buttercream Lip Gloss Sugar FS BNIB
Bareminerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer Everything Mini (.06 oz) BN
Bareminerals Statement Liquid Lipstick VIP FS BNIB
Bareminerals Statement Luxe Shine Lipstick Srsly Red FS BNIB
Bareminerals Statement Under Over Lip Liner Wired FS BNIB
Becca x Chrissy Lip Soufflé Matte Liquid Red Velvet FS BN
Bellapierre Kiss Proof Lip Finish Clear FS BNIB
Benefit They're Real Double the Lip Nude Scandal DS BN
Bite Amuse Bouche Lipstick Cotton Candy FS BN
Bite Amuse Bouche Lipstick Star Anise FS BN
Bobbi Brown Crushed Lip Color Baby FS BNIB
Bobbi Brown Luxe Lip Color Crimson FS BNIB - Tip of lipstick has been nicked by the lid.
Buxom Soft Matte Lipstick Wandress FS BNIB
Buxom Va-Va-Plump Shiny Liquid Lipstick A Muse Me FS BNIB
Clinique Dramatically Different Lipstick A Different Grape FS BN - Tip of lipstick has been nicked by the lid.
Clinique Dramatically Different Lipstick Crush FS BN
Clinique Dramatically Different Lipstick Raspberry Glace FS Swatched
Clinique Chubby Stick Woppin' Watermelon Mini (.04 oz) BN
Clinique Pop Glaze Sheer Lip Colour + Primer Bubblegum Pop FS BN
Clinique Quickliner for Lips Bing Cherry FS BN
Clinique Superbalm Moisturizing Gloss Black Honey FS Swatched
Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Matte Sculpting Lipstick Covetous Nude FS BNIB
Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Matte Sculpting Lipstick Decisive Poppy FS BNIB
Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Matte Sculpting Lipstick Volatile FS BNIB
Estee Lauder + Victoria Beckham Matte Lipstick 01 Victoria FS Used 1x
floss. My New Favorite Lip Gloss Yul FS BN
INC.redible Jelly Shot Lip Quencher _ex Revenge FS BN
Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Beloved FS BN
Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick Nayeon FS BN
Kevin Aucoin The Flesh Tone Lip Pencil Cerise FS BN
Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Lip Stain Messaline FS BNIB
Laritzy Lip Gloss Vibe FS BNIB
Laura Geller Color Drenched Lip Gloss Raspberry Roast FS BN
Laura Mercier Creme Smooth Lip Colour Palm Beach FS BN
Laura Mercier Creme Smooth Lip Colour Royal Orchid FS BN
Laura Mercier Velour Lovers Lip Color Aroused FS BN
Laura Mercier Lip Pencil Red Chocolate FS BN
Lime Crime Best of Lips Set: Darks - Mini Set - Includes: -- Mini Velvetines in Wicked- Mini Diamond Crushers Lip Topper in Black Unicorn- Mini Wet Cherry Gloss in Saucy Cherry- Mini Velvetines Lip Liner in Tarot BNIB - I am fine with breaking up the set if you are interested only particular item(s).
Lime Crime Diamond Crushers Lip Topper Strip Mini BN
Lime Crime Plushies Violet FS BNIB
Lime Crime Velvetines Liquid Lipstick Jinx FS BNIB
Lime Crime Velvetines Lip Liner Poison Mini BN
Lipstick Queen Lipstick Manic Mauve FS BN
Lipstick Queen Lipstick Saint Red FS Used 1x
Lipstick Queen Famous Last Words Liquid Lipstick Sayonara FS Swatched
Lorac Alter Ego Lip Stain Mua FS BN
Lorac Alter Ego Lipstick Southern Belle FS Used 1x
Lorac Pro Liquid Lipstick Plum Brown FS BN
Lorac Lip Luxe Scarlet FS BN
Lorac Lip Luxe Bordeaux FS Swatched
MAC + Aaliyah Lip Gloss Brooklyn Born FS BN
MAC Frost Lipstick Coasta Chic FS BN
MAC Frost Lipstick CB 96 FS BN
MAC Frost Lipstick Viva Glam FS BN
MAC Liptensity Lipstick Medium Rare FS Used 1x
MAC Liptensity Lip Pencil Royally Flushed FS BNIB
Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Gloss Charlotte FS BN
Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Gloss Hot Hot Hot FS BN
Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Gloss Boom FS Swatched
Marc Jacobs Creme Lipstick Jolly Molly FS BN
Marc Jacobs Creme Lipstick Scandal FS BN
MUFE Artist Plexi-Gloss Lip Lacquer Nude Pink FS BN
NARS Lip Gloss Scandal FS BN
NARS Satin Lip Pencil Descansco FS Used 2x
NARS Satin Lip Pencil Lodhi FS BNIB
NARS Satin Lip Pencil Rikugien DS (.05 oz) Used 1x
NARS Satin Lip Pencil Villa Lante FS BN
NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil Roman Holiday FS BN
OCC Lip Tar Strumpet Mini (0.08 oz) Used 3x
Sephora Gel Gloss Perfect Nude Mini (.1 oz) BN
Sephora Gel Gloss Pin-Up Pink Mini (.1 oz) BN
Smashbox Always Sharp Lip Liner Pinch Me FS BN
Smashbox Always On Metallic Matte Liquid Lipstick Rust Fund FS BN
Smashbox Be Legendary Lipstick Wrap Party Matte FS BN
Smashbox Be Legendary Lipstick Famous FS BN
Smashbox Gloss Angeles Honey FS BN
Stila Stay All Day Matte'ificent Lipstick Soiree FS BN - Tip of lipstick did press against the top of the lid.
Tarte The Lip Sculptor - Lipstick & Gloss Treat FS BNIB
Too Faced Lip Injection Plumping Lip Gloss Like A Boss FS BN
Too Faced Melted Latex Liquified High Shine Lipstick Hopeless Romantic FS BN
Too Faced Melted Liquified Long Wear Lipstick Melted Ruby FS BN
Trestique Mini Lip Glaze Paris Pink Mini (.025 oz) BN
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Lip Pencil PDA FS BNIB
Urban Decay Vice Special Effects Lip Topcoat Regulate FS BN


