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bet prediction for tomorrow games

bet prediction for tomorrow games - win

(Spoilers Extended) Made a Game of Predictions bet board for viewing parties tomorrow. Looking for tips and tweaks.

With some suggestions from people here on Reddit I made this game of thrones betting board for tomorrow.
On it people can make their bets on what is going to happen on the season finale according to these rules
Bet Odds: The event you choose (Points if correct) (Points if incorrect) Bangs (3) (-1) Kills (8) (-3) Optional: How (20) (-5) Fights (3) (-1) Betrays (10) (-2) Captures (7) (-2) Insults (2) (-2) Uses own House Motto (4) (-1) Makes a revelation (7) (-2) Dies (5) (-2) Rides a dragon (5) (-1) Doesn’t appear in the episode (5) (-1)
How to write your bets: The event [Character 1] [Character 2] KILLS [CERSEI] [JAIME] DIES CAPTURES [Winterfell] INSULTS [The Hound]
I have a forth board about Specific predictions all worth (3) (-1) like
Ice dragon will melt wall Cleganebowl Jon and Daenerys get it on The Wall falls Jon Snow knows of his parentage Azor Ahai is shown
The winner (and loser) will get prizes! I am open to every suggestion. Specifically I would like to get tips on the betting board. Should things be worth more or less? Any other categories I should add? Also would love to get some specific predictions that I could use to fill that last board. Please do not give me predictions that are actually part of something leaked somewhere.
Thank you all!
Edit: Grammar and expanded explanation on last paragraph.
submitted by jorgeuhs to asoiaf [link] [comments]

Bet predictions are up at /r/dota2loungebets if you are looking on who to bet on for tomorrow's games
A number of us have put down predictions, thoughts on the teams and such. I don't know how many people bet or know of this subreddit but new people reading and sharing theirs thoughts are always welcome. We've been steadily gaining traffic and it's always welcome.
submitted by rx25 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

The Alternate Universe Ending Theory: A complete log of all the evidence

The Alternate Universe Ending Theory: A complete log of all the evidence
(This is long, but I promise it's worth your time. If I had to place a $500 bet on any AOT ending, I'm going all in on this. Thanks for reading!)
Having been on my university break for quite some time now, I have spent my time arduously attempting to figure out the finale of Attack on Titan. I have created document after document, chatted with other fans, scoured forums; many people have devised some strong theories. However, there is one manga panel that is rarely mentioned and it is one I cannot move past: 'Goth' Mikasa and 'Nerd' Armin (from the Attack on School Castes) appearing in Chapter 120 of the main story.

Here is the panel I am referring to. This shows Eren's PAST memories. Notice the shard in the very top left corner?
When we zoom in, we can see that this is 'Goth' Mikasa and 'Nerd' Armin. Take note of Mikasa's hairstyle and Armin's glasses...

See Mikasa's hairstyle and Armin's glasses?
For those who are unaware, the 'Attack on School Castes' is an alternate universe where the characters from Attack on Titan live a simple, peaceful life and attend high school. They are included alongside the official manga as 'previews,' and are published at the end of each volume, starting with Volume 21.
Though there are clear comedic purposes to these previews, there are important events that take place in this alternate universe. I will now summarise these quickly, as they serve as the foundation for this theory:
  1. In this alternate universe, Eren is seen as a 'nobody,' and is very bored with his life. 'Goth' Mikasa and 'Nerd' Armin befriend Eren because he 'protected' them.
  2. One day, Eren has a dream that he was fighting a zombie apocalypse at his high school. He woke up from this dream crying.
  3. After this dream, Eren continually mentions that his life is boring; he wishes that his dream was real, just so his life would be more interesting. He wishes to become a 'threat to all of humanity' just so 'something interesting would happen.' (I'll post this panel below, as I believe it is important).
  4. Then Ymir Fritz is on the scene, and she is worshipped as a God. Eren is the only one who can see her.

Eren in the Attack on School Castes wishes to become a 'threat to all of humanity' because he is tired of a life where 'nothing happens.'
Many have brushed off the memory shard of Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin, stating instead that it's most probably an easter egg. I thought that too, until I stumbled across this interview with Isayama:

Reporter: What's your favourite fake preview?
Isayama: Definitely the High School Caste AU. Even though there are only two pages each time, I spend about five pages worth of time and energy to complete them.
Reporter: What’s the appeal of that AU?
Isayama: If possible, I want to draw something that is linked to the original manga’s universe. That’s how I’m approaching it now.

The interview was conducted on July 20th, 2019. Chapter 120, where Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin appeared in the past memory shards, was published on August 9th, 2019 - only a few weeks later. This suggests to us that this memory shard was no mere easter egg - but may potentially open up the possibility of alternate universes in Attack on Titian.

This brings me to the next piece of the puzzle: One of Isayama's primary sources of inspiration for Attack on Titan is Muv Luv Alternative. In fact, he even stated that the ending was similarly inspired by Muv Luv. Here's the kicker: The Muv Luv franchise is based around alternate universes.
So, to investigate further, I watched various Muv Luv play-throughs and scoured their wiki. I discovered that the similarities between Muv Luv and AOT are striking, for example:
  • Both stories involve mindless giants; in AOT these are Titans, in Muv Luv these are BETAs (which are aliens).
  • Both stories involve 3D manoeuvring gear.
  • Both stories have similar arcs.
  • In Muv-Luv, there are certain characters who obtained powers as a byproduct of science mishap, and though they are very powerful, they suffer headaches as a result of this; parallels with Mikasa and the Ackerman powers.
However, the most crazy similarity of all is the beginning of Muv Luv Alternative and AOT; both main characters wake up from a dream crying:

In Muv Luv, the main character wakes up from a dream crying. This was in reference to waking up from an alternate universe.

In Chapter 1 of AOT, Eren wakes up in a similar way; having experienced the 'longest dream' and also crying.

Interestingly, Eren had the exact same experience in the Attack on School Castes previews.
So, knowing all of this, I devised a theory, linking AOT, the Attack on School Castes and Muv Luv:
  • The memory shard of Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin was in the past. This means Eren was living in the Attack on School Castes alternate universe first.
  • In the Attack on School Castes alternate universe, Eren was tired of his boring life and wanted 'something to happen.' He wanted to destroy humanity. This was his wish.
  • In the Attack on School Castes, he made a deal with Ymir for this to come true.
  • Everything we have seen from the moment Eren woke up in Chapter 1 of the AOT main manga is a result of Eren's wish being fulfilled. This parallels the plot of Muv Luv, the game we know Isayama took great inspiration from.
I then re-read the manga and re-watched the anime in an attempt to either prove/disprove this theory. My verdict is: it made more sense. Way more sense. I will attempt to explain the plot of AOT (simplified) through this new lens, and this forms the basis of my evidence for this theory:

  1. In the beginning of AOT, Eren expressed the same boredom and desire for something to happen.
  2. Then something did happen; the titans. Humanity was being destroyed, just as Eren in the previous High school Universe wished for.
  3. Just as in Muv Luv, Eren's memories of a past, alternate universe would have been wiped (which as a side note, would parallel nicely with the implied memory wiping that the 145th King conducted on Eldians). Because of this, Eren believes he is fighting titans, saving humanity, and is none the wiser.
  4. Until, however, he kisses Historia's hand. We still don't know all of what Eren saw. However, if this theory is correct, then I am willing to bet he saw that all of this destruction was his wish from the start in a past alternate universe. (And I mean, his face doesn't look too happy).
  5. This explains the panel where Eren is talking to Ramzi perfectly. Eren expresses regret over what is to come (ie. The Rumbling) with the words 'I wished for it. I wanted to wipe it all way.' Wished = past tense. Wanted = past tense.
  6. It also explains this scene where Eren reflects on kissing Historia's hand retroactively. He says 'even if this was set in stone from the start,' and 'even if this is what I wanted.' Again; wanted = past tense.
  7. It similarly explains the scene with Hange, where Eren seemingly begs them for 'another way.' However, as mentioned before, there is no other way. This was set in stone from the start due to Eren's wish to destroy humanity. All he can do is to keep moving forward.
  8. Since kissing Historia's hand, Eren knows this is all his fault. This is why his attitude and demeanour changes drastically since that occasion. It's why he tries to push away his friends. This regret and shame is foreshadowed in the Attack on Castes panel, where Eren says (rather grimly) 'it's all because I wanted to destroy the world.'

So, if Muv Luv led me to discover these parallels, then can the plot of Muv Luv Alternative similarly predict the ending of Attack on Titan? (And let's recall, Isayama himself said the ending of AOT is inspired by Muv Luv).
In a nutshell, the ending of Muv Luv Alternative depicts the main character leaving the alternate universe of destruction for his 'previous world'. He loses all of his memories, and everyone will similarly forget him and what he did.
To translate to Attack on Titan:
  • Eren won't stay in the current universe of destruction (what we know as the current world of Attack on Titan).
  • Everyone will forget him and what he did, and he will travel (most probably) to the Attack on School Castes universe where he previously resided. Presumably, the other characters will 'travel' too.
  • In this universe, I believe there will be two options: Eren will 'wake up' as the same age he was in the Attack on School Castes previews, and the last chapter will also include a timeskip that shows Eren as an adult; OR, Eren will 'wake up' in this universe and time will have passed (Eren in Chapter 1 was 10, Eren in Chapter 139 will be 19/20; so 10 years will have passed). Eren depicted as an adult is an important detail (and this will be discussed further below).

The concept of the AOT characters leaving this universe for another has been heavily foreshadowed before (it's just that most of us didn't think to interpret it literally). As shown below (some examples of many):

Mention of a 'world we don't know about yet.'

This heavily aligns with the theory that Eren wished for this world of destruction, or 'pain and suffering,' yet another world exists.

This panel is excellent foreshadowing if correct; 'if only those kids could've lived normal lives.'

Here is further foreshadowing of the characters living 'long, happy lives.' Interestingly, though Eren's motivations have long been confusing - his desire for his friends to live 'long, happy lives' has always been made clear. If we also note what Hange said when talking to Levi about running away, she emphasised that even if they returned to Paradis, the 'Jeagirists control the land with the Spinal Fluid.' So, with only 3 chapters left, the only feasible way I can see the AOT characters living 'long, happy lives' is an alternate universe.

This is an image that was shown during the Season 3 ending scene. Many have suspected that these are the young Tybur children in a few years time. However, given the current fashion trends seen in Attack on Titan, these uniforms seen far too modern. So instead, could this foreshadow the Tybur children in the alternate universe (which we know is set in the 21st century?)

EDITED TO ADD: A user in the comment section also pointed out that in the Akatsuki no Requiem MV (which appears to foreshadow the ending of AOT), there is a lot of imagery of a character leaving one world for this city (seen above) in an elevator. Also, if you flip this image to the right side up, the character is actually travelling downwards to this city- parallels nicely with the previous image that says 'underneath this world full of pain and suffering exists another world where light cannot reach.'

However, probably the most striking evidence of all is what Eren says to Ymir in Paths, 'Lend me your strength, I will put an end to THIS world.' Grammatically speaking, usually one will say 'I will put an end to THE world,' or 'I will save THE world.' Eren saying he will put an end to THIS world, implies the existence of MORE THAN ONE WORLD.

Eren says 'I will put an end to THIS world' rather than I will put an end to THE world.
This is also similar to Eren's phrase 'because I was born into THIS world.' In fact, when Zeke asks Eren why he is betraying him in Paths and going ahead with the Rumbling, Eren just replies 'because I was born into THIS world.' That's an incredibly vague and weird justification for annihilating the planet - unless you put it into the context of this theory; that Eren is going ahead with the Rumbling because he has no other choice, THIS world of destruction was his wish from the start.

Again, born into THIS world, rather than born into THE world.

Incase you still weren't convinced, take a look at the Season 4 opening song. First thing to note, the cover art for this song is of a modern-day classroom. Further, the lyrics of this song seem to parallel perfectly to the occurrences in the previous Attack on School Castes universe, right as Eren made a deal with Ymir to destroy the world. See some of the notable lyrics below:
"Let's start a new life from the darkness"
"Destruction and regeneration. You are the real enemy."
"Time to leave school, stepping in others shadows. When I noticed, I was alone at dawn."
"It's okay to cry for now. I have to get ready for tomorrow. I have to do my homework and go to bed. My war."

Contrastingly, the Season 4 closing song appears to foreshadow the ending, whereby Eren and his friends will return back to their previous alternate universe, losing all memories and proof that they ever existed in the universe of destruction (what we see in Attack on Titan); see some of the notable lyrics below:
"Someone please disperse
The proof that I existed here
Even if my bones turned to sand and disappeared
I'm alive."

Finally, I want to point out two 'bonus' puzzle pieces.

  • The first puzzle piece is a key detail that many overlook: the story about the miner in Episode 25 of the anime. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 here.
To summarise this story that appeared in the anime intermission: There was a miner that originally dreamt of a better life and as such, wanted to dig his way into Wall Sina. He was an expert at digging, doing so for 20 years. One night, he finally attempted to dig to a better life; but no matter what he did, it was no use. On the brink of giving up, his friend instead insinuated he should accept and be happy with 'his lot in life.' It was then revealed that the miner suddenly disappeared without a trace, even the pit he had dug had disappeared. His friend also vanished, never to be seen again.
As a parallel, Eren Yeager is currently 19 years old. His birthday is March 30, which is directly before the release of the final chapter of Attack on Titan (April 9). Symbolically speaking, Eren will be 20 in the last chapter of the series. This correlates to the 20 years mentioned in the story of the miner; Eren has been trying, fighting and battling for 20 years, and though it is theorised that he caused this mess in the first place, he too is striving for a better life (as he often refers to 'that scenery.') That better life can be found in an alternate universe, which is why Eren and friends will similarly disappear without a trace (just like the miner and his friend); they will be finally free from the destruction that Eren wished for.