Arrow ENHANCE Waterproof Eyeliner Bright Now Mini (.028 oz) BN
Bareminerals 5-in-1 Cream Eyeshadow Luminous Pearl FS Swatched
Bareminerals 5-in-1 Cream Eyeshadow Elegant Taupe FS Swatched
Bareminerals Longer Eyeshadow Stick Iced Champagne FS BNIB
Bareminerals Longer Eyeshadow Stick Smoky Chai FS BNIB
Bobbi Brown Eye Shadow Black Plum FS Swatched
Bobbi Brown Eye Shadow Camel FS BN
Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow Cement FS Used 1x
Bobbi Brown Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow Champagne FS BNIB
Bobbi Brown Eye Shadow Grey FS BNIB
Cargo Eye Shadow Aegean FS BNIB
Eyeko Fat Eye Stick Satin FS BN
Gucci Impact Longer Eye Pencil Iconic Ottanio FS BNIB
Lancome Color Design Eyeshadow Brun Cashmere FS BN
Lancome Color Design Eyeshadow Cafe Creme FS BN
Lancome Color Design Eyeshadow Exhibition Mini (.03 oz) BN
Lancome Drama Liqui-Pencil Cote D'Azur Mini BNIB
Laura Geller Cool Lids Cream Eyeshadow Mermaid Marine FS Used 1x
Laura Mercier Caviar Eye Stick Jungle FS BN
Lord & Berry Eyeliner Black Travel Size BN
MAC Eye Shadow Saddle FS BN
MAC Eye Shadow Concrete FS BN
MAC Pigment Chartreuse Mini BN
MAC Up For Everything Lash Up For Black FS BN
Make Up For Ever Eye Shadow Single I544 Mini BN
Model Co. Eyelites Metallic Eyeshadow St Barts FS BNIB
Sephora 12hr Colorful Contour Eyeliner Love Affair Mini (.017 oz) Used 1x
Smashbox Always On Liquid Eyeliner Black FS BN
Smashbox Always On Gel Liner Black FS BN
Smashbox Always Sharp 3D Liner Gunmetal FS BN
Smashbox Limitless Eye Liner Java FS 60-70% left
Smashbox Photo Edit Eye Shadow Trio Ablaze FS BN
Smashbox Photo Edit Eye Shadow Trio Nudie Pic: Fair FS BN
Smashbox Photo Op Eye Shadow Nude FS BN
Smashbox Photo Op Eye Shadow Cinnamon FS BN
Smashbox Photo Op Eye Shadow Hazelnut FS BN
Smashbox Photo Edit Eye Shadow Trio Punked FS BN
Smashbox Shadow Duo Turned On, Psyched Mini BN
Space Case Eye Shadow Intense Stargasm FS BN
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Into The Blue FS BN
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Sunset Cove FS BN
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Vivid Smoky Quartz FS BN
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Starlight Mini (.07 oz) BN
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Vivid Smoky Quartz Mini (.07 oz) BN
The Balm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick Slugger FS Used 2x
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Single Lost FS BN
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Single Narcotic FS BN
Winky Lux Latte Kitten Eyeshadow Frothy FS BN - Repressed.


Anastasia Beverly Hills Subculture Palette - - Used 4x - Brush unused
Becca Après Ski Glow Collection Eye Light - - BNIB - Limited Edition
Becca Volcano Goddess Palette - - Light use - Largest dips in Gilded, Lava, & Midnight Sapphire. Cloud & Agate Ash are untouched. Rest are swatched.
Benefit Vanity Flare - - BNIB
ELF Need it Nude - - BNIB
Laura Geller Creme Glaze Deluxe Baked Eyeshadow - - 5 of the 8 colors have been swatched, one color has a nick in it. Comes w/ unused brush.
Lime Crime Plushies Quad Sweet Blends - Rosebud & Blueberry are swatched. Melon Smoothie & Chocolate Milk are untouched.
MAC Eye Shadow x9 - - BN
Smashbox Cover Shot: Sultry Eye Palette - - BN
Smashbox Cover Shot: Pinks + Palms Eye Palette - - BNIB
The Balm Nudetude - - RIS - Largest dips in Sassy, Stubborn, Stand-offish, & Snobby. The rest are lightly used. Comes with brush.


Bareminerals Lash Domination Volumizing Mascara Intense Black DS BN
Bareminerals Love Every Lash Micro Defining Mascara Black FS BN
Benefit Bad Gal Bang Mascara Black Mini BN
Bobbi Brown Eye Opening Mascara Black DS BN
Borghese Lash Mascara Estremo Black FS BNIB
Buxom Big Tease Plumping Mascara Blackest Black Mini (.28 oz) BN
Clinique High Impact Mascara Black Mini BN
Marcelle Xtension Plus Skyline Mascara Black Mini (.14 oz) BN
Smashbox Full Exposure Mascara Jet Black FS BN
YSL Vinyl Couture Mascara Top Coat I'm The Storm FS BNIB


Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Auburn FS Please refer to picture which shows the amount of product left.
Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade Auburn FS ~60% left - I did add 2 drops of Argon Oil to it.
Benefit Browtones Shade 4 Mini (.06 oz) BN
Benefit Gimme Brow Shade 5 Mini (.03 oz) BNIB
IT Cosmetics Universal Brow Pencil Universal Taupe Travel Size BNIB
Kevyn Aucoin The Brow Gel Pencil Clear FS BNIB
Laura Geller Baked Brow Tones Auburn FS Used 1x - No Brush
Lorac Take A Brow Auburn FS BN
The BrowGal The Pencil Medium Brown 04 FS BN


Algenist Hydrating Setting Spray - Mini (1.35 oz) BN
Algenist Color Correcting Drops Apricot FS Used 1x
Algenist Color Correcting Drops Green FS Used 1x
Algenist Color Correcting Radiant Primer Universal FS BN
Bareminerals Prime Time Primer - Mini BN
Bareminerals Vio-Lit Glow Primer - FS BN
Becca Backlight Priming Filter - DS (.5 oz) BN - 2 Available
Becca First Light Priming Filter - DS (.5 oz) BN - 3 Available
Copper + Crane Hydrating Dew Mist - FS BN
Dr. Brandt Pores No More Primer - Mini BN
ELF Poreless Primer Putty - FS - 3 available BNIB
IPKN Radiant Cream Primer - Mini (.24 oz) BN
Lorac Light Source 3-in-1 Illuminating Primer Dusk Mini (.33 oz) BN
Smashbox Photo Finish Serene Greens Primer Water - FS BN
Smashbox Photo Finish Radiance Primer - DS (.50 oz) BN
Tarte Quench Hydrating Primer - Mini (.10 oz) BN
Too Faced Lip Insurance Lip Primer - FS BN
Urban Decay Eye Shadow Primer Potion Caffeine FS BNIB


Algenist REVEAL Color Correcting Eye Serum Concealer Tan FS Used 1x
Bareminerals BarePro Performance Wear Liquid Foundation Honeycomb 20 FS Used 1x
Bareminerals Bareskin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation Bare Linen 03 FS Used 1x
Bareminerals Blemish Rescue Skin-Clearing Spot Concealer Light/Medium 2.5C FS Used 1x
Bareminerals Primetime BB Primer Cream Fair FS Used 1x
Becca Ultimate Coverage Foundation Porcelain FS BN
Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Foundation Fair FS Swatched
Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Concealer Fair FS Swatched
Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Concealer Beige FS Swatched
Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit Warm Ivory FS Used 1x
Bobbi Brown BB Cream Natural FS Used 1x
Coola Mineral Sunscreen Matte Tint BB Cream Tinted Travel Size (.85 oz) Used 2x - Some of the label has been rubbed off.
Cover FX Custom Cover Drops N40 FS BN
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift & Firm Makeup Bisque 10 FS Used 3x
Hey Honey Trick & Treat Cream Concealer Natural Tone Mini (.27 oz) BN
Kat Von D Lock-It Powder Foundation Medium 58 FS BN
Laura Mercier Mineral Powder 1C1 Tender Rose FS BN
MAC Matchmaster Foundation 2.0 FS Used 1x
MAC Mineralize Moisture Foundation NC 35 FS BN
MAC Studio Sculpt Foundation NC25 FS BNIB
Marc Jacobs Cover(t) Stick Color Corrector #300 Co(vert) Affairs FS Used 3x
MUFE Matte Velvet Foundation Y415 Mini BN
MUFE Matte Velvet Foundation Y205 Mini Used 2x
NARS Concealer Light 2.5 (Creme Brûlée) FS Used 1x
Prevage Anti-Aging Foundation Shade 04 FS Used 2x
pür Cameo Contour Dual-End Contour Foundation Medium FS Swatched - comes w/ unused BB
Smashbox Studio Skin Shaping Foundation Stick + Soft Contour 1.0 Peach Fair FS BNIB
Stila Stay All Day Cover Powder Finish Foundation & Cream Concealer Honey 8 FS Used 2x


Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Cream Kit Light FS BN
Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Stick Banana DS (.07 oz) BN
Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Glow Patina FS BN
Bareminerals Stroke of Light Eye Brightener Luminous 2 FS BN
Becca Bronzing Skin Perfector - FS BNIB
Becca Glow Glaze Stick - FS BN
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector - Spotlight Moonstone Mini BN
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Highlighter Bronzed Amber FS BN
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Highlighter Rose Gold Mini (.085 oz) BN
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Royal Glow FS BN - Arrived broken, repressed.
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Poured Creme Opal FS Used 1x - Plastic film picked up a bit of the color.
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid Highlighter Rose Gold Mini (.17 oz) BN
Becca x Chrissy Confectionary Glow Powder Cinnamon Sugar FS BN
Becca x Chrissy Face Highlighter Cinnnamon Churro FS Eyeshadow not included. Highlighter has been used 2x
Bobbi Brown Highlighting Powder Afternoon Glow FS BNIB
Laura Geller Baked Body Frosting Face & Body Glow Gilded Glow FS BN
Laura Geller Dewdreamer Illuminating Drops Gilded Honey Mini (.51 fl oz) BNIB
Lollipops Fluid Glow Liquid Highlighter - Mini BN
NARS Sun Wash Diffusing Bronzer Laguna FS BN
NARS Sun Wash Diffusing Bronzer Falaises FS BN
NARS Sun Wash Diffusing Bronzer Seaside FS BN
NARS Sculpting Multiple Duo Hot Sand/Laguna FS Swatched
Smashbox Photo Strip Highlighting Palette - FS BN
Smashbox Spotlight Palette Pearl FS BN
Smashbox + Casey Holmes Spotlight Palette Gold Highlight FS BN
Stila Heaven's Hue Highlight Magnificence FS BNIB
Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer Medium/Deep Mini BN
Too Faced Peach Frost Melting Powder Highlighter Happy Face FS Used 2x
Too Faced Peach My Cheeks Ginger Peach FS Used 1x


Bareminerals Ready Blush The One FS Used 1x
Bareminerals All-Over Face Color Hint of Truth FS BN
Becca Mineral Blush Nightingale FS BN
Dior Blush Peachy Keen #553 FS Discontinued - Slight dip. Lid is not connected but still snaps on. No brush.
Jule[ Skip The Brush Creme-to-Powder Blush Stick Peony Pink FS Used 2x
Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder Translucent Mini (.12 oz) BN
Lorac Baked Matte Satin Blush Flaunt FS Swatched
Luna Setting Powder Translucent FS BNIB
MAC Powder Blush Pinch O' Peach FS BN
MAC Powder Blush Swiss Chocolate FS BN
Stellar Cosmic Face Haze Finishing Powder Radiant Finish Mini BN