  • The second puzzle piece is that the Attack on Titan manga will end with Chapter 139.
This is rather strange, considering that almost all AOT volumes have included 4 chapters and concluded with an even-numbered chapter. Yes, this could simply be a coincidence or an over-sight. However, it's interesting that when looking at Numerology, the number 139 represents 'the end of a cycle; it is not a 'real' death, but just the end of one period, and therefore the beginning of another.' This perfectly aligns with Isayama's own words, as when he was asked about the ending of Attack on Titan, he simply replied 'it's just the beginning!'

Now I know what you may be thinking; 'what about the infamous final panel? How does that work with this theory?' This could go a number of ways, but I think a huge clue is the parallels between Grisha and Eren's love interests. I will break it down:
  • Grisha first married Dina, who is of royal blood.
  • They birthed a child, Zeke. This child of royal blood was born to be utilised as a weapon; arguably not 'free.'
  • Grisha, then on the brink of death, was given a second chance at life behind the walls. He then married Carla.
  • They birthed a child, Eren. This child wasn't raised to be a weapon, and appears to have an innate desire to achieve freedom (even if that restriction and destruction was implemented by him in the first place).

So, if this theory is correct, let's look at how this parallels with Eren:
  • Eren and Historia appear to be allied together at the moment (a whole separate host of evidence for this, but if I digress this theory will be too long). Notably, Historia is also of royal blood; parallels to Dina.
  • It is likely at this stage that Eren is the father of Historia's child (again, also has evidence but too lengthy for here). Unless the titan curse is broken in the next 3 chapters, or so as long as the people of Paradis are considered 'subjects of Ymir,' this child will not be born free (and the popular reincarnation theory similarly dictates this to be so); parallels to Zeke.
  • However, if Eren and the other AOT characters 'wake up' in the Attack on School Castes alternate universe, where presumably time has passed, it is likely that Eren will have a 'second chance,' similar to Grisha; however, this time with Mikasa. (And for further proof, this panel in the Attack on School Castes previews shows that Eren clearly has romantic feelings for Mikasa).
  • If Eren and Mikasa have a child together in this alternate universe (where again, presumably time has passed), this child will be truly free - as it was not born in THAT world of destruction that Eren wished for, and has now escaped from. This is what I believe the last panel will show, and this was eerily foreshadowed already (see below):

First, notice what Zeke says; 'no one will cast blame on you for forgetting everything about your first family to enjoy this happy life.' This would foreshadow the ending perfectly if this theory is true; that Eren has forgotten everything about his first family (Historia) due to the memory wipe, and now experiences a 'happy' life with Mikasa in the alternate universe. Also, notice how Grisha and baby Eren look eerily similar to the father and child in the final panel? However, Grisha does not have a beard here, whereas the man in the final panel clearly does. Instead, I believe the man in that final panel is Eren (with a beard), holding his and Mikasa's child.

To add further credence to the importance of Mikasa and Eren's relationship in the final chapter of Attack on Titan, I would like to highlight an important quote in Muv Luv, said by one of the main love interests:
You want to meet him again, don't you? Then you should say... 'See you Later. Not goodbye.'
The concept of saying 'See you later' rather than 'Goodbye' is a prominent theme in Muv Luv, and especially pertains to the travel across alternate universes.
Where else have we seen this before? Right at the beginning of AOT:

Just like the love interest in Muv Luv, Mikasa says 'see you later,' rather than 'goodbye,' hinting she and Eren will meet again.
Now, this next part is purely speculation, but I believe there could be more to Mikasa's character than we originally suspected:
  • We know that as of her father's side, Mikasa is an Ackerman. They are resistant to the powers of the Founding titan; including memory wiping.
  • Mikasa is also apart of the 'Oriental' bloodline (through her mother). They are also resistant to the powers of the Founding titan, and again, this includes memory wiping.
  • This means that despite being Eldian and able to enter the Paths, both sides of her bloodline are resistant to memory wipes. This puts Mikasa in a very unique position.
  • And, when you think about it, the plot point that some clans (such as the Ackerman's and the Oriental Clan) are resistant to the memory wipes has been rather fruitless and purposeless so far. It was not used to reveal any information on the outside world - so why else would Isayama include this detail?
  • We know that in Muv Luv, when characters exited an alternate universe, their memories were wiped. What if, when travelling from the previous (Attack on School Castes) universe to the AOT universe (what we see in Chapter 1), Mikasa's memories were not fully wiped?
  • This would explain this panel in Chapter 9 where Mikasa says Armin's abilities have saved them 'many times in the past,' and Armin is confused as to when this occurred.
  • Similarly, this panel of Mikasa saying 're-opening the same old wound... do I really have to start everything anew yet again?
  • What is most convincing are these panels in Chapter 6. Mikasa sees Eren is being choked, and she says 'I'd seen this scene before, over and over again.' She then follows this up in the next panel, talking about the 'cruelty of THIS world.' Again, saying THIS world, rather than THE world.
  • Most importantly is the phrase 'come back home,' of which Mikasa says to Eren multiple times throughout the manga. Instead of interpreting it literally, what if Mikasa is referring to 'home' as the previous alternate universe in which they came from?
  • In fact, in Mikasa's character song, there are multiple important lyrics that link to this theory and going 'back home' with Eren:
" When I woke up again, At that moment… I found you"
"You are my home to return to, no matter where you are."

  • In linking with this, the OST 'Name of Love' also potentially foreshadows this theory and Eren and Mikasa meeting again at the finale:
"Goodbye world. Our shadows, standing side by side, do not cross each other."
"somewhere in this world, if we can meet in the future, please dont forget... about me"

Though I feel pretty confident about other aspects of this theory, I am not 100% sure whether Mikasa has retained her memories or not. Irrespective of this, if this alternate universe theory proves to be true, then I still believe it is likely that the final chapter will include Mikasa and the scarf, and the phrase 'lets go home' when going back to the original alternate universe.

Now, answering some of the questions/complaints I can anticipate in the comments:
  • "A parallel universe is unlikely and comes out of no where."
Not necessarily true. The fact that Eren was able to change Grisha's memories without causing a paradox implies that multiple or alternative universes can indeed exist. Further, there have been various hints throughout the series already; such as the Paths and the ability to transcend time, as well as all the symbolism of rebirth and second chances (especially in the latest manga chapters).
  • "Eren and Ymir making a deal in the Attack on School Castes (previous/original universe) seems like a reach."
Well, have you considered the original painting of Ymir and the Devil, making some sort of deal? We know that Founder Ymir gained her titan powers from an unknown organic material when falling into the tree... so what else could these paintings be depicting, I wonder? And let's not forget who is currently seen as the Devil... (*cough Eren*).
Further, it's rather interesting; Ymir was the original 'Founding Titan,' meaning she had the ability to wipe all memories. If she was the one involved with Eren in the School Castes universe (where she is viewed as a 'God'), and partook in his deal, this could explain how the new universe (and subsequently wiped memories of the previous universe) came to be. Further, I believe that in Norse Mythology, 'Ymir' was symbolic of the creation of Earth; this could potentially be excellent symbolism of the role Ymir Fritz plays in the creation/manipulation of the two universes I am theorising about.
Additionally, and this might be the most concrete proof of all; if we go back to the Chapter 120 manga panel with the memory shards of Eren's past (the one with Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin), down the bottom left is Ymir Fritz. Eren hadn't met her yet, so why was she in Eren's past memories at this stage? Unless, of course, they'd already met in a previous alternate universe to make the aforementioned 'deal.'

Ymir Fritz in the Chp 120 memory shard panel; depicting Eren's 'past' memories.
As a final note; the first Chapter of AOT when Eren wakes up from his 'dream' is titled, 'To you, 2000 years from now,' and then the Chapter when Eren finally reunites with Ymir Fritz is titled 'From you, 2000 years ago.' What does Eren say in the latter chapter? It ends now.
"Okay, but why The Rumbling? It doesn't seem like Ymir or Eren want this."
This is the one thing that Isayama would be yet to explain, and is a probable reason as to why Eren and Ymir's true motivations and points of view have been shrouded in mystery. However, if we theorise that Eren made a deal with Ymir in the past alternate universe to 'destroy humanity,' then Eren must fulfil this deal and either complete that mission, or be killed in the process. This was hinted already during the scene where Eren Kurger says to Grisha 'if you want to save Armin and Mikasa, then you need to fulfil your mission.' If we know that attack titan inheritors are connected- then perhaps was this meant for Eren? Is this why he 'keeps moving forward?'
  • "But I've seen X, Y, Z theory and it sounds much more plausible."
The beauty of this theory is that there will be essentially two endings; a conclusion to the universe we see in Attack on Titan (most likely Chapter 137 and 138), and then a conclusion to the entire story (Chapter 139), of which I predict will be Eren and co. travelling back to their previous universe and finally being 'free.' So, your favourite theory within the AOT universe could still happen.
  • "There's only a few chapters left, I doubt this will happen."
Actually, the fact that there are only a few chapters left strengthens this theory. Just as in Muv Luv, and just as in that story of the miner digging under the wall - the characters suddenly vanish. 3 chapters is not a lot of space to tie up every last loose end, but this isn't needed if Eren and his friends suddenly travel to their previous universe.
Also, consider again the picture of the Tybur children in the school uniform. They are a little older in that photo (maybe 5-7 years or so older). If the last panel is of Eren holding Historia's baby (with no alternate universes), then you'd also need to have a time skip to show these Tybur children... that doesn't work out. However, if there is an alternate universe where time has passed... it does.
  • "Isayama said the story doesn't have a happy ending, this is a happy ending!"
Isayama actually said he wanted to betray the reader. I also think this ending will shock a lot of people, and potentially be quite controversial. Interestingly, Isayama included a little text bubble in the Attack on School Castes that said, with no real context, "I do feel ashamed about the reveal being a dream." (See below).

Does this hint that Eren in the final chapters will wake up in the previous universe, memories lost - just like Chapter 1? Is this the big 'reveal' that Isayama is 'ashamed' of?
  • "From a narrative point of view, this ending sucks. It's cliche and I've seen it done before."
First and foremost, I don't think Isayama could ever create an ending where everyone is happy (I mean, just look at the divide in the community between Jeagerist and Alliance supporters). However, I do think he could create an ending that no one would expect - and this theory is exactly that. Yes, there are plenty of isekai animes, or stories involving alternative universes - but it seems that most of these characters travel in time/space for benevolent reasons. I personally haven't seen a story where a character travels to an alternate universe purely to destroy it, just because he was 'bored' and 'wanted something to happen.' It would also mean that for over a decade, Eren was the true villain of the story, and we were none the wiser. What better way to betray your readers than that?

TL;DR: Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin from the 'Attack on School Castes' appear in a memory fragment of the AOT main story (Chapter 120). Isayama also recently confirmed that these School Caste alternate universe previews would be linked to the main story. I believed that this could prove the existence of alternate worlds in Attack on Titan, and thus began my research. I discovered that Isayama drew great inspiration from a game called Muv Luv Alternative; a story about alternate universes, and similarly found significant parallels between the two. I then devised a theory that Eren existed FIRST in the Attack on School Castes universe and due to his boring life, wished to destroy the world. He made a deal with Ymir to do so, and hence Chapter 1 of AOT is the result of this wish being fulfilled. As in Muv Luv, Eren's memories of a previous world are wiped, and he believes he is saving humanity- until he kisses Historia's hand and realises that all this destruction was his wish from the start. I predict that in the final chapter of the AOT manga, Eren and the other characters will 'wake up' back in the previous/original alternate universe (School Castes), this is how they will be truly free.
submitted by emmyeggo to titanfolk [link] [comments]