Air Repair Complexion Boosting Moisturizer - Mini BN
Algenist Complete Eye Renewal Balm - Mini (.23 fl oz) Used 1x
Algenist Elevate Firming & Lifting Contouring Serum - Mini (.27 oz) BN
Algenist Firming & Lifting Cream - Travel Size (.5 fl oz) Used 1x
Algenist Genius Ultimate Anti-Aging Vitamin C+ Serum - DS (.17 oz) BN
Algenist Multi-Perfecting Detoxifying Exfoliator - FS BN
Algenist Power Advanced Wrinkle Fighter Serum - DS (.27 oz) BN
Algenist Ultra Lightweight UV Defense Fluid SPF 50 - FS Used 1x
Amore Pacific The Essential Creme Fluid - DS (1.01 oz) BNIB
Bareminerals Double Cleansing Brush - - BN
Bareminerals Longevity Vital Power Sleeping Gel Cream - FS BN
Benefit Total Moisture Facial Cream - Mini BN
Benefit Triple Performing Facial Emusion - Mini BN
Belif Moisturizing Eye Bomb - Mini Used 1x
Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask Lavender Mini BN
Boscia Charcoal Pore Pudding - DS (.84 oz) BN
Boscia Detoxifying Cleanser - DS (1.7 oz) BN
Boscia Luminizing Mask - DS (1 oz) BN
Boscia Revitalizing Black Hydration Gel - FS Used 1x
Boscia Tsubaki Glotion - FS BN
Boscia Tsubaki Oil-Infused Exfoliating Powder - Mini BN
Caudalie Vinosource Cream Sorbet - Mini BN
Clinique Pep-Start Eye Cream - Mini BN
Colorescience Daily UV Protector Sunscreen - Mini (.3 oz) BN
Context All Day Vitamin C Eye Cream - FS BN
Coola Mineral Sunscreen Tinted Mini BN
DHC Deep Cleansing Oil - DS (1 oz) BN
Dr. Brandt Collagen Serum - FS BN
Dr. Brandt Ruby Crystal Retinol Hydracreme - FS BN
Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Lipair - FS BN
Dr. Jart+ Makeup Remover Pads - - BNIB
Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream - Mini (.5 fl oz) BN
Elixia Line Smoothing Serum - FS BN
Elizabeth Arden Retinol Ceramide Capsules - Mini (7 capsules) BN
Estee Lauder Nutritious Radiant Vitality 2-in-1 Foam Cleanser - DS BN
Evolue Brightening Toner - DS (1 oz) BN
FAB Facial Radiance Polish - FS BN
FAB Ginger & Tumeric Vitamin C Jelly Mask - FS BN
FAB Skin Rescue Acne Clearing Pads - FS BN
FAB Skin Rescue Oil-Free Mattifying Gel - FS (2o z) Used 1x
FAB Ultra Repair Cream Scent: Pink Grapefruit Jumbo (14 oz) Used 2x
FAB Ultra Repair Cream Scent: Vanilla Citron DS (4.0 oz) BN
Farmacy Brightening Coconut Gel Mask - 1 mask BN
Farmacy Hydrating Coconut Gel Mask - 1 mask BN
Fresh Rose Face Mask - Mini BN
Glamglow Powermud Dualcleanse Treatment - Mini (.5 oz) BN
Glamglow Glowstarter Mega Illuminating Moisturizer - Mini BN
Holika Holika All In One Master - FS Used 1x
Lancome Absolue Creme Fondante - Mini (5 ml) BN
Lancome Genifique Yeux Youth Activating Eye Cream - Mini (.20 oz) BN
Lancome Hydra Zen - Mini (.17 oz) BN
MAC Cleanse Off Oil - Mini (.2 oz) BN
MAC Demi Wipes - 30 Count BN
Mamonde Pure Clean Clay Mask - DS (.84 oz) BN
Murad Age Reform Invisiblur Perfecting Shield - Mini (.33 fl oz) BN
Murad Essential-C Cleanser - FS (4.5 oz) BN
Murad Multivitamin Infusion Oil Mini (.1 fl oz) BN
Murad Nutrient Charged Water Gel - Mini BN
Murad Pore Rescue MattEffect Blotting Perfector - FS BN
Murad Bright Beginning 30 Day Discovery Kit - Mini Set BNIB
Murad Dr's Picks for Radiant Skin - Mini Set BNIB
Murad Youth Activated 30 Day Discovery Kit - Mini Set BNIB
Marcelle Moisturizing Emulsion - Mini BN
Nip + Fab Dragon's Blood Fix Plumping Serum - DS (1 oz) BN
Ole Henriksen Power Bright Vitamin C Facial System - 6 uses BN
Perricone MD Face Finishing & Firming Moisturizer - DS (.5 oz) BN
Perricone MD NEUROPEPTIDE Facial Cream - FS BN
Perricone MD Pre: Empt Brightening Eye Cream - Mini (.25 fl oz) BN
Perricone MD Ultimate Hydration Starter Kit - Mini Set BNIB
Philosophy Line Erasing Blur Stick - FS BN
Philosophy One Step Facial Cleanser - Mini BN
Sephora Super Hydratant Jour - DS (1.01 oz) Used 2x
Shiseido Clarifying Cleansing Foam - Mini BN
Shiseido Powder Infusing Concentrate - Mini BN
Shiseido Treatment Softener Enriched - Mini BN
Skinn Sugar Lips Lip Scrub - FS BN
Skinn Wrinkle Soak Age-Defying Hydrating Mask - Mini (1.0 fl oz) BN
StriVectin-AR Advanced Retinol Night Treatment - FS (1.1 oz) BN
StriVectin-SD Intensive Concentrate for Stretch Marks & Wrinkles - FS (4 oz) BN
The Body Shop Wonderblur - FS BN
The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Foaming Cleanser - FS BN
Trilogy Very Gentle Restoring Oil - FS BN
Wander Beauty Baggage Claim Gold Eye Masks - 1 Pair BN


Living Proof Night Cap Overnight Perfector - Mini (1 fl oz) Used 2x
L'Occitane Shampoo - Mini BN
Moroccanoil Moroccanoil Treatment - Mini (.34) BN
N4 Jour d'automne Smoothing Balm - Mini (1 fl oz) BN
Ouai Volume Spray - Mini (.84 fl oz) BN
R+Co Waterfall Moisture + Shine Lotion - Mini BN
Refibra Concentrated Restoring Mask - DS (3.4 oz) BN
Rene Furterer Shine Conditioner - DS (.5 oz) BN


Algenist Double-Ended Buffing Brush - - BN
Anastasia Beverly Hills Dual Brush #12 - - Used
Bareminerals Complexion Perfector - - BN
Bareminerals Concealer Brush - - Used
Bareminerals Core Coverage Brush - - BN
Bareminerals Blooming Blush Brush - - BN
Bareminerals Beauty Finish Brush - Mini BN
Bareminerals Double-Ended Perfect Fill Lip Brush - - BN
Bareminerals Perfecting Face Brush - - BN
Bareminerals Seamless Buffing Brush - - BN
Beauty Blender Micro Mini Beauty Blender - - BN
ELF Airbrush Blender Brush - - BN
ELF Multi Blender Massager Brush - - BN
ELF Powder Brush - - BN
Elizabeth Arden Foundation Brush - - BN
Laura Geller Body Bronzer Applicator Brush - - BN
Luxie Tapered Highlighter Brush - - BN
MAC 490 SE Pointed Foundation Brush - - BN
MAC 530SE All-Over Shadow Brush - - BN
MAC 420SE Powder Brush - - BN
MAC 505SE Brow Groomer Brush - - BN
MAC 490 SE Pointed Foundation Brush - - BN
Real Simple Blending Sponge - - BN
Real Techniques Expert Foundation Brush - - BN
Real Techniques Foundation Brush - - Used
Sephora Airbrush Concealer Brush #57 - - Used
Sonia Kashuk Concealer Brush #110 - - Used
Smashbox Foundation Brush #13 - - Used - "Smashbox" logo has rubbed off
Smashbox Blush Brush #16 - - Used - "Smashbox" logo rubbed off
Smashbox Face & Body Brush #19 - - Used - "Smashbox" logo rubbed off
Urban Decay Perversion Angled Brush - - BN
submitted by unicorndanceparty to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

[SELL/SWAP][US & INT'L] ★ MAKEUP HOARDER'S MASSIVE DESTASH ★ NEW ITEMS ADDED ➔ Kevyn Aucoin, Smashbox, Dior, Murad, Becca, Dr. Jart, Algenist, Perricone, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Lancome, Clinique, Lime Crime, Bobbi Brown, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay, & many more ✖︎ NO MINIMUM ✖︎ NAME YOUR PRICE ✓

Hello & welcome to my enormous destashing sale! I recently came to the conclusion that I have a makeup hoarding problem & I need to get rid of a huge chunk of my collection. Time to narrow it down to the tried and true products! I'll never use all of these products in my lifetime (or they just weren't a good fit for me), so I'd rather them all go to a good home where they will be shown some love ♥︎
SWAP LIST (Please note, I am not looking to purchase these items, but will swap for them.) ★


Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Gloss Fudge FS BNIB Picture
Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick Catnip FS BN Picture
Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Cotton Candy Mini (.045 oz) BN Picture
Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Orchid Mini (.045 oz) Swatched Picture
Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Stargazer Mini (.045 oz) BN - Tip of lipstick got pressed against the top of the lid (refer to picture) Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Buttercream Lip Gloss Cosmic FS BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Buttercream Lip Gloss Sugar FS BNIB Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick Crave Mini BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick Crush Mini BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick Hemp FS BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick Notorious Mini BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick Nudist Mini BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick Queen Mini BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick Panko Mini BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick Tutu Mini BN Picture
Bareminerals Gen Nude Radiant Lipstick XOX Mini BN Picture
Becca x Chrissy Glow Gloss Beach Nectar FS BN Picture
Becca x Chrissy Lip Soufflé Matte Liquid Red Velvet FS BN Picture
Bite Beauty Matte Creme Lip Crayon Glace DS (.03 oz) BN Picture
Buxom Full-On Plumping Lip Polish Crystal FS BN Picture
Bobbi Brown Crushed Lip Color Baby FS BNIB Picture
Bobbi Brown Luxe Lip Color Crimson FS BNIB - Tip of lipstick does have a small nick where the lid caught the edge of it. Picture
Clinique Dramatically Different Lipstick A Different Grape FS BN - Tip of lipstick has been nicked by the lid. Picture
Clinique Dramatically Different Lipstick Crush FS BN Picture
Clinique Dramatically Different Lipstick Raspberry Glace FS Swatched Picture
Clinique Chubby Stick Woppin' Watermelon Mini (.04 oz) BN Picture
Clinique Quickliner for Lips Bing Cherry FS BN Picture
Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Matte Sculpting Lipstick Covetous Nude FS BNIB Picture
Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Matte Sculpting Lipstick Decisive Poppy FS BNIB Picture
Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Matte Sculpting Lipstick Volatile FS BNIB Picture
Estee Lauder + Victoria Beckham Matte Lipstick 01 Victoria FS Used 1x Picture
J. Cats Lipstick Honeycrisp FS Used 1x Picture
Julep It's Balm Full-Coverage Lip Crayon Almond Nude Creme FS Used 2x Picture
Julep Your Lip Addiction Tinted Lip Oil Treatment Crave FS BN Picture
Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Beloved FS BN Picture
Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Underage Red FS BN Picture
Laura Geller Color Drenched Lip Gloss Raspberry Roast FS BN Picture
Lime Crime Best of Lips - Darks Set Includes: Mini Velvetines in Wicked, Mini Diamond Crushers Lip Topper in Black Unicorn, Mini Wet Cherry Gloss in Saucy Cherry, Mini Velvetines Lip Liner in Tarot Mini Set BNIB Picture
Lime Crime Diamond Crusherd Lip Topper Strip Mini BN Picture
Lime Crime Plushies Soft Focus Lip Veil Violet FS BNIB Picture
Lime Crime Velvetines Liquid Lipstick Jinx FS BNIB Picture
Lime Crime Velvetines Lip Liner Poison Mini BN Picture
Lipstick Queen Lipstick Candy Sinner FS Swatched Picture
Lipstick Queen Lipstick Good Catch FS BN Picture
Lipstick Queen Lipstick Mr. Right Now FS Swatched Picture
Lipstick Queen Lipstick Natural Sinner FS Swatched Picture
Lipstick Queen Visible Lip Liner Natural Sinner Mini (0.02 oz) BN Picture
Lorac Lip Luxe 8 Hour Lip Color Scarlet FS BN Picture
Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Gloss Lip Lacquer Charlotte FS BN Picture
Marc Jacobs Lip Creme Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Mini (.03 oz) BN Picture
Make Up For Ever Artist Plexi-Gloss Lip Lacquer Nude Pink FS BN Picture
Make Up For Ever Artist Rouge Mat M500 Mini (.04 oz) BNIB Picture
NARS Satin Lip Pencil Lodhi FS BNIB Picture
NARS Satin Lip Pencil Rikugien DS (.05 oz) Used 1x Picture
NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil Cruella DS (.06 oz) Swatched -however the lid caught the tip of the pencil so the tip looks a little wonky. Picture
NYX Matte Lipstick Nude FS Used 1x Picture
Sephora Gel Gloss Perfect Nude Mini (.1 oz) BN Picture
Sephora Gel Gloss Pin-Up Pink Mini (.1 oz) BN Picture
Smashbox Gloss Angeles Honey FS BN Picture
Smashbox Insta Matte Lipstick Transformer Clear FS Used 1x Picture
Stila Stay All Day Matte'ificent Lipstick Soiree FS BN - Tip of lipstick did press against the top of the lid so it is a bit warped. Picture
Tarte Lip Crayon Latergram Mini (.001 oz) BN Picture
Tarte The Lip Sculptor - Lipstick & Gloss Treat FS BNIB Picture
Too Faced La Creme Mystical Effects Lipstick Unicorn Tears FS Swatched Picture
Too Faced Melted Latex Liquified High Shine Lipstick Hopeless Romantic FS BN Picture
Too Faced Melted Liquified Long Wear Lipstick Melted Ruby FS BN Picture
Too Faced Sweet Peach Creamy Peach Oil Lip Gloss Poppin' Peach FS BNIB Picture
TPSY Lip Crush Lip Oil Sweet Tooth Mini (.03 fl oz) BN Picture
Trestique Mini Lip Glaze Paris Pink Mini (.025 oz) BN Picture
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Lip Pencil PDA FS BNIB Picture
Urban Decay Vice Special Effects Water-Resistant Lip Topcoat Regulate FS BN Picture


Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Single Comfort - BN Picture #1, Picture #2
Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Single RTW - BN Picture #1, Picture #2
Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Single Suede - BN Picture #1, Picture #2
Bobbi Brown Eye Shadow Black Plum FS Swatched Picture
Bobbi Brown Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow Champagne FS BNIB Picture
Bobbi Brown Eye Shadow Grey FS BNIB Picture
Lancome Color Design Eyeshadow Single Cafe Creme - BN Picture
Lancome Color Design Eyeshadow Single Exhibition Mini (.03 oz) BN Picture
Lancome Drama Liqui-Pencil Cote D'Azur Mini BNIB Picture
Lorac Front of the Line Pro Eye Pencil Gold FS BN Picture
Lorac Front of the Line Pro Eye Pencil Silver FS BN Picture
Make Up For Ever Eye Shadow Single I544 Mini BN Picture
Pacifica Eyeliner Gun Metal DS BN Picture
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Starlight Mini (.07 oz) BN Picture
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Sunset Cove FS BN Picture
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Vivid Smoky Quartz FS BN Picture
Stila Shimmer & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Vivid Smoky Quartz Mini (.07 oz) BN Picture
Smashbox Photo Edit Eye Shadow Trio Nudie Pic: Fair FS BN Picture
Smashbox Photo Edit Eye Shadow Trio Punked FS BN Picture
Smashbox Shadow Duo Turned On, Psyched Mini BN Picture
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Single Lost FS BN Picture
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Single Narcotic FS BN Picture