A compilation of post-inauguration reactions from QAnon group chats

These are excerpts from a few private QAnon group chats that I observe. I originally posted these on the megathread. They're listed roughly in the order the comments were made, immediately following the inauguration ceremony and through the next day. I made significant effort to vet that these comments are not from trolls or bots. You can really see the narrative-building in action throughout these comments.
Pt. 1 (1/20 afternoon)
We’re are all the mass arrests? Oh my gosh I’ve wasted so much time in rabbit holes and nothing to show for it but making me look like a complete idiot. I am livid and sad today.
Aren't we supposed to have faith? I have a hard time believing that Sidney Powell and Gulliani have played their reputations on the line and General Flynn knows what comes next if they don't move. But remember, the military is in charge
Can’t believe all that never really listened or believed... pathetic behavior of so called patriots... giving up now means you never believed to begin with.. you hoped.
What if president Trump was part of it.... they tricked us
So I have listen to what was said and how this was a plan to take back our country and Trump would be our President and not Biden. So nothing has happened and Biden is President now. There was talk about the Military would take care of this and nothing is happening. I think that Q was BULLSHIT and hasn't been heard from for months. So we are ALL fucked and we will be labeled as traitors . Good luck with the Q BS
This is where we find the real patriots from the band wagon patriots. Faith. Have faith. hold the line
its not over until its over, waiting on the EBS, who is with me?
I refuse to believe that Trump would walk away and leave us with all these injustices. He knows of all their crimes. I’m sure there has to be some kind of military plan we don’t know about. I’m not gonna say hold the line but I am going to say pray.
Don't you all think this has been a way the ds kept Trump supporters and conservatives suppressed and away from standing up and worse to compile a list of all so called dissenters??
I have not lost hope.. I have followed a for more then 2 years.. will not lose faith.. even if arrests dont happen I will always have faith in the American Patriots in our country :flag_us::flag_us::purple_heart::purple_heart:
I never said I knew the layout for the day I only know the fight isn't over. DJT said the best is yet to come yesterday. I have faith. I am a true patriot. I will never run. I fear no evil.
I have one more ounce of hope. Mike pompeo came on to do his final address on national tv at exactly 1:21 yesterday.
I'm disappointed that codemonkeyz seems to have thrown in the towel and is working on "something" that he's going to try to sell, but i must be crazy....i still have faith! i've lost friendships, my own husband thinks i'm bonkers, so i'm dug in now. God wins, no matter what, so i'll continue to be kooky until it's the end
I have faith but now my husband has lost it threatening to live or just shoot his self
I'm willing to lay my life down for my children and grand children's freedom. But we've been lied to for so long. I can't be the only one answering texts right now from the ones who doubted us to begin with.
they are getting away arrest them now
People the military is in control now. It might take them a couple of months to get all the perps,but it's coming people, it's coming!!!
They are all in cars. Going to detention center?
Well this offically is my last day in the group i have followed this for over 3 years to be slapped in the face with the reality that i am crazy and this was all bullshit.
Look.. is Q a joke on us Patriots ? I think we are all Q.. a family of Q.. whether or not Q was created by Dems.. Q brought us Patriots all together.. helped us to find faith.. showed us we weren't alone.. gave us extended family.. if Dems created Q it backfired on them.. I for one am proud of my "family" :blush::flag_us::purple_heart:
I am not trying to be negative I still have the faith but as far as holding the line I don't know supposedly have Chinese military men sitting on the border of Canada and the United States and Mexico and the United States just waiting for buying to take office to infiltrate our country makes no sense to me I just never dreamed in a million years that all these people that we followed and believed would desert us the way they have no no nothing no communication what are we supposed to do let China come in and take a take over our country commonly in Harris's already said that we need to take our they need to take our children from us and re-educate them in camps why has FEMA set up camps
Really??? Being a Patriot and believing in Trump. But being lied to by Q, watching your election stolen, all 3 branches lost. They will undo everything we fought for and we can't stop them. So if I am PO'd with others we are allowed to vent and yell if we must.
This movie sucked. I want my money back. Im afraid to watch the credits
Just like a death, it will take time to recover. I knew our politics was LOST. I put so much hope in this Q stuff. Now it has let me down. Sorry if I feel hopeless unless we go to war
When things fall in place and happens like we were told.. how many that are calling it quits, bashing the information you were given... will be claiming that you knew it would happen all along? Can kind of understand how Jesus must of felt on the cross and just a very few were left there still believing....
Where's Q, E, Flynn, Juan O seven, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Sydney Powell, Lynn Woods, Pompeo, Trump, Mike Lidell, Rudy? Anybody making statements on 4 years of playing dungeons and dragons???
Let's wait in 3 days and see what happens. Jesus rose again in three days.
This is how i feel. . . If Things were not to go as planned (trust the plan) Trump or Pompeo or Gen Flynn, or SOMEONE like them, would say to the MILLIONS of us "ok guys, stop the nonsense, it's over" BUT, they have not. They have continued to say, "it is not over" so I still have faith in the plan.
I was bothered by the fact that the video of DJ and Melania getting off the plane was shot blurry and from so far away. Also they were wearing masks which I thought was strange.
You guys have become like an AA group or something for me. My family won't speak to me, my friends now think I'm nuts. The media is calling us terrorists....Jesus, let's see some resolution before it gets irreparable.
My internet keeps glitching, and every time I get excited thinking its transitioning to the EBS
Pt.2 1/20 evening
I just dumped genhyten channel.... EBS. ... then... "remember something might go wrong".... then 45 min.... Ummmm.... ain't buying it.... something might go wrong.. yeah.. .I bet it does and no EBS coming.
What about the fact they swore in the fake joe Biden. I thought the other one with the bum chin would show up to get sworn in. I always figured this dumber joe was just to take a bullet.
Military took control once Biden went through the act of swearing in. Once the constitution was violated by participating and accepting a fraudulent election, the military took over the reigns without needing to do it with a coup.
I have nothing to watch on TV anymore. I can't watch the news. They lie. I cant watch sitcoms and movies because I know the lies and satanism of Hollywood. I can't watch Baseball because they support BLM and the false narrative. NO NFL period. Alot is changing for me.
Trump has said so many encouraging things just in the last couple of days, short of telling us exactly when he will be back.
Nothing Biden does to revoke any orders, to put any new laws in place... none of it will be legal. That’s why the military had their backs facing as he drove by. That’s why he didn’t have the presidential plane pick him up. They know it’s not legit.
Exactly! That inauguration was just sad...fake happy KH is the only one who looked like she was ready to party..
I have heard something about Trump being officially our president again March 4, because it takes 30-45 days I’ve heard this in a few places over the last month or two.
He had to step aside so the Military can take over. Otherwise, he would he accused of using the military to stage a coup
I found out with the oath, he actually didn't say it all. He skipped most of the oath and was sworn in at least 10 minutes before the inauguration was supposed to happen, meaning Trump was still president!!
wouldnt it be funny if we keep waiting for the next milestone and voila, its 2024 that would suck
I have to admit, I don’t understand what people mean when they say we are watching a movie.
I did not let my kids go to school today(even though its only virtual only since they are closed for covid) bc I just knew they were going to teach them about it today after yesterday in my daughters 2nd grade class they made her watch their acceptance speech. So they learned from me today. Its so horrible we are having to protect our kids from school!!
I can wait till jan 27th at 306 pm (second marker) can you. I have hope in all this .
So does the corporation dissolve at midnight?
Going down tomorrow to unregister to vote. Doesn't "F"ing matter anymore they've made that perfectly clear. Q was a psyop the whole time...
Hey all you left over Q nut jobs...where were all of these mass arrests at today? Where were the Marshals Service out making all these arrests of the Clinton’s and Obama and others? Where is the martial law that was supposed to have kicked in with the 20,000 National Guard troops at the inauguration? You delusional fucks have been preaching that shit for the last 6 months. So what happened??? Could it be that “Q” was actually wrong? Or could it be that you are all just bat shit crazy?
Okay, well, I'm guessing that you haven't figured out that the real "Q" isn't online. In fact, the real "Q" is Military Intelligence and is never online. I'm guessing you also haven't figured out that Social Media sites like this one are full of leftist shills posing as Trump supporters. Their task: to make us look as stupid and crazy as they can in order to discredit us so that we can be more easily demonized. It's a tactic straight out of the leftist handbook. Anyway, now you know.
I have a feeling this is not over yet. Something in my gut.... I'm holding onto the hopes that the military is going to let the new administration run amok until the March 4th real inauguration day.. How much more dirt will pile up on these guys when they think they got the keys to the kingdom..
Looks like everything is right on schedule. Insurrection act is in effect. Flynn is in charge. USA Inc dissolved. Hold on a little longer. March 4th will be our day. I hate promised dates as much as you do but this will all be over soon.
The wrinkled flags with the gold hair around them for the speech, was a farewell speech to the american corporation, we will be back was our signal to hang in there its almost over. Because when he comes up we will have our America without the corporation and he will be sworn in as the 19th president of America the country before it fell to the global corporation. The election fraud is significant and will be overturned. The PRE RECORDED INAUGURATION was aired at 7am in spain which is 1am in Washington D.C is district of colombia(NOT USA SOIL) in which the gates with the locks on the outside of the fence are a signal of no ones leaving. President Trump is still the president, hes just letting his best friends named the military handle this one. Best is yet to come, is we are getting our republic that we fought for in 1776 BACK. Not the globalist Corporation we needed because of debt. JUST HANG IN THERE AND BLOCK THE FUCKIN TROLLS. There was no flag flying because there is NO ACTING PRESIDENT, FEMA leaders are president and vice president while the swamp is drained.
I had to calm down.....x22 and the Marshall report made it clearer to me. Never doubted my President, but I didn’t understand the complexities.....I’m in awe of Donald Trump🇺🇸
Have faith in the Plan...look it up...the District of Columbia is a Sovereign State owned by the Vatican which is in the process of having it"s assets stripped. There will be a new capital of the US of A and Trump will be the Overlord or be decided. Biden is just the President of the Corporation...hold the line and stick to the violence :flag_gb::flag_gb:
Type in antifa. Com like on Google and it redirects you to the White House
Barbara only communist sympathizers are on fascistbook 🤡
Were at war people All you scum mfs who let that shit in our country fk u forever fk u i stand for the people whos sacrificed whos died from fighting the very thing u mfs let in fk u foever people like bon jovi garth brooks fk u come around me you fking socialist scum fk u u just steped on the very people whos sacrificed for our freedoms fk u We are not backing down its inly gonna get fking worse people died for me ill die for them
Pt. 3, 1/21
I just watched Simons video today. Its reassuring that they WERE planning on arresting all of them on inaguration, but very upsetting that they are threating the lives of hundreds, to maybe up to thousands of people just to not get arrested. I cant wait for the military to fix the problem, find a bomb maybe, get around their threat and kill these satanist, terrorist, pedophilic, group of people. The day i see them all get executed will be the best day of my life. They threaten america, they are going to die.
The democrats threatened the military so they wouldnt arrest them. Peoples lives are at stake. Thats why they arrent moving in to arrest them yet.
May have gotten a little drunk last night and stayed up until 3:30 a.m. seemed to be a popular idea though.... I am usually in bed by 8 or 9 p.m. but the day seemed to call for some " think in drink in " anyone else? The guy at the liquor store said that everyone seemed to be doing the same thing yesterday.....
Q has done more to put Biden in office than all the other leftist groups combined.
Not believing in Q or WWG1WGA is like the Catholic Church not wanting peasants to know how to read.
Anyone else notice the hunger games dresses all the women were wearing yesterday? Symbolism will be their downfall. I need to watch that movie again.
i just want the EBS to kick in, that is all i dont care when, but just kick in
I think right now we all have to keep this between us for a while longer. It will unfold soon enough. Think of it as a delicious secret.
Folks all I know is, this is the BESTEST GROUP I have ever been in bar none. I've been in groups from AOL,YAHOO, and others and the diversity of people and the comments makes for a tight knit group, which I love to come into and express my opinions and listen to yours. I love you all!!!:heart::heart::heart:
I bet those 50,000 people are feeling the impact of this military fake goverment. It’s such a HUGE ELABORATE plan that the job loss and the military family threats is all part of the storm. How long! How long will this go on! I’m asking genuine questions. Does Biden have that power LR. the military. It’s one or the other. Can’t be both!
Red 4,5,6 didn’t happen! Total BS. When someone tells you to Hold the Line, they’re saying STFU, stay home, and do what you’re told, or else! Sorry, I never bought the Q BS. 26 years military told me you never tell the enemy anything publicly, and disinformation, although smart, what Q and Dave told us was to give us false hope and demoralize us. Folks, if you watch Newsmax, OAN, and read Epoch Times you will be much more informed. You know why the conservative news isn’t talking about Q and X22? Because they would lose their fan base. Die hard conservatives who are hooked on Q and X22 don’t wanna hear negativity, but are now pissed they got played! Thank your CIA for that. Now use that anger and let ’s do stuff to take our country back!
I really don’t like not hearing from President Trump. The best part about COVID was seeing him talk every night. You know, in the beginning.
Can anyone tell me why the military is now breaking down equipment, fencing, and troops being transported out of DC? I ask because I thought they were supposed to be in charge now. My son's company is returning to Ft Andrews
What happen to Sydney Powell. She fell off the face of earth.
I'm guessing Sydney Powell is sitting quietly in the wings, seeing as she is a military lawyer
Gonna sign off today. I still have faith in The Plan. I did NOT see a defeated man step on or off of that plane. Hope that you all find some peace. Im going to eat some POPCORN!!!
I think inauguration was possible cgi. For some reason Jill B shoes were tan then a bit later they were teal and then a bit later they were tan again. Strange
I spent a good bit of time this morning adding a dislike to every Biden video I could find on yt
Everybody should (gently) troll FB group “the other 98%” Debunk all their propaganda post with facts that expose the fake news. Maybe we can wake up a few of the sleepers!
So yall say to fill tubs. We have grinder pumps. Without power the fill up what do we do then??
While everyone is listening to that Hunter video thumbs down all the white house vids there aren't many! Keep disliking them its easy we can do that from home we are in and out of these vids all day
So who saw the satanic ritual video floating about with Trump at the end saying he was part of the club but he got out. I thought nobody got out alive?
Soooo ok the military is drawing down in DC. So yes its over. So what lies you all selling today
I learned that following any of these X22, Simon Parks, Charlie wood etc .. they have good content that can make sense but why on earth would anything they are predicting come true? They are openly talking on platforms that anyone n everyone can access. Trump, MIlitary, Top notch strategy intel won’t be shared publicly in any way shape or form! They are good at decoding Q that’s it. The rest of their time lines are BS
What matters is that Biden is on House Arrest in the White House and is under investigation. Him, Pelosi, and all involved will fall. The swamp will be drained, hopefully..peacefully, otherwise the military will restore order. I however am full of rage I would love to unleash, but watching them get a taste of their own bullshit will be just as satisfying.
submitted by highdeserttrash to Qult_Headquarters [link] [comments]

Maybe it's investing, maybe it's speculation. Maybe it's Maybelline.

There's a disconnection between understanding of what "value" is, or how to decide what is "investment" and what is "speculation". It's not binary, it's a spectrum. It's not universal, it's relative. It's relative to YOU, specifically YOU. It's not constant, it's relative to price and other opportunity. Lastly, it's not guaranteed. Ever. The future is unknown. You or I might not even be here for it.
Every person reading this knows some things I don't know, and every person doesn't know some things I do. Unless you are a literate dog, we probably share some qualities. In fact, even if you are a dog, literate or otherwise, we share some qualities and no small amount of identical language in our DNA. Dogs love steaks, and fresh air. Both things I like quite a bit too. But I enjoy looking for undervalued stocks, and dogs seem more interested in fetching tennis balls. We're both animals, but we're not the same animal.
To go back to GME and the toad's wild ride one more time this week, I can promise you I looked at some of the same numbers that DeepFuckingValue looked at 2 years ago. Lots of people did. I looked at gamestop in 2019, a few times in fact. I passed. DeepFuckingValue didn't. We were both right.
DeepFuckingValue looked at the company a year or two years back, and evaluated the numbers and the situation, and understood that a lot of short sellers were counting on this company to fold in the very near future. He probably also noticed that more and more short sellers seemed to be jumping on this bandwagon. He knew the situation wasn't nearly that dire. In fact it was likely to be "game on" for Gamestop, for quite a while to come. I got puns all night, so buckle up. Then he looked at the share price, understood the proposition and probability that this was a potentially very asymmetric opportunity (low probability, enormous return, mispriced very cheaply in relation to the potential return). I looked at the same things, but he got from the situation contextual understanding I didn't get. Namely the magnitude to which shorts can backfire and how to estimate it.
I also recognized, back in 2019, Gamestop was probably not in as dire straights as predicted. I wasn't alone, or special in this. Lots of people, including some famous people, recognized it. Michael Burry. Ryan Cohen. That one guy from the internet. I knew about the gaming console cycle too. I looked over the balance sheet. I got that piece of the puzzle, lots of us did. What I didn't understand very well at all was how short selling squeezes worked in practice, or just as importantly how to value the proposition. I still don't understand that with any genuine confidence, but I do get it more now than I did. Doesn't matter. I didn't get it, it was too confusing for me. So I passed. I said No.
People who "get it" get this concept. Two people can do opposite things for different reasons, and both be right. It's relative to you, your understanding, your tolerance for what talking heads often confuse with risk. Your tolerance for volatility. He understood the proposition, evaluated what he was PAYING for what he was GETTING (in this case not just the companies liquidation value backstop, but the potential possibilities of the price appreciation he could be getting - this eventual squeeze), knew himself well enough to decide if he could stomach the roller coaster, and chose to get on the ride.
I'm genuinely happy for this guy, and everybody else on these message boards in that rocket or just popcorning along in the theatre. I'm also happy for myself, because even though I didn't have any money stake in GME I understand more about how short selling and squeezes work than I did just a week ago. I got a free option on education.
The ups and downs are not risk. Volatility is not risk. Here's where we get vague, because this GME story isn't over. It's only gotten started. This has implications for the broader market. Follow me into the fog of tomorrow, will you?
Even the smartest, brightest people taking this bet 1 or 2 years ago had to contend with a lot of fog. It's not gone. Certainly the picture is MORE clear now than it was last year, but things are still REALLY FOGGY. More foggy for some of us than others. What we're witnessing now is why you cannot apply mathematics to complex systems (especially systems involving people) and expect everything to go as modeled. We don't have all the rules. This isn't chess, it's life. People cheat, bend the rules, propagandize, lobby, sue, counter-sue, weaponize fear and do everything in their capacity to get an advantage, up to and including breaking the law. Life isn't chess, it's poker. But it's way more complicated than a game of hold em. It's poker with 10,000 players at your table and a deck of 2.6 million cards, and a roof that might cave in once in a while and kill some of the people at the table, and one of the waiters serving drinks, and maybe the general mood in the room. Also someone who loses might pull out a gun and shoot the dealer. We cannot know all the things that might happen. But if you're in the casino we call earth, some of these events could affect you. I'm long on humans going to Mars, or Europa, or The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. God rest your soul, Douglas Adams.
This is why the proposition that the early birds took, people like DeepFuckingValue, is nothing whatsoever the same as the proposition that exists right now. Even if you and I have the same understanding of the proposition he took 2 years ago, and understand why it makes sense, it's not the same proposition that exists now. He bought in at I don't know what, $2 or $5/share. Some long dated options that cost a few pennies. People buying in now are paying $100, $200, $400/share. Refusing to pay too much is your biggest defense against being stupid. Don't be stupid.
If you're a fan of that Stranger Things show, you probably recognize that theme. "Don't be stupid." "We're not stupid." In that case, we have something else in common. I love that show. There's a beautiful scene in that show where the adopted dad Hopper is trying to explain to this orphaned, frustrated teenager Eleven why she can't go outside. It's not safe. The risk is too high. Dangerous people are after you, and they aren't playing by the rules. Hopper and Eleven are arguing and bickering about this, and neither can see the other person's side. They are both right, for different reasons.
This is a fictional show, and she is an extraordinarily powerful telekinetic. She can move stuff with her mind. Violently. The government scientists who raised her and trained this ability are after her. Hopper doesn't understand this yet. She can rip people in half with a willful thought. She's not in danger.
Except she is. There are things she doesn't get. Weaknesses she hasn't accounted for. She's got this great little group of friends, and they aren't superheroes. They've got families. Real people she cares about, who are regular people and definitely can be hurt. This is what Hopper is trying to get across. He's got experience, he's lost people. He knows. She thinks he's just an old grumpy boomer and he thinks she's just an emotional child. But they're talking past each other, and as teenagers are wont to do, rash decisions are made and things get out of hand. People die.
This has so many parallels with what's going on in Gamestop (and the markets broadly) recently. People, "the bad guys", are not playing by the rules. Other people, "the good guys", did not account for this ratfuckery. Now there's a tug of war. In the media, the courts, the SEC, congress, even in the public square of reddit and twitter. The proposition that was when DeepFuckingValue and company investigated it 2 years ago is not the proposition that is today. Even if it was the same situation, he and I came to different conclusions for different reasons because he understood it and I did not.
If you want to be an investor, you've got to learn to say NO, and not because "the other guy is wrong". You say NO because you don't understand how to value what is being offered confidently, or you do understand it and you see risks in the proposition that make the price unattractive or this particular proposition untenable for your temperament. Just like anything else in life, be it dating, job offers, or nigerian prince's who just need a little help with an inheritance scheme, successful people learn to say No to almost everything. The most successful people learn to say No so gracefully the rejected party leaves feeling good about getting rejected.
Investing is saying No to offers you don't understand and requiring a bargain price. Speculation is everything else. At /ValueInvesting, We're not stupid.
Corrected: The girls name is Eleven, not Seven. Fixed, Thanks jelledm
submitted by RecommendationNo6304 to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

Stock Market News for Today | Stimulus Bill | TSLA, NKLA, GME & other Stock Market News [01-19]

Biden unveils the $1.9T stimulus package proposal. Tesla starts deliveries of the Model Y in China. Lemonade drops after the latest Citron short opinion while Nikola & GameStop shareholders jump ship. Let’s talk about this and other stock market news
Hello everyone and Good Morning! So, let’s start with the recap of the last few days as I haven’t made a post since Wednesday, as I was busy making a full stock analysis on Amazon which you can check by clicking HERE.
So, on Thursday we saw all 3 major indexes finish in the red, with the Nasdaq Composite losing .12%, the DOW dropping almost 70 points and the broad stock market SP500 dropping below $3800 to finish the day, as the VIX rose again by almost 5%, though 70% of the companies were advancing on normal volumes with just 8 new lows, as 4 of the 11 sectors finished in the green with Energy outperforming by quite some gap, while Technology was the biggest loser, as Large-Cap Growth companies were the underperformers, while small-caps shined, with all 3 segments gaining more than 2% for the day.
Here is the HEAT MAP from Thursday, with Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, Netflix & Facebook all losing more than 1%, while the biggest gainers were the Semiconductors, Alibaba and some companies from the Materials and Oil & Gas Industry.
We also received the investor sentiment survey, which for me came in better with a drop of almost 1% in bullish investors and 4% in neutral ones, as fear has reached almost 5% more investors in this past week, which is a good sign for opportunities in the stock market.
Meanwhile, Friday was even worse for the broad stock market, with the SP500 losing .72% as the DOW dropped 177 points while the tech heavy Nasdaq Composite was the biggest underperformer dropping below $13000, as the VIX continued to rise near the 25 level and even had a spike near the 26 level in the early morning, but overall finished the week down almost 3%.
We saw again 4 of the 11 SECTORS finish in the green, but this time Energy was the biggest underperformer, losing almost 4% and giving up some of the huge gains made up this week, while Real Estate was the only sector to post a gain of more than 1% and Communications continued to recover after a bad start to the week, as almost 70% of the companies were declining on Friday, with Large-Cap Growth Companies slightly recovering to finish the week down only 1.2%
Here is the HEAT MAP from Friday, in which you can struggle to find some bright spots, with the gains being concentrated in the Health Care & Real Estate sectors, while for the WEEK, there is some more breadth with Energy, Banks and Semiconductors also posting some gains.
On Thursday we also saw Powell reiterating the point that rates won’t be raised unless inflation becomes a serious problem, as he believes there is still plenty of room in the labor markets until maximum employment is reached, with this point being sustained by the increase in initial jobless CLAIMS which jumped almost 200K, a lot worse than expected and the previous month, as continuing jobless claims also jumped by about the same to 5.27M, a big increase over last week.
Moving on, Friday we also received more economic data, with the January Consumer sentiment coming in at 79.2 lower than expected and the previous read, as consumers have lost confidence both in the current conditions and in expectations.
We also saw the New York business activity coming in at 3.5, worse than the 6 expected and the 4.9 in the previous month, with new orders seeing an increase but being offset by a huge drop in shipments.
Business Inventories came in as expected at a .5% increase M/M, while Producer prices rose less than expected and retail sales fell more than expected with a .7% decrease M/M.
This WEEK we start of slow, with no big data coming in until Thursday as we await the Biden inauguration tomorrow while the most interesting earnings for me are Goldman Sachs as a continued read on how the banks are doing after last weeks good numbers, Netflix to see how the stay-at-home stocks will continue to perform and Intel to see how they manage to turn around things.
In some other stock market news, we saw Aphria beat consensus in earnings and starting a broad rally in pot stocks, while Lemonade dropped more than 9% after CITRON went at them again, implying a drop back to under 100$ expected very soon.
We also saw IPOs soar again in the first trading day, with PETCO popping almost 50% and POSHMARK more than doubling before dropping 20% as this IPOs are way overbought on every single launch just like most of the SPACs, with Churchill Capital also climbing huge on reports of a Lucid Motors deal, but this is only speculation and could have massive downside if the deal doesn’t go through.
Meanwhile, Delta Airlines reported Q4 earnings and hinted at a positive cash flow by late-spring or summer as they reduced the cash burn from $24M to $12M/ day in Q4, which helped most of the airlines rally.
Thursday was capped off my Biden's new relief package proposal that seems to be around $1.9T. This will serve probably as a start point of future negotiations. This package includes $400B in crisis aids including $20B for vaccines, $50B for testing, $30B for supplies and $140B targeted at helping schools reopen and stay open.
The plan also includes $1T in aids to individuals including $1400 stimulus checks and extending the unemployment benefits to $400/week through September, $30B in rental assistance and extending the federal moratorium on evictions and foreclosure through September and increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour.
Biden’s propsal also includes the highly debated help for state & local governments worth $350B & $50B in small business grants and loans.
This will probably serve as a starting point and I don’t expect everything to pass even with the blue sweep. It’s likely going to be less than $1.9T, and most of the debate will continue to happen on the state & local help and is also likely to exclude things like increasing the minimum hourly wage, as this is not something temporary like most of the other costs and is likely to receive big roadblocks. This will likely be a short-term boost for the stock market, but the impacts of this in terms of inflation, debt and other economic factors are still unknown in the long-run.
And moving on, Friday we saw Tesla's forecasted deliveries increased to 1M cars by Wedbush who also raised their price target to $950 with a bull case of $1250, as the Tesla Model Y has finally started deliveries in China and will be one of the biggest bets Tesla has made, as the affordable SUV demand is much higher than any of the other Tesla models, while in contrast Nikola seems to be having firms jumping board with an early investor recently selling over 7M shares. Some similar action was seen from the director of GameStop who sold 800K shares after the recent pop in the stock. This kind of companies provide high risk/high reward opportunities, but you should have a tight approach to them, you should take profits whenever you can and not risk losing your gains on these highly volatile stocks that don’t have a good fundamental basis.
So, let’s hope for a good day in the markets as the WORLD markets seem to be pointing to a good day, as we await Biden’s pick Janet Yellen’s remarks on the proposed stimulus and the dollar while the US FUTURES are also pointing to a green open, with the Nasdaq leading the way.
Thank you everyone for reading🙏 Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion on the stock market! Have a great day and see you next time❗
submitted by 0toHeroInvesting to stocks [link] [comments]