Bareminerals Northern Lights Gen Nude Eye & Cheek Palette - - BNIB Picture
Becca Après Ski Glow Collection Eye Lights Palette - - BNIB - Limited Edition Picture
Becca Volcano Goddess Palette - - Light use - Largest dips in Gilded, Lava, & Midnight Sapphire. Cloud & Agate Ash are untouched. Most of the rest are only swatched. Picture
Cargo Cosmetics Tokyo in Bloom Palette - - BNIB Picture
ELF Need it Nude Palette - - BNIB Picture
Kat Von D Shade + Light Eye Contour Palette - - BN Picture
Lime Crime Plushies Sheer Pressed Pigment Quad Sweet Blends - Rosebud & Blueberry have been swatched. Melon Smoothie & Chocolate Milk are untouched. Picture
Lorac Alter Ego Free Spirit Palette - - Light Use Picture
Pacifica Solar Complete Color Mineral Palette - - BNIB Picture
Pixi by Petra Mesmerizing Mineral Palette - - The 3rd & 6th colors have been swatched, the rest are untouched. Picture
PUR Midnight Masquerade Face Palette - - BNIB Picture
Smashbox Cover Shot: Canyon Eye Palette - - BN Picture
Smashbox Cover Shot: Minimalist Eye Palette - - BNIB Picture
Smashbox Cover Shot: Pinks + Palms Eye Palette - - BNIB Picture
Smashbox Double Exposure 2.0 Palette - - BNIB, however 8 out of the 14 colors are broken. Figured someone else who is more experienced with repressing shadows might get better use out of it. Picture
Too Faced White Peach Palette - - BNIB Picture
Urban Decay Naked Palette - - Largest dips in Virgin, Sin, Naked, and Buck. The rest are lightly used. Comes with brush. Picture
Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette - - Half of the colors have been swatched, the other half are untouched. Picture


Bareminerals Love Every Lash Micro Defining Mascara Black FS BN Picture
Benefit They're Real Mascara Black Mini BNIB Picture
Borghese Lash Mascara Estremo Black FS BNIB Picture
Buxom Big Tease Plumping Mascara Blackest Black Mini (.28 oz) BN Picture
Lorac Pro Lash Pomade Mascara Black FS BN Picture


Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Auburn FS Please refer to picture which shows the amount of product left. Picture
IT Cosmetics Universal Brow Pencil Universal Taupe Travel Size BNIB Picture
Lorac Take a Brow Dark Brown FS BN Picture
Make Up For Ever Pro Sculpting Brow 10 - Blonde FS BN Picture
Pacifica Stunning Brows Eyebrow Gloss & Set Clear FS BN Picture
Too Faced Brow Envy - FS BN Picture
Urban Decay Brow Box Blackout FS BN Picture
Wunder2 Wunderbrow 1-Step Brow Gel Jet Black FS Used 1x Picture


Algenist REVEAL Concentrated Color Correcting Drops Apricot FS Used 1x Picture
Algenist REVEAL Color Correcting Radiant Primer Universal FS BN Picture
Becca Backlight Priming Filter - DS (.5 oz) BN Picture
Becca First Light Priming Filter - DS (.5 oz) BN Picture
ELF Poreless Putty Primer Universal Sheer FS BNIB Picture
Smashbox Photo Foundation Radiance Primer - Mini (.50 oz) BN Picture
Too Faced Lip Insurance Lip Primer - FS BNIB Picture
Too Faced Shadow Insurance Anti-Crease Eyeshadow Primer - FS BN Picture
Urban Decay b6 Vitamin-Infused Complexion Prep Spray - FS BNIB Picture
Urban Decay Eye Shadow Primer Potion Caffeine FS BNIB Picture


Algenist REVEAL Color Correcting Eye Serum Concealer Tan FS Used 1x Picture
Anastasia Beverly Hills Stick Foundation Warm Natural FS Used 1x Picture
Bareminerals BarePro Performance Wear Liquid Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 20 Honeycomb 20 FS Used 1x Picture
Bareminerals Bareskin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation Bare Linen 03 FS Used 1x Picture
Bareminerals Blemish Rescue Skin Clearing Loose Powder Foundation Light 2W FS Used 1x Picture
Bareminerals Blemish Rescue Skin-Cealring Spot Concealer Light 2W FS Used 1x Picture
Bareminerals Blemish Rescue Skin-Cealring Spot Concealer Light/Medium 2.5C FS Used 1x Picture
Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Concealer Fair FS BN Picture
Becca Ever-Matte Shine Proof Foundation Porcelain FS Used 1x Picture
Becca Ultimate Coverage Concealing Creme Butterscotch FS Used 1x Picture
Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 15 Porcelain 0 FS BN Picture
Burberry Cashmere Long-Lasting Flawless Soft Matte Foundation SPF 20 Almond No. 13 FS BNIB Picture
Clinique Even Better Glow Light Reflecting Makeup Broad Spectrum SPF 15 Biscuit FS BNIB Picture
Clinique Stay-Matte Oil-Free Makeup Honey FS BNIB Picture
Coola Mineral Sport Sunscreen Stick SPF 50 Tinted FS Swatched Picture
Coola Mineral Sunscreen Matte Tint BB Cream Tinted Travel Size (.85 oz) Used 2x - Some of the label has been rubbed off. Picture
Cover FX Custom Cover Drops N40 FS BN Picture
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift & Firm Makeup Broad Spectrum SPF 15 Bisque 10 FS Used 3x Picture
First Aid Beauty Triple Protection Skin Tint w/ Goji Berry SPF 30 Medium FS BN Picture
Kat Von D Lock-It Powder Foundation Medium 58 FS BN Picture
Marcelle City Tinted Cream (SPF 25) Fair Mini (.23 fl oz) BN Picture
Marc Jacobs Cover(t) Stick Color Corrector #300 Co(vert) Affairs FS Used 3x Picture
Marc Jacobs Remedy Concealer Pen 5 Last Call FS BNIB Picture
Make Up For Ever Matte Velvet Foundation Y205 Mini Used 2x Picture
NYX Pro Foundation Mixer White FS Used 2x Picture
Pacifica Dreamy Cover Bare-Faced Serum Foundation FaiLight FS BN Picture
Perricone MD No Makeup Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Light FS Used 1x - Comes w/ pump. Picture
Purminerals 5 Piece Beauty-To-Go Collection Porcelain Set BNIB - Kit includes: Correcting Primer (.3 fl oz), 4-in-1 Pressed Mineral Makeup (.15 oz), Mineral Glow Bronzer (.12 oz), Chisel Brush, & Impact+ Mascara (.12 oz) Picture
Purminerals Cameo Contour Dual-Ended Contour Foundation Medium FS Swatched - Comes w/ unused beauty blender. Picture
Revlon Colorstay (Combo/Oily) 110 Ivory FS Used 3x Picture
Shiseido Sports BB Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ WetForce Light FS Used 1x Picture
Smashbox Studio Skin Shaping Foundation Stick + Soft Contour 1.0 Peach Fair FS BNIB Picture
Stila Stay All Day Cover Powder Finish Foundation & Cream Concealer Honey 8 FS Used 2x Picture