I found my portfolio with "insights" from 2007 (12/28/2007 to be exact)

So I was going through my files and found this list of stocks and “predictions” that I was investing in back in 2007. I think i had planned to post it but never did. I am not sure what the 2 or 3 prices are but I am adding the current 2020 price at the end. This is all unedited other than the current price add. If I put N/A I can’t find current price and don’t really have time to research what happened to the company. If someone else wants to I will edit it later. I also didn’t factor in any splits, dividends or anything.
“My 2007 portfolio (original Purchase price and market close as of 12/28/2007)
The Blackstone Group L.P. -BX ..........22.40..........21.94..........20.27 (2020 $60.42) I don't normally buy recommendations I see in magazines. By that time the stock has normally reached its potential. I think that Blackstone may be a safe bet due to crashing of almost every major company. This selection was pretty much a dart thrown blindfolded.
CombinatoRx, Inc. - CRXX ..........7.63..........4.41..........1.33 (2020 N/A) With America's obsessions with pills to cure everything and anything and our demand for better health coverage, I think medical stocks will see a rise this year.
Starbucks Corporation - SBUX ..........20.21..........20.13..........59.39 (2020 $98.82) I actually build Starbucks retail centers for a living. I built a ton of them in Southern California during 2006-2007. When they stop building the stock will go up. Even with a crashing economy. Why? Because even though other shops may sell coffee for less or people may be out of money, the rich love Starbucks and those who will be hurt by the economy will need a cheap "pick-me-up". So instead of the $2000 plasma TV, they will buy the 4 dollar coffee. Of course, all of this rest on the hope that they will STOP building more. Because that is what is killing their profit margin.
Ford Motor Company - F ..........6.72..........6.70..........13.36 (2020 $9.24) I like underdogs. I think Ford still has potential it just needs a kick in the head. I think they will shape up and realize that America no longer desires gas guzzling SUV. Or the "eco-friendly" hype will fade and people will start buying gas guzzlers again. Either way, Ford has been losing for a long time. They only have two choices now, go bankrupt or get their act together and excel.
Flextronics International Ltd. - FLEX ..........11.04.........12.12..........6.82 (2020 $16.71) This one relates to magazines picks. Money magazine picked Pemco Aviation Group, Inc. - PAGI - as a winner back in early 2007. I took a look at the stock and saw that they were already running on high times. Did some research and found one of their competitors, FLEX, which hadn't had a winning stride in awhile. Pemco has since tanked. Flex has held it's ground and is slowly going up.
Ferro Corporation - FOE ..........21.58.........21.17..........7.05 (2020 $14.56) Over a ten year period of past performance, I felt that now was the time for Ferro to regain its formal potential. It's a nice game of wait and see.
General Electric Company - GE ..........35.80(37.21).........37.34..........21.50 (2020 $10.15) All you ever hear about these days is the success of GE. With our obsession with alternative energy and GE's willingness to explore, I can't see how they can lose.
Insite Vision, Inc. - ISV ..........1.44........0.88..........0.32 (2020 N/A) This is my million dollar stock. I'm counting on it skyrocketing around 2009. That or bankrupting tomorrow.
Sun Microsystems, Inc. - JAVA ..........6.28..........18.21 (2020 N/A) I will probably be selling Sun Micro very soon. It has done well for me. I need to research some more on it.
Northgate Minerals Corporation - NXG ......... 3.08(3.23).........3.08..........3.49 (2020 N/A) All other companies in this sector seemed to be rising. Except Northgate. I don't really understand why, but I am hoping it gets with the program soon. I'd like to sell this one soon. I don't see much long term potential in it.
Origin Agritech Ltd. - SEED ..........7.20..........7.17..........1.75 (2020 $9.55) I just found this stock recently and am hoping it may be a short affair that I can get out of on the top. According to research, it seems they like to pick up every other year. 2008 will be that year.
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. - TROW .......... 46.61.........60.18..........76.29 (2020 $145.50) We are all becoming more investment savvy. And with the destruction of social security we are seeing more people relying on their own means to retire. This is one of the trusted companies that doesn't seem to be engaged in any scandals nor mortage woes. But it is also at the peak. Gonna be time to get out soon.
American Express Company - AXP ..........63.04.........50.84..........67.45 (2020 $119.93) American Express is one of those companies that doesn't rely so much on APR but more on annual charges. With all of the debt woes and defaults on credit cards and mortgages more people will flow to their cards. They also have more financial savvy customers who can and will pay their bills on time.
Boston Scientific Corp. - BSX ........... 16.15.........11.72..........7.35 (2020 $33.65) Pharma stocks will be king in 2008. And every four years this stock rises. 2008 is the fourth year.
Citigroup Inc. - C ..........33.96 ............29.29..........46.46 (2020 $55.47) Don't buy them now. They have a LOOOOOOONG way to go to the bottom. But once they hit, I think this company has the greatest potential to get through the muck and mess to rise again. I'll be there waiting when the time comes. Late 2008/early 2009.
DepoMed, Inc. - DEPO .......... 4.30 .......... 3.26..........5.45 (2020 N/A) Over a ten year period this stock has its perks and its lows. The perks have been low and the lows have been lowest. I am counting on the next 5 years to be extra perky and full of higher lows.
Genentech, Inc. - DNA .......... 76.97 .......... 67.51..........??? (2020 $94.97) This one is a tough call. It's an expensive pharma stock that seems to be at its peak. But they seem to understand success and what makes it. Can they continue the success rate in 2008? I hope so.
International Paper Company - IP ..........32.55..........32.55..........47.69 (2020 price $49.85) The past three years have been awful for International Paper. Good news for us is that this company is cheap to buy. And of ten years they actually do pretty good. Here's hoping.
Pfizer Inc. - PFE ..........22.90 ..........22.90..........31.08 (2020 $39.47) Once again, the worst years have been the recent ones. Everything changes and the weak will rise again. This one will be a soon purcahse.
Sprint Nextel Corp - S ..........13.16..........13.16..........7.10 (2020 N/A) No one likes Sprint/Nextel right now. They suck. They stink. But they want to be at top. They want it more than the others do. And I'm sure they will do whatever it takes to get to the top. It won't be soon, but eventually, they are gonna hit the top spot. And I'll be selling like hot cakes when they do.
So that's my prediction for 2008. I would love any advice, news or comments you can send my way. Remember, the stockmarket is a gamble. I'm not always right. But I'm not always wrong either. You just got to do your research and hope for the best. It sure beats paying some other guy to do it for me.”
Looking back at this, I sold everything in the housing market crash, not because of the crash but because I desperately needed the money as my business I had started went under and I was going to lose my house. I didn’t have a lot invested as I was still new to it at the time. I remember T Row I could barely afford.
I invested no where near $20,000 but I am curious about an accurate value of what a $1,000 in each stock would now be worth. A quick spreadsheet not accounting for compound interest, dividends, or splits with $1,000 in each stock above I would currently be sitting on $25,990.
I thought some people might find my naive speculation entertaining.
submitted by MakingMoneyTogether to investing [link] [comments]

UPPING THE ANTE: If SPY closes below 360 by next Friday I will donate $100 to the top 10 commentors below. If SPY closes above 375 next Friday I will get JPow's face and "Don't Fight The Fed" tattooed on my ass.

WELP FOLKS, THAT'S IT! It's now Friday night and SPY is sitting at 366. That means no tattoo for me, and no tendies for you all. Even though my positions didn't print I will still say "I told you so" since SPY failed to rally over 370 when all you retards told me it would. So there. The market is still going to tank soon.

EDIT: Sunday night. Futures are red for SPY, and green for VIX. Who could have predicted this? I could, bitches. This is only the beginning. Hold on to your butts!
EDIT: Tuesday morning. Futures are red for SPY, and green for VIX. Who could have predicted this? I could, bitches. This is only the beginning. Hold on to your butts!
Edit: Thursday morning. Another red day, but it looks like we aren't falling fast enough to break that 360 barrier. We will need some big moves today and tomorrow to hit either leg of my straddle bet.
At this rate it looks like I won't be getting that ass tattoo, and you retards won't be getting my $1000. Sucks for you.

After writing "The Gayest Gay Bear Post in WSB History," I am now balls deep in SPY puts and VXX calls, up to a whopping 25k total with nearly 10k of that expiring on December 18th.
I am so confident we are going down next week that I'm willing to make another bet. I will donate $100 to the top 10 upvoted commentors below if SPY closes below $360 by next Friday.
On the other hand, if SPY closes above $375 next Friday I will get a tattoo of Jpow's face above the words "Don't Fight The Fed" on my ass. This will serve as a lifelong reminder that the Fed does have true power and isn't a deflationary scam operation pumping up meaningless bank reserve accounts which aren't being lent out and aren't entering the economy (which is the actual truth). If anyone wants to go ahead and design a black-and-white Banksy style image of that for me ahead of time I'll pay you for the efforts if I decide to use it. But I won't need to because this shit is GOING DOWN FOLKS!!!
This is the single largest bet I've ever made on a single play in my 20 years of trading. I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't extremely confident in my thesis and my timing. Most of you will all repeat the same thing. "You are early, should have gone for X month." As if you retards could time a market crash lmfao...
When the dust settles I will either post gain porn or loss porn. I will either have a tattoo reminding me of my worst bet ever and the need to be safer in the future, or I will have cash taken from the same retarded hands who bought the top and called me an idiot while doing it... That is, hands JUST LIKE YOURS, FOLKS!!! And I will have all the gloating rights to go along with it.
We are here for drama just like this, right? Alright alright then. Let the games begin.
Positions: SPY 350p 12/18, SPY 360p 12/18, SPY 360p 2/19, VXX 22c 12/18, VXX 20c 12/18, VXX 20c 2/19
Plus some other random shit that doesn't matter much.
submitted by StevenVanMetre to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2020 Sakhir GP Free Practice 1 and 2 Debrief - r/Formula1 Editorial Team

2020 Sakhir GP Free Practice 1 and 2 Debrief

Words by u/ZeroSuitFalcon and u/ShowstopperNL
Special contributions on George Russell and Pietro Fittipaldi by u/flipjj


Live Session Discussion Threads


Formula1 Editorial Team’s Pre-Weekend Articles

In what turned out to be one of the busiest weeks of the season, the Formula1 Editorial Team has already produced two articles.
The first, a magnificent look at the history of the Fittipaldi family by u/TheStateOfIt, as Pietro Fittipaldi’s debut makes the Fittipaldis the first family to have a third generation on the grid.
The other is a short profile of one of Haas’ new drivers, Mick Schumacher, as he is finally confirmed in the 2021 grid (the worst kept secret of the year), also representing the continuation of a legacy in the sport. u/UnmeshDatta26 and u/Death_Pig have had this ready for a while, and we are glad to finally run it.

Grosjean Discharged From Hospital as Pietro Fittipaldi Replaces Him for the Weekend

Following last weekend’s horrific crash, Romain Grosjean was discharged from the hospital yesterday. His burns were still wrapped but was able to use his hands again. He returned to the paddock and gathered everyone involved in his crash to thank them for their efforts to rescue him. In a wholesome moment, Grosjean and his wife Marion also met the two firefighters who responded to his crash and were later promoted by the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Bahrain, named Sergeant Thayer Ali Taher and Sergeant Major John Matthew.
Due to Romain Grosjean being unable to race this weekend, Pietro Fittipaldi was brought into the Haas motorhome and signed a contract to replace Grosjean. Fittipaldi is likely to take Grosjean’s seat again next week at Abu Dhabi for the final race of the season.

Hamilton Tests Positive for COVID-19 and Russell Announced to Replace Him

Perhaps the biggest news post-race was that Lewis Hamilton tested positive for COVID-19. He reportedly tested negative throughout the weekend but began to have mild symptoms after the race. He requested a COVID test which came back positive and he has been quarantined since.
Bahrain and the UAE’s quarantining rules are quite strict but it remains to be seen if Hamilton’s status as a sportsman might allow him to travel to Abu Dhabi privately if he happens to test negative prior to the Abu Dhabi GP.
Many names were thrown around on who would replace Lewis Hamilton, and eventually George Russell was confirmed by Mercedes to replace the 7-time WDC winner. This is Mr. Saturday’s first excursion in a car not named Williams and he comes into the weekend with an undefeated qualifying record.
It will be a remarkable feat if Russell can retain his record after Saturday.

Mick Schumacher and Nikita Mazepin Confirmed for 2021 Season

Current Formula 2 Championship Leader Mick Schumacher has been announced as one of the drivers for Haas in 2021.
While he still has a lot of work to do tomorrow to secure his F2 Championship, his move to the f1 grid next season is secured. It will be quite remarkable to see both Jos Verstappen and Michael Schumacher’s sons in Formula 1 next season.
On the other side of the garage, Nikita Mazepin has finally secured the ever-elusive Formula 1 drive after two seasons in Formula 2. He is currently 3rd in the F2 championship but it is still all to play for during the weekend’s races.
Along with his announcement, Mazepin’s name has been in the news for less savory reasons, both in and out of the paddock.
It will be interesting to see how contrasting the new Haas duo’s personalities are and who will be able to produce the results needed for the team. One thing is certain: it will not be dull.

Aitken Replaces Russell at Williams for the Weekend

Jack Aitken has been in F2 for the past 3 years and now he finally gets his first foray into Formula 1 by replacing George Russell at Williams. The silly season is dynamic and the situation is always changing; will he be able to impress and find a drive for Formula 1 next year or will he be stuck in Formula 2?

Simone Resta leaves Ferrari and moves to Haas F1

Haas have also announced that Simone Resta, the current Head of Chassis Engineering for Ferrari, is joining the USA team for 2021 as a part of their enhanced partnership with Ferrari. Ferrari Team Principal Mattia Binotto said that the move is only helping strengthen the bonds between the two teams, which already includes deals for engines, gearboxes and non-listed parts.
Enrico Cardile, the current Head of Performance Engineering for the Scuderia, will be taking over Simone’s role. This is on the heels of Binotto announcing that the technical side of the team will be undergoing changes as Binotto seeks to create a winning platform for 2022 and beyond.
Simone Resta had left the Scuderia to take up the role of Technical Director for Alfa Romeo in 2018, before returning near the end of the 2019 season as the Head of Chassis Engineering.
With the team undergoing massive change internally, we could hear of more movements being made behind the scenes as the team looks to get ready for the new era of F1.

Track and Tech Talk

The Outer Track for the Sakhir GP is 3.543 km long, and the race will have 87 laps. The oval characteristics of the track allow for over 60% of the track being taken at full throttle which will easily allow sub one-minute fast laps during qualifying tomorrow. It is possible that the top of the field might dip in to the sub-52 seconds, with a sub-50 considered improbable.
This weekend, Pirelli have brought the C2, C3 and C4 compounds from their tire range. The track causes low tire stress but the track surface itself is quite abrasive which is further exacerbated by sand being blown onto the track. A Medium to Hard one-stop strategy for the race is possible, but we may also see Soft-Medium-Medium strategies being deployed. Safety Car periods are not uncommon in Bahrain and, given the tracks’ characteristics, it is not a bad bet that we will again see Bernd Mayländer on Sunday. Coming at the end of this season, with most teams running their last PUs and gearboxes, the possibility of mechanical failures should also not be discounted.

Free Practice 1

The “almost oval, but not actually really close to an oval” outer track layout threw up a new experience for everyone. Before you can go fast you need to go where you are going. Carlos Sainz asked for some directions from a local bystander. After everybody had learned the basics, the session kicked into a higher gear.
Drivers were very eager to find the limits of this outer circuit. Charles Leclerc did some off-roading going into Turn 4 but managed avoid major damage. The tricky chicane in Sector 2 (Turns 7 and 8) gave drivers some headache, Sergio Perez was among them. The Racing Point was seen taking creative lines coming out of Turn 8 and, as more and more drivers abused track limits, Race direction had no choice but to issue a revised set of Director’s Notes addressing the issue.
In his first outing for Mercedes George Russell took a cautious approach. Peter “Bono” Bonnington guided him through using DAS in the first 30 minutes. The young Brit worked a steady practice session and got rewarded for it, finishing as the quickest in FP1. Max Verstappen followed him in the Red Bull, while Russell’s teammate Valtteri Bottas had good pace through the first parts of FP1, but damage to his car hindered his pace by about 0.3. Alexander Albon completed FP1 in 3rd position, only 0.2 behind his Red Bull partner, the Thai spinning coming out of Turn 2 but surviving with just flat spotted tires.
AlphaTauri delivered a very impressive first practice session as the duo of Daniil Kvyat and Pierre Gasly finished 5th and 6th. The Frenchmen had an eventful moment when his right wing mirror almost fell off. If the Italian team can keep improving during the weekend, they could be looking at a good haul of points for the weekend.

Free Practice 2

With track conditions more comparable to qualifying and race, teams focussed on setting up their cars.
The first half of the session was devoted to qualifying simulations. Not long after the session started, the broadcast followed Jack Aitken onboard and caught a close call between Aitken and Kevin Magnussen. And it would not be the only time cars came close together.
It is fairly certain that we will see heavy traffic in qualifying tomorrow, with Q1 being specially complicated with all 20 cars taking part in that session. Watching F2 qualifying, it is easy to imagine a repeat of the debacle of Monza 2019. Teams that work better together are certainly going to benefit, as finding clear space could prove tricky.
Ferrari struggles continued. Vettel spun out of Turn 2 and his teammate Charles Leclerc suffered a gearbox issue which spelled a very early end to the Monégasque’s day. Vettel carried on, but not without more wild moments. While pushing hard on a qualifying simulation, the German dropped a wheel in the gravel and slid across the track quite dangerously. Luckily, Magnussen managed to avoid the spinning Ferrari.
McLaren’s day was not much better than Ferrari’s. Norris damaged his car while hitting kerbs too hard, and, on top of that, both Sainz and Norris suffered technical issues that lost him track time. While Sainz still completed 39 laps despite his issues, Norris could only manage 14.
A few of the front-runners also had a tough session, with Bottas having a particularly scruffy session. He had many laps deleted for going out of bounds in Turn 8, and finished down the order. While on paper Bottas has been slower than Russell, should the Finn manage a clean lap, he should be able to be quicker than his teammate.
Over at Red Bull, both drivers were unhappy with the car, complaining about understeer on soft tires, with both drivers proving their point by running wide at Turn 8. In addition to understeer, Verstappen also cursed over the team radio about a “hopping” issue similar to last weekend. Despite these problems, the Dutchman was only 0.1 behind Russell, who ended an impressive first day with Mercedes on top of the second session as well.

Predictions for Tomorrow

It has been a difficult day for one Valtteri Bottas, he has repeatedly voiced concerns on the radio about his cars handling and has also struggled to keep his car within track limits. My prediction is that Max Verstappen will get pole just barely with Bottas pipping Russell. While Bottas has struggled with the car, his experience for the past 4 years on the current platform cannot be understated. The McLarens and Ferraris will also struggle to qualify as they have suffered from reliability and maneuverability issues. At the back end of the field, Latifi will finally outqualify his teammate for the first time as Aitken looks toward his first F1 qualifying session.
It wouldn’t surprise me to see one of the leaders get caught out in qualifying. Formula 2 qualifying was already chaotic and it won’t be any different for F1. Overall i think, while he’s struggled today, that Bottas will take pole and win the race. With Hamilton out this should be his race to win. If Russell continues his display I predict he will finish on the podium after a fun fight with Verstappen. In the midfield AlphaTauri looked very good today so i think they’ll carry that into the race and with a little bit of luck could be best of the rest. Gasly has been very strong and Kvyat looked great in practice.

Riding With George and Pietro

As George Russell makes his debut with Mercedes and Pietro Fittipaldi takes over Grosjean’s Haas, we thought it could be a good idea to ride along and see how both drivers got on with their new machines.
First, let us look at how Russell’s day went. As the sessions’ classifications show, he performed quite nicely.

Riding with George

Free Practice 1
Usually, when practice sessions start, the onboards are turned off and you only get the F1TV “no signal” screen. As the broadcast of the Sakhir GP’s FP1 started, George Russell is the cockpit, fiddling with the wheel, setting his mirrors, talking to people off camera, and looking as if he is in a hurry to drive.
Once the #63 Mercedes was made ready to emerge from the pits after a quarter of an hour, however, it was hard to think of Russell as a rookie in the team. He sounded and seemed very comfortable with his surroundings and promptly got to work, learning the Sakhir Outer Loop at the wheel of the W11.
When exploring a track, every minute is important, as drivers take their time learning the intricacies of the layout, even if it is the track destined to produced the shortest lap in Formula 1 history.
Peter “Bono” Bonnington, Hamilton’s engineer who is handling Russell this weekend, asks him for 2 burnouts (reminding him that the race start will be in 2nd gear), and after a practice start Russell is on track with a Mercedes (Bono later mentions that Russell nailed the clutch position). After a bit of DAS usage (only the third ever driver to use it), it all falls into the same rhythm anyone that rides onboard with Lewis Hamilton knows very well. Bono calls out the gaps, inserts a bit of encouragement here and there, and the driver puts a few laps in.
Two fast laps on softs, followed by a discussion with Bono (Russell suggesting two cool down laps, which was then done), and then Russell is in the groove. One interesting tidbit from his first stint was that although Bottas was breaking later and harder according to Bono, Russell was able to carry more speed through the corner. As Russell struggled to find his footing on the Mercedes braking into Turn 1, this message seemed to help him find a better solution to the corner, and he soon started showing more confidence heading into the first heavy braking event of the lap.
Riding onboard, the car does seem just a little bit twitchy, which is something one rarely sees riding with Hamilton, but being the great car it is, the W11 was kind to Russell and the driver responded by treating it gently throughout the day.
For the 20 minutes of his first stint, the improvement was noticeable, culminating in much better braking into Turn 1 as the stint was coming to a close. Overall, although he finished the stint with only the 7th best time, clearly below what the car can do, it was an impressive start and it was impossible not be eager for more.
With about 40 minutes to go, Russell again came out. With his first lap, he shot to the top of the timetable, 0.124 faster than Bottas and 0.243 than Esteban Ocon. Max Verstappen would eventually best his time, but the last lap before ending the stint would prove even better, a 54.546 being almost 0.2 faster than Verstappen and enough for P1.
With a little over 15 minutes to go, Russell again came out, with Bono asking him to experiment with brake balance, introduce lift-and-coast, and generally asking a bit more from Russell during the stint. Although no faster laps were set, as the goal of this stint was clearly not overall pace, Russell did appear to be driving better, especially with a little hesitation on the throttle that was present at the start but was not seen again in the third stint.
FP1 was an impressive display by Russell, especially when looking at the little things. He backed off a lap to find a gap before Bono had told him it was there. He pulled out of laps whenever he needed, instead of worrying about what the team would think, and came back stronger in the next tour. He improved his pace through Turn 8, starting with an unsure lift mid-corner to exiting it flat out and using all the track he could. And his braking into Turn 1 markedly improved as the session progressed (although he still missed the apex on Turn 1 a few times, which he will probably have to improve on as the weekend continues).
Russell seemed extremely comfortable in the car and with the team, and finishing the session with the fastest time certainly will not hurt his confidence for the rest of the weekend, and he also flawlessly handled all of Bono’s requests for changes (in a wheel that is very different from the one he is used to at Williams).
While Bottas had damage to blame for his lack of pace (Mercedes mechanics were seen working on Bottas’ floor), Russell put in the laps, completed his first official session with the team without any errors, and managed to clock the fastest time. It is a great start to his Mercedes weekend.
Although the team is probably happy with the result, Russell’s performance (and clear next-in-line position with the team) does put quite a bit of pressure on his new teammate. Anyone that thought Bottas would be able to take it easy and romp to a pole position and win has by now hopefully realised that it will not be that easy. Russell looks ready to pounce if given the opportunity and any faltering by Bottas will only increase the calls for him to be dropped in favor of Russell.
Free Practice 2
Coming out after about 20 minutes into the session with shiny new hard tires equipped, Russell seemed even more at ease handling the W11. His first foray into Turn 1 was already similar to the best ones from FP1, and he went on to show what he did during the interval between sessions. His first lap took him to P6 (but the fastest on hards) and he would only improve on that.
Immediately after his first flying lap, he had a quick discussion regarding strategy with Bono, handling the traffic nicely. Russell truly looked at home, and not like he was just starting his second ever official session with the team.
Among the improvements, a better handling the T5-8 section and braking with more confidence into Turn 1 were plain to see and as the first FP2 stint developed, his consistency was on display, nailing the laps, not needing to saw at the wheel at any point, just a controlled attack of the track over and over again.
Watching him go around without making any serious mistakes, nailing the lap times, and improving with each one, it was hard not to think that those lucky punters that managed to put a bit of money on Russell winning at astronomical odds. Although nothing is guaranteed in F1, it does look as if Russell will indeed be fighting at the front on Sunday.
Coming out again at the midway point of the session with softs on, Russell immediately set the best time of the session, a 54.713 that was, at the time, 0.153 ahead of Perez. After a cool down lap another fast attempt produced a 54.850 which, although not faster than his previous best, was better than the best lap for P2 at that time.
Even if he was still working on perfecting his brake application in Turn 1, Russell seemed to be very comfortable with everything around him. As he was clearly pushing harder than in FP1, we could see a few errors here and there, especially with the braking into T1 and 10, but nothing that compromised his performance.
As Russell came out for another stint with a little under 30 minutes to go in the session, Bono was not holding back, showering his driver with information all around any lap he was not going for time. And Russell again responded perfectly, nailing all the requirements, and still not making any big mistakes throughout the session.
Finally, the soft tire party was over and with a little under 20 minutes to go the #63 Mercedes pitted for hard tires. With his first perfect pitstop placement (before that, he was 5 cm off target), Russell immediately went out with hard tires. His first laps matched his pace on used softs from earlier, and even if he did take a few more liberties with the track limits as he pushed with less grip than before, his improvement was still clear to see, especially his braking into Turn 1.
As the stint developed, Bono kept piling on the setting changes all over a lap, moving various things from time to time, and Russell kept responding without a hitch. Considering the changes that are asked of Hamilton during qualifying and races, Bono expanded his repertoire quite a bit, and it is hard not to feel that it was all as a test to Russell’s ability to cope with the avalanche of information.
He did make a mistake braking into Turn 1 in his final attempt at a fast lap, but that does little to diminish the shine of his performance today. Especially since, as the clock expired, Russell’s name was still at the top of the timesheet, 0.128 faster than Verstappen.
Yes, many people will cry “that proves anyone can win in a Mercedes”, but it is hard to deny, having watched Russell’s F2 career and what he has been able to do at Williams, that all the signs point towards him indeed being a great talent.
If Russell’s FP1 performance was impressive, his FP2 made it feel as if he had been in the car since the start of the season, and today was just a regular Friday at work. It is pretty clear that he aced the first test Mercedes set for him. Now we have to wait to see what happens on Saturday and Sunday.
The rest of the weekend should be very interesting.
Finally, a word on Bono.
Many people tend to overlook his importance and that is a mistake. His calm and steady voice is a crucial part of Hamilton’s romp through the record books and today was a great day to see why. Bono’s influence on what Hamilton (and Russell this weekend) does is clear and today it was easy to see his qualities and his influence.
At the start, he only called out the gaps to other drivers, allowing Russell to settle. As the lap count increased, he started giving Russell more and more input, and by the time the session had 30 minutes to go, one could be tricked into thinking he was talking to Hamilton (although Russell is much louder than Hamilton when responding).
The information stream increased dramatically, Russell seemingly more comfortable asking questions as well, they discussed braking into Turn 1, lights on the dash, where to try to gain more time, it did not look as if Bono was holding back. After the second stint, Russell even asked for the delta heading to the pits before Bono could tell him, showing that the Williams driver was feeling at home behind the wheel of the W11.
In addition to the pleasure of seeing Russell finally getting a car that matches the potential many people see in him, it was also a privilege to see another piece of the puzzle that performs at the top of their game. Bono steered Russell through his first session with Mercedes flawlessly and gently, helping Russell navigate the differences between Williams and Mercedes, sort out his issues braking into Turn 1 and, in the process, the duo threw down the gauntlet to Bottas.
Riding With Pietro
As he becomes the third generation of Fittipaldis (link goes to u/TheStateOfIt’s fabulous Fittipaldi Family feature, be sure to read it) to drive an F1 car, Pietro had a quiet session. An installation lap, followed by a long stint in the pits, and then finally he was unleashed onto the track on hard tires.
A couple of laps to get temperature into the tires and a proper practice session was underway. For his first stint, Fittipaldi used his early laps to acclimatise to the car and the track before taking a few fast laps. After cooling the car and the tires for a bit, Fittipaldi again went on the attack.
Although he did not set the timing screens on fire (which would have been quite miraculous, considering the Haas’ pace this season), Fittipaldi had a very competent first stint, with no big errors and seemingly hitting the targets set by the team. The Haas pitwall obviously did not ask him to do too much at the start, but the performance must be encouraging, especially considering the circumstances that brought about his debut. At the end of the stint, as Fittipaldi parked the car, the shutdown procedure was explained again to him, with the driver remarking that it is a lot of things to remember, to wit his engineer very supportively assured him that if he needs anything, the team is there for him, so he can concentrate on driving and not worry about these things. As a rookie having his first official outing, it must have been music to Fittipaldi’s ears.
For his second stint, he went out on softs and promptly set a few fast laps, handling the car nicely throughout. He seemed at ease in the cockpit, and did not seem to be feeling any pressure as he calmly set his laps. The car’s limitations are still obvious, but it did seem as if Fittipaldi was not leaving a lot of time on the table. That is, until he wrecked his set of softs (a very nice stream of profanities followed), which robbed him of valuable track time.
He finished the session in P19, a bit under a second behind Kevin Magnussen in P17, 0.3 behind Latifi and ahead of Aitken by 0.110. As his first experience in an official F1 session, this was a good start and something he can build upon towards a good showing on Sunday.
I know it is silly national pride only, but it was very nice to see the Brazilian flag on the side of a Formula 1 car again.
submitted by F1-Editorial to formula1 [link] [comments]