Bareminerals Loose Powder Blush Hint of Truth FS BN Picture#1, Picture #2
Dior Blush Peachy Keen #553 FS Discontinued Slight dip - see picture. Lid is not connected but still snaps on. No brush. Picture
Julep Skip the Brush Creme-to-Powder Blush Stick Peony Pink FS Used 2x Picture
Julep Your Happy Look Pore-Minimizing Blush Rosewood FS BN Picture
Too Faced Peach Blur Smoothing Finishing Powder Transluscent FS BN Picture
Too Faced Peach My Cheeks Ginger Peach FS Used 1x Picture


Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Cream Kit Light FS BN Picture
Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Glow Patina FS BN Picture
Bareminerals Invisible Glow Powder Highlighter Medium FS BN Picture
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Highlighter Bronzed Amber FS BN Picture
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Highlighter Rose Gold Mini (.085 oz) BN Picture
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid Highlighter Rose Gold Mini (.17 oz) BN Picture
Becca x Chrissy Confectionary Glow Powder Cinnamon Sugar FS BN Picture #1, Picture #2
Becca x Chrissy Face Highlighter Cinnnamon Churro FS The eyeshadow that was included broke and I had to pan it. Highlighter has been used 2x Picture
Bobbi Brown Highlighting Powder Afternoon Glow FS BNIB Picture
Kevyn Aucoin The Neo Limelight Ibiza - Iridescent Glow FS BNIB Picture
Laura Geller Baked Body Frosting Face & Body Glow Gilded Glow FS BN Picture
MAC Hyper Real Glow Palette - FS BN Picture #1, Picture #2
Marc Jacobs #InstaMarc Light Filtering Contour Powder Dream Filter 20 - soft pink/ medium bronze FS BNIB Picture
Pacifica Sundreams Lotus Infused Bronzer Duo Glow & Sunkissed - BN Picture
Smashbox Photo Strip Highlighting Palette - FS BN Picture
Smashbox + Casey Holmes Spotlight Palette Gold Highlight FS BN Picture
Stila Heaven's Hue Highlight Magnificence FS BNIB Picture
Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer Medium/Deep Mini BN Picture
Too Faced Peach Frost Melting Powder Highlighter Happy Face FS Used 2x Picture
Too Faced Sweetie Pie Radiant Matte Bronzer - FS BN Picture
Urban Decay Liquid Aura Illuminating Mix-In Medium - FS BNIB Picture


Algenist Complete Eye Renewal Balm - Mini (.23 fl oz) Used 1x Picture
Algenist Elevate Firming & Lifting Contouring Serum - Mini (.27 oz) BN Picture
Algenist Firming & Lifting Cream - Travel Size (.5 fl oz) Used 1x Picture
Algenist Genius Ultimate Anti-Aging Vitamin C+ Serum - DS (.17 oz) BN Picture
Algenist Multi-Perfecting Detoxifying Exfoliator - FS BN Picture
Algenist Power Advanced Wrinkle Fighter Serum - DS (.27 oz) BN Picture
Bareminerals Double Cleansing Brush - - BN Picture
Bareminerals Longevity Vital Power Sleeping Gel Cream - FS BN Picture
Belif Moisturizing Eye Bomb - Mini Used 1x Picture
Boscia Charcoal MakeUp Melter - FS BN - Please note that the white spots seen in the product are not mold. Per Boscia, it is crystallization. Exp. is 10/31/19 Picture
Boscia Multi-Masking Medley - 4 masks BN - Set includes: 1 Green Tea Oil-Control Mask, 2 Luminizing Black Masks, & 1 Sake Bright White Mask Picture
Boscia Porefecting White Charcoal Mattifying Treatment Primer - FS Used 1x Picture
Boscia Tsubaki Oil-Infused Exfoliating Powder - Mini BN Picture
Clinique Pep-Start Double Bubble Purifying Mask - FS Used 1x Picture
Clinique Pep-Start Eye Cream - Mini BN Picture
Coola Classic Face Sport SPF 50 - White Tea - FS BNIB Picture
Derma Protect Daily Defense Primer + Sunscreen Universal Shade FS BN Picture
Dr. Brandt Collagen Serum - FS BN Picture
Dr. Brandt Dark Spots No More Lightening Serum Concentrate - FS BN Picture
Dr. Brandt Ruby Crystal Retinol Hydracreme - FS BN Picture
Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream - Mini (.5 fl oz) BN Picture
Elixia Line Smoothing Serum - FS BNIB Picture
Elizabeth Arden Dry Sensitive Skin Hydra-Gentle Cream Cleanser - FS BN Picture
First Aid Beauty Anti-Breakout Charcoal Cleanser - FS BN Picture
First Aid Beauty Anti-Redness Serum - FS BNIB Picture
First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Polish - FS BN Picture
First Aid Beauty Kona Eye Stick - FS BN Picture
First Aid Beauty Mango Butter Multi-Stick Champagne FS Used 1x Picture
First Aid Beauty Skin Rescue Oil-Free Mattifying Gel - FS BN Picture
First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Tinted Moisturizer Fair FS Used 1x Picture
First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Liquid Recovery - FS BNIB Picture
Glamglow Powermud Dualcleanse Treatment - Mini (.5 oz) BN Picture
Holika Holika All Kill Cleanser - FS BN Picture
Holika Holika Baby Pet Magic Mask Sheet Vitality Panda 4 masks BN Picture
Josie Moran 100% Pure Argan Oil - Mini (.15 fl oz.) BN Picture
Korres Sea Lavender Body Butter - FS BN Picture
Murad Age Reform Invisiblur Perfecting Shield - Mini (.33 fl oz) BN Picture
Murad Age Reform Refreshing Cleanser - FS BNIB Picture
Murad Age Reform Soothing Skin & Lip Care - FS BNIB Picture
Murad Multivitamin Infusion Oil Mini (.1 fl oz) BN Picture
Murad Nutrient Charged Water Gel - Mini BN Picture
Murad Outsmart Acne Clarifying Treatment - FS BN Picture
Murad Pore Rescue Balancing Moisturizer - FS BN Picture
Murad Pore Rescue MattEffect Blotting Perfector - FS BNIB Picture
Murad Sensitive Skin Soothing Serum - FS BN Picture
Marcelle Moisturizing Emulsion - Mini BN Picture
Olay Regenerist Deep Hydration Cream Moisturizer - FS 50% left Picture
Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream - FS 60% left Picture
Ole Henriksen Power Bright Vitamin C Facial System - 6 uses BN Picture
Origins A Perfect World SPF 20 Age-Defense Eye Cream with White Tea - FS (.5 oz) Used 1x Picture
Organic Surge Blissful Daily Moisturiser - FS Used 1x Picture
Pacifica Quinoa Sensitive Super Gentle Fast Wash - FS BN Picture
Pacifica Rice Bright Skin Luminizing Smoothing Paste - FS BN Picture
Peter Thomas Roth Instant Mineral SPF 45 - FS BN Picture
Perricone MD NEUROPEPTIDE Facial Cream - FS BN Picture
Perricone MD Pre: Empt Brightening Eye Cream - Mini (.25 fl oz) BN Picture
Philosophy Honey & Cream Glazed Body Souffle - DS (4 oz) Used 2x Picture
Philosophy One Step Facial Cleanser - Mini BN Picture
Shiseido Instant Eye & Lip Makeup Remover - FS BN Picture
Shiseido Urban Environment Oil-Free UV Protector - FS BN Picture
Skinfix Eczema+ Hand Repair Cream - Mini BN Picture
Skinn Cosmetics Wrinkle Soak Age-Defying Hydrating Mask - Mini (1.0 fl oz) BN Picture
Soap & Glory Flake Away Body Polish - Travel Size (1.69 oz) BN Picture
Soap & Glory The Righteous Butter Body Moisturizer - Travel Size (1.69 oz) BN Picture
StriVectin-AR Advanced Retinol Night Treatment - FS (1.1 oz) BNIB Picture
StriVectin-SD Intensive Concentrate for Stretch Marks & Wrinkles - FS (4 oz) BN Picture
Supergoop City Sunscreen Serum - FS (2 fl oz) BN Picture
Supergoop City Sunscreen Serum - Travel Size (.67 fl oz) BN Picture
Trilogy Very Gentle Restoring Oil - FS BN Picture
Urban Decay Melt Down Makeup Remover - FS BN Picture
Urban Decay Rehab Makeup Prep Pore Refining Peel - FS (1.0 fl oz) BN Picture