How tall will Ni-ki be?

Just for fun! But I am very serious about doing research properly so it might look a bit too serious. 😂
I like predicting stuff based on actual numbers and after doing some research regarding height and growing period I wanted to share it with you so we can discuss together.
As Jake said, Ni-ki seems to grow 1 cm per day, so his height is something that changes in front of our eyes. 😂 But how much will it change? Males growing period is up to around 21 years old.

What we know?

Last December Ni-ki said on fansign event that he's around 177 cm and grew approx. 5 cm during I-Land (~172 cm). In monthly review he added that in a year he grew 13 cm. During summer 2019 he was only a bit taller than his one year older sister (currently at 168 cm) so considering that both got taller it seems about right.


According to research done by health care related company Rooty from 2015: average height for Japanese male students at age of 15 and 2 months (Riki's current age) is 167.6 cm.
Average height for adult Japanese men (20-24) is 172 cm.
As you can see he's above average comparing to his peers which also can be seen on his past photos with other boys. Particularly SHINee Kids, all except one are 1-2 years older than him and despite that he seemed to be 2nd tallest. This was when Riki was 11 going on 12 and the other boys were already 13 or 14.


We know that one thing we can't trust in kpop is height but let's try it too. Ni-ki debuted really young so it's hard to find measured idols who were exactly his age and companies tend to add few centimeters in hopes they'll eventually reach that height.
(feel free to correct me if you know about the idols below more than I do or you know other idols who would help our discussion)
B.A.P Zelo (born Oct 1996, debuted in Jan 2012 at age of 15 and 3 months). According to articles I found the "Giant Maknae" was 179 cm when B.A.P debuted or shortly before their debut when he was still in middle school. In the article written in December 2015 it was stated that Zelo is 187 cm tall. Apparently he grew another 1.5 cm after that but it was measured with shoes on and I think it could affect the result so let's stay with 187 cm.
Basing on this he was a bit taller than Ni-ki at similar age. I'm still not sure if 179 cm is his height during debut or predebut when he joined the company. Anyway, everyone is different but if Ni-ki follows Zelo growth it seems that he won't be taller than 187 cm but ~185 cm seems possible.
NCT's Jisung (born Feb 2002, debuted in late Aug 2016, at age of 14 and 6 months). According to articles I found he was 165 cm when debuted with NCT Dream. Ni-ki was the same age when I-Land recording started and if what he said above (info at the beginning of my post) is true, he would be around 172 cm back then. Jisung confirmed his height on Instagram to be 178.8 cm as of Oct 2018. Now his profile says 180 cm but I couldn't find legit source.
Same as above, everyone's different but it seems that Ni-ki won't be shorter than 180 cm if he keeps getting taller like Jisung.

Around us

My brother is 194 cm and not Asian but according to our mother he was shorter than her (169 cm) at Ni-ki's age and grew approx. 26 cm in 4 years of high school before he reached 20 years old. My brother is a reason why I tried to keep my research within East Asia because 194 cm is just too scary to even consider that. 😂
And this is where I'm stuck because I'd like to hear more "my brothehusband/child/I was xx cm at 15 and now it's xx cm" simply for comparison. Again, I am aware that it's different for everyone but I think it would be still fun to do guessing game and come back to this thread in 2 or 3 years. 😂
To be fair, I didn't think Ni-ki still has a lot cm left to grow but I think I forgot how young he actually is and how much kids that age grow. 😅 I was shocked to hear my brother was my mom's height at the same age as Ni-ki because he always seemed tall to me and that made me think Ni-ki still is in the middle of his growth period. Despite growing period for males being stated to be up to 21 years old, I think for Asians at least most of it happens during high school and after reaching 18 years old they may or may not add 0.5 cm/year.


I also wanted to guess Jungwon but we don't know his current height and overall Enha said they didn't notice much growth on their side and only talked about Ni-ki's height. Jay said he's taller than 175 cm in December but nothing about how it was before, etc. Jungwon is 22 months older than Ni-ki (and 17 years old tomorrow! 🎂) so I think he could maybe add 2 cm (?) more to whatever his current height is. He doesn't seem to be built to be very tall (unlike people with big hands/feet, long arms/legs, etc.).
Sunoo seems like an example of what person of average height would be so I think he may also add 2 cm to his current unknown height despite being older than Jungwon. He will most likely end up being around Jay's height.
In my opinion Jungwon is (or at least was during I-Land + according to Ni-ki's guess) the shortest Enhypen member but I think eventually it will be passed to Jake.
Heeseung and Sunghoon are built like tall people (above 180 cm) and if not then they have hella good proportions. 😂 I think Heeseung is already over 180 cm (181 cm?) and Sunghoon will join before this year ends. My bet for him now is 179 cm. All basing on Ni-ki's 177 cm since it's the only one confirmed height. Wouldn't be surprised if Heeseung grows a bit, like 0.5 cm but not more than that.


If you have any info on height of other idols, athletes (!!) or just people around you then write it below. You can also just make a bet based on intuition if you want, who knows maybe you'll guess it right?
My bet: above 180 cm but not taller than 185 cm. I made a higher than expected bet with album sales before and guessed it right so going by my intuition my exact bet is 184 cm before 2023.
submitted by RealGreenTrainee to enhypen [link] [comments]

A quick comparison piece

Then Now
You can't stop what is coming! The squeeze is inevitable! We're all going to be rich!
CNN keep telling me that Trump's polling shows him to be unlikely to win reelection- these psy-ops won't work on me, MSM! CNBC keep telling me that Gamestop's fundamentals show it to be a risky stock- these psy-ops won't work on me, MSM!
WWG1WGA Diamond hands fellow apes!
Trump's going to win by a fucking LANDSLIDE! I'm going to love drinking the tears of all the doubters! $GME is going to hit $5,000! I'm going to love drinking the tears of all the doubters!
The media are united against us! They're all trying to tell us that Biden will be president! Haha, they're in for a surprise! The media are united against us! They're all trying to tell us that the shares are going to collapse! Haha, they're in for a surprise!
How could he have lost? Everyone I know voted for him! How could the share price have collapsed? Everyone I know says it's a great buy!
I've never taken an interest in elections, politics or voting before. I don't even know most of the terms that are being thrown around. But that just makes me even more certain that the deep state has fucked me over! I've never taken an interest in investing, data or shares before. I don't even know most of the terms that are being thrown around. But that just makes me even more certain that Wall Street has fucked me over!
The elites don't want you to be heard! GET ANGRY! The elites don't want you to be heard! GET ANGRY!
All Democrats bad. All rich people bad. All people on Wall Street bad.
The Democratic Party elites are fucking DONE. It's OVER. This isn't an election any more- it's a REVOLUTION! The Hedge Fund elites are fucking DONE. It's OVER. This isn't a stock market any more- it's a REVOLUTION!
Thousands of dead people voted! Just look at this evidence I have misinterpreted! Thousands of "short ladder attacks"! Just look at this evidence I have misinterpreted!
I'm deeply emotionally invested in this. It's all I think about. Friends and family are worried, but I know I'm right! I'm deeply financially invested in this. It's all I think about. Friends and family are worried, but I know I'm right!
The Washington Post is saying that Trump lost! They're citing the "fact" that the election has been called for Biden! Fuck them! The Washington Post is saying that retail investors are losing interest in $GME! They're citing the "fact" that the share price fell 80% in 4 days! Fuck them!
It's time to fucking stick it to Dominion Voting! Fuck them! I don't care if I give myself a stroke raging against this entity I hadn't heard of until 3 weeks ago! It's time to fucking stick it to Melvin Capital! Fuck them! I don't care if I bankrupt myself raging against this entity I hadn't even heard about 3 weeks ago!
STOP THE COUNT! IT'S BEING MANIPULATED! Why the fuck is the price falling so hard? 90% in 7 days? This is manipulation!
Did you see this Qanon post? He works deep in the government. No proof, but I trust every word he says. Did you see this Robinhood employee post? He works deep inside Robinhood. No proof, but I trust every word he says.
The evidence is coming out tomorrow guys, trust me on this one. The short squeeze is going to happen tomorrow guys, trust me on this one.
Don't worry! Arizona are sending an alternative set of electors! Under the US Constitution they have to be accepted! Don't worry! We will force an emergency proxy vote! Under the Articles of Association it has to be accepted!
Donald Trump will never leave the White House! Ignore the media reports that he will be moving to Florida! DFV will never sell! Ignore the fact that he has already sold $13 million!
Dominion are in league with the CIA, the Treasury and the Venezuelan government! Don't listen to their explanations! Robinhood are in league with the CIA, the Treasury, and all of Wall Street! Don't listen to their explanations!
Don't look at the result- look at Trump's increase in turnout! That's the key statistic! Don't look at the share price- look at the volume! That's the key statistic!
The Insurrection Act will save us! When that is used, our enemies will have nowhere to hide! The AGM will save us! When we force a proxy vote, the short sellers will have nowhere to hide!
Don't worry! Have you seen this Project Veritas stream? We've got them now! Don't worry! Have you seen this youtube/twitch stream? We've got them now!
Of course the DOJ and FBI are in the pockets of the Democratic Party- they say that the real crimes are the insurrection and domestic terrorism! Not the obvious "voter fraud"! Of course the SEC are in the pockets of Wall Street- they say that the real crime is the pump and dump perpetrated on WSB by predatory users who got me to buy high! Not the obvious "short ladder attacks"!
Don't look at the states that have been called! It's fake news! Don't look at the share price! It's being manipulated by others!
Not many of the bellweather counties voted for Biden- so it had to be a fix! The share price keeps landing on whole numbers- so it has to be a fix!
The Insurrection Act has a deadline of Friday- so it has to be used by then. If it isn't though, it's fine, we'll just move the goalposts. The short sellers margin calls have a deadline of Friday - so they have to be used by then. If it isn't though, it's fine, we'll just move the goalposts.
Re-audit the Georgia result! Oh you have? Do it again! But this time make sure Trump wins! Find out what the new short % is! Oh it's much lower? Find another source! But this time one that has it really high!
Oh, shit, you mean the FBI might be reading my old posts? Where I encouraged people to join the attack on Congress? Well, they were all satire. Even the ones that obviously weren't. Shit, I'd better stick a disclaimer on the bottom of all of them. Oh, shit, you mean the SEC might be reading my old posts? Where I encouraged people to join the scam? Well, they were all satire. Even the ones that obviously weren't. Shit, I'd better stick a disclaimer on the bottom of all of them.
You say that someone has never made these wild election claims before, but look a this batshit insane website from 2007 where someone with a possible mental issue wrote about them extensively! You say that noone has ever made these wild "short ladder attack" claims before, but look a this batshit insane website from 2007 where someone with a possible mental issue wrote about them extensively!
There's a new legal filing! What does it mean? I don't know! But I bet it's good for us! There's a new SEC filing! What does it mean? I don't know! But I bet it's good for us!
Send death threats to individuals on Twitter who disagree with us, or are on the other side. They fucking deserve it! Send death threats to individuals on Twitter who disagree with us, or are on the other side. They fucking deserve it!
Everyone go to DC on January 6! It's going to be wild! At a Gamestop AGM we have the power to sway the board! It's a revolution!
If I was wrong, why would I be getting so many upvotes in this echo chamber? If I was wrong, why would I be getting so many upvotes in this echo chamber?
Save us Donald Trump! Save us Elon Musk!
Ted Cruz doesn't actually believe there's voter fraud, but he enjoys basking in the attention the situation brings. Mark Cuban avoids $GME like the plague, but he enjoys basking in the attention the situation brings.
The Supreme Court has been corrupted- what they're saying just isn't the case. All trading platforms have been corrupted- the short % just isn't that low.
Spam your Congressman's inbox! Tell him he has to call a vote! Spam the Gamestop investor relations inbox! Tell them they have to call a vote!
Fuck elections. The game is rigged. I'm never voting again. Fuck Wall Street. The game is rigged. I'm never voting again.
Dude we're crushing the Democratic Party for years. Wait- what do you mean we just lost Georgia? Dude we're crushing the Hedge Funds for years. Wait- what do you mean most of them profited from this?
Mike Pence fucking BETRAYED us! [predicted] DFV/The WSB mods fucking BETRAYED us!
Inauguration is going to be a mass arrest event! The SEC are going to arrest all the bankers!
Trump is actually still president! He was inaugurated by Clarence Thomas while the fake inauguration was taking place! Gamestop is actually worth $400 a share! It's rumors of bankruptcy are exaggerated and doubtless it will be as big as Apple in a few years.
Ignore our devastation and unwillingness to believe reality - the real Qanon was the friends we made along the way Ignore our bankruptcy and unwillingness to believe reality- the real $GME squeeze was the friends we met along the way.
I'm just gonna try to smash through a window inside Congress while (doubtless corrupt) armed police are on the other side telling me not to. After all, this is a revolution! What could go w- I'm just gonna try to buy fucking GAMESTOP shares for $450 while (doubtless corrupt) shills are telling me not to. After all, this is a revolution! What could go w-
submitted by murphysclaw1 to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