Dr. Hauschka Favorites Skin Care Kit - Mini Set BNIB - Set includes: Cleansing Cream (.34 oz), Facial Toner (.34 oz), Quince Day Cream (.17 oz), Crema de Cydonia (.17 oz), Lip Care Stick (.17 oz), & Hydrating Hand Cream (.34 oz) Picture
Murad Dr.'s Picks for Radiant Skin - Mini Kit BNIB - Set includes: AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser (1 oz), Retinol Youth Renewal Serum (0.33 oz), Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture (0.5 oz), Invisiblur Perfecting Shield SPF 30 (0.33 oz) Picture
Murad Environmental Shield Bright Beginning Starter Kit - Mini Kit BNIB - Set includes: Essential-C™ Cleanser (1.5 fl oz), Essential-C™ Day Moisture Broad Spectrum SPF 30 (0.7 fl oz), City Skin™ Overnight Detox Moisturizer (0.25 fl oz), Rapid Age Spot And Pigment Lightening Serum (0.25 fl oz) Picture


Bumble & Bumble Bb. Color Stick Twist-Up Cover-up to Blend Grays & Roots Brown FS Swatched Picture
dp HUE Oil Therapy - FS (3.04 oz) BN Picture
Drybar Texas Tea Volumizing Conditoner - Mini BN Picture
Eufora Defining Fiber Paste - FS 80% left Picture
Kenra Thermal Styling Spray - FS 70% left Picture
Living Proof Style Lab Styling Essentials Travel Kit - Travel Set BNIB - Set Includes: Mini Prime Style Extender, Mini Satin Hair Serum, Mini Amp Instant Texture Volumizer, & Mini Flex Shaping Hairspray Picture
Living Proof Night Cap Overnight Perfector - Mini (1 fl oz) Used 2x Picture
L'Occitane Shampoo - Mini BN Picture
N4 Jour d'automne Smoothing Balm - Mini (1 fl oz) BN Picture
Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Styling Gel - Travel Size Used 2x Picture
Redken 2 Week Post-Color Bonding System - Travel Size Kit (3.4 oz each) BN - Set includes: Pre-Shampoo, Shampoo, & Conditioner Picture
Rusk Sensories Conditioner - FS BN Picture


Algenist Dual-Ended Buffing Brush - - BN Picture
Anastasia Beverly Hills Dual Brush #12 - - Used Picture
Bareminerals Complexion Perfector - - BN Picture
Bareminerals Core Coverage Brush - - BN Picture
Bareminerals Feather Light Brush - - BN Picture
Bareminerals Flawless Finish Face Brush - - BN Picture
Bareminerals Full Flawless Face Brush - FS BN Picture
Bareminerals Perfecting Face Brush - - BN Picture
Bareminerals Seamless Buffing Brush - - BN Picture
Ecotools Beauty Blender - - BN Picture
Ecotools Highlighting Fan Brush - - BN Picture
Ecotools Shading Brush - - BN Picture
Ecotools Smudge Brush - - BN Picture
Elizabeth Arden Foundation Brush - - BN Picture
Laura Geller Lollipop-Inspired Body Bronzer Applicator Brush - - BN Picture
NYX Beauty School Dropout Cut Crease Technique 5-Piece Brush Set - - BNIB - Set includes: Pointed Crease Brush, Angled Liner Brush, Precision Detail Brush, Angled Eye Shadow Brush, Eye Shadow Blending Brush, & Zip Around Pencil Case Picture
Real Techniques Lip Color + Blur Set - - BNIB - Set includes: Lip Brush & Lip Blur Brush Picture
Real Techniques Pointed Foundation Brush - - Used Picture
Sephora Kabuki Brush - - Used Picture
Sephora PRO Airbrush Concealer Brush #57 - - Used Picture
Smashbox Arced Eyeliner Brush #21 - - Used - Half of the Smashbox logo has been rubbed off. Picture
Smashbox Blush Brush #16 - - Used - "Smashbox" logo has rubbed off Picture
Smashbox Foundation Brush #13 - - Used - "Smashbox" logo has rubbed off Picture
Sonia Kashuk Eyeliner Brush #107 - - Used Picture
Urban Decay Perversion Angled Brush - - BN Picture


(Cannot be shipped internationally)
Philosophy Spray Fragrance Scent: Fresh Cream Travel Size (.5 fl oz) BN Picture
Philosophy Spray Fragrance Scent: Live Joyously Travel Size (.5 fl oz) BN Picture
Philosophy Spray Fragrance Scent: Living Grace Travel Size (.5 fl oz) BN Picture


Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Nail Lacquer Glow Business FS BN Picture
Sation for Ipsy Nail Polish Of Corset I'll Call You FS BNIB Picture


Bareminerals Makeup Bag - - From the Meteor Shower Gift Set Picture
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