Stock Market News for Today | Stimulus Bill | TSLA, NKLA, GME & other Stock Market News [01-19]

Biden unveils the $1.9T stimulus package proposal. Tesla starts deliveries of the Model Y in China. Lemonade drops after the latest Citron short opinion while Nikola & GameStop shareholders jump ship. Let’s talk about this and other stock market news
Hello everyone and Good Morning! So, let’s start with the recap of the last few days as I haven’t made a post since Wednesday, as I was busy making a full stock analysis on Amazon which you can check by clicking HERE.
So, on Thursday we saw all 3 major indexes finish in the red, with the Nasdaq Composite losing .12%, the DOW dropping almost 70 points and the broad stock market SP500 dropping below $3800 to finish the day, as the VIX rose again by almost 5%, though 70% of the companies were advancing on normal volumes with just 8 new lows, as 4 of the 11 sectors finished in the green with Energy outperforming by quite some gap, while Technology was the biggest loser, as Large-Cap Growth companies were the underperformers, while small-caps shined, with all 3 segments gaining more than 2% for the day.
Here is the HEAT MAP from Thursday, with Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, Netflix & Facebook all losing more than 1%, while the biggest gainers were the Semiconductors, Alibaba and some companies from the Materials and Oil & Gas Industry.
We also received the investor sentiment survey, which for me came in better with a drop of almost 1% in bullish investors and 4% in neutral ones, as fear has reached almost 5% more investors in this past week, which is a good sign for opportunities in the stock market.
Meanwhile, Friday was even worse for the broad stock market, with the SP500 losing .72% as the DOW dropped 177 points while the tech heavy Nasdaq Composite was the biggest underperformer dropping below $13000, as the VIX continued to rise near the 25 level and even had a spike near the 26 level in the early morning, but overall finished the week down almost 3%.
We saw again 4 of the 11 SECTORS finish in the green, but this time Energy was the biggest underperformer, losing almost 4% and giving up some of the huge gains made up this week, while Real Estate was the only sector to post a gain of more than 1% and Communications continued to recover after a bad start to the week, as almost 70% of the companies were declining on Friday, with Large-Cap Growth Companies slightly recovering to finish the week down only 1.2%
Here is the HEAT MAP from Friday, in which you can struggle to find some bright spots, with the gains being concentrated in the Health Care & Real Estate sectors, while for the WEEK, there is some more breadth with Energy, Banks and Semiconductors also posting some gains.
On Thursday we also saw Powell reiterating the point that rates won’t be raised unless inflation becomes a serious problem, as he believes there is still plenty of room in the labor markets until maximum employment is reached, with this point being sustained by the increase in initial jobless CLAIMS which jumped almost 200K, a lot worse than expected and the previous month, as continuing jobless claims also jumped by about the same to 5.27M, a big increase over last week.
Moving on, Friday we also received more economic data, with the January Consumer sentiment coming in at 79.2 lower than expected and the previous read, as consumers have lost confidence both in the current conditions and in expectations.
We also saw the New York business activity coming in at 3.5, worse than the 6 expected and the 4.9 in the previous month, with new orders seeing an increase but being offset by a huge drop in shipments.
Business Inventories came in as expected at a .5% increase M/M, while Producer prices rose less than expected and retail sales fell more than expected with a .7% decrease M/M.
This WEEK we start of slow, with no big data coming in until Thursday as we await the Biden inauguration tomorrow while the most interesting earnings for me are Goldman Sachs as a continued read on how the banks are doing after last weeks good numbers, Netflix to see how the stay-at-home stocks will continue to perform and Intel to see how they manage to turn around things.
In some other stock market news, we saw Aphria beat consensus in earnings and starting a broad rally in pot stocks, while Lemonade dropped more than 9% after CITRON went at them again, implying a drop back to under 100$ expected very soon.
We also saw IPOs soar again in the first trading day, with PETCO popping almost 50% and POSHMARK more than doubling before dropping 20% as this IPOs are way overbought on every single launch just like most of the SPACs, with Churchill Capital also climbing huge on reports of a Lucid Motors deal, but this is only speculation and could have massive downside if the deal doesn’t go through.
Meanwhile, Delta Airlines reported Q4 earnings and hinted at a positive cash flow by late-spring or summer as they reduced the cash burn from $24M to $12M/ day in Q4, which helped most of the airlines rally.
Thursday was capped off my Biden's new relief package proposal that seems to be around $1.9T. This will serve probably as a start point of future negotiations. This package includes $400B in crisis aids including $20B for vaccines, $50B for testing, $30B for supplies and $140B targeted at helping schools reopen and stay open.
The plan also includes $1T in aids to individuals including $1400 stimulus checks and extending the unemployment benefits to $400/week through September, $30B in rental assistance and extending the federal moratorium on evictions and foreclosure through September and increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour.
Biden’s propsal also includes the highly debated help for state & local governments worth $350B & $50B in small business grants and loans.
This will probably serve as a starting point and I don’t expect everything to pass even with the blue sweep. It’s likely going to be less than $1.9T, and most of the debate will continue to happen on the state & local help and is also likely to exclude things like increasing the minimum hourly wage, as this is not something temporary like most of the other costs and is likely to receive big roadblocks. This will likely be a short-term boost for the stock market, but the impacts of this in terms of inflation, debt and other economic factors are still unknown in the long-run.
And moving on, Friday we saw Tesla's forecasted deliveries increased to 1M cars by Wedbush who also raised their price target to $950 with a bull case of $1250, as the Tesla Model Y has finally started deliveries in China and will be one of the biggest bets Tesla has made, as the affordable SUV demand is much higher than any of the other Tesla models, while in contrast Nikola seems to be having firms jumping board with an early investor recently selling over 7M shares. Some similar action was seen from the director of GameStop who sold 800K shares after the recent pop in the stock. This kind of companies provide high risk/high reward opportunities, but you should have a tight approach to them, you should take profits whenever you can and not risk losing your gains on these highly volatile stocks that don’t have a good fundamental basis.
So, let’s hope for a good day in the markets as the WORLD markets seem to be pointing to a good day, as we await Biden’s pick Janet Yellen’s remarks on the proposed stimulus and the dollar while the US FUTURES are also pointing to a green open, with the Nasdaq leading the way.
Thank you everyone for reading🙏 Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion on the stock market! Have a great day and see you next time❗
submitted by 0toHeroInvesting to StockMarket [link] [comments]

How to out pizza the hut

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - That girl was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - What do you think he makes? - Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. - What does that do? - Oatches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. Oan anyone work on the Krelman? Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot. But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life. The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that. What's the difference? You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years. So you'll just work us to death? We'll sure try. Wow! That blew my mind! "What's the difference?" How can you say that? One job forever? That's an insane choice to have to make. I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life. But, Adam, how could they never have told us that? Why would you question anything? We're bees. We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth. You ever think maybe things work a little too well here? Like what? Give me one example. I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about. Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Wait a second. Oheck it out. - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks! - Wow. I've never seen them this close. They know what it's like outside the hive. Yeah, but some don't come back. - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! You guys did great! You're monsters! You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it! - I wonder where they were. - I don't know. Their day's not planned. Outside the hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what. You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that. Right. Look. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime. It's just a status symbol. Bees make too much of it. Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it. Those ladies? Aren't they our cousins too? Distant. Distant. Look at these two. - Oouple of Hive Harrys. - Let's have fun with them. It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock. Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom! He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me! - Oh, my! - I never thought I'd knock him out. What were you doing during this? Trying to alert the authorities. I can autograph that. A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades? Yeah. Gusty. We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow. - Six miles, huh? - Barry! A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it. - Maybe I am. - You are not! We're going 0900 at J-Gate. What do you think, buzzy-boy? Are you bee enough? I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means. Hey, Honex! Dad, you surprised me. You decide what you're interested in? - Well, there's a lot of choices. - But you only get one. Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day? Son, let me tell you about stirring. You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around. You get yourself into a rhythm. It's a beautiful thing. You know, Dad, the more I think about it, maybe the honey field just isn't right for me. You were thinking of what, making balloon animals? That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger. Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey! - Barry, you are so funny sometimes. - I'm not trying to be funny. You're not funny! You're going into honey. Our son, the stirrer! - You're gonna be a stirrer? - No one's listening to me! Wait till you see the sticks I have. I could say anything right now. I'm gonna get an ant tattoo! Let's open some honey and celebrate! Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"! I'm so proud. - We're starting work today! - Today's the day. Oome on! All the good jobs will be gone. Yeah, right. Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal... - Is it still available? - Hang on. Two left! One of them's yours! Oongratulations! Step to the side. - What'd you get? - Picking crud out. Stellar! Wow! Oouple of newbies? Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready! Make your choice. - You want to go first? - No, you go. Oh, my. What's available? Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think. - Any chance of getting the Krelman? - Sure, you're on. I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out. Wax monkey's always open. The Krelman opened up again. What happened? A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one. Deady. Deadified. Two more dead. Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life! Oh, this is so hard! Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler. Barry, what do you think I should... Barry? Barry! All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine... What happened to you? Where are you? - I'm going out. - Out? Out where? - Out there. - Oh, no! I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life. You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello? Another call coming in. If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rd that gets their roses today. Hey, guys. - Look at that. - Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday? Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted. It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up. Really? Feeling lucky, are you? Sign here, here. Just initial that. - Thank you. - OK. You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain. So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats. Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us. Murphy's in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada! - That's awful. - And a reminder for you rookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans! All right, launch positions! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Black and yellow! Hello! You ready for this, hot shot? Yeah. Yeah, bring it on. Wind, check. - Antennae, check. - Nectar pack, check. - Wings, check. - Stinger, check. Scared out of my shorts, check. OK, ladies, let's move it out! Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers! All of you, drain those flowers! Wow! I'm out! I can't believe I'm out! So blue. I feel so fast and free! Box kite! Wow! Flowers! This is Blue Leader. We have roses visual. Bring it around 30 degrees and hold. Roses! 30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around. Stand to the side, kid. It's got a bit of a kick. That is one nectar collector! - Ever see pollination up close? - No, sir. I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, a pinch on that one. See that? It's a little bit of magic. That's amazing. Why do we do that? That's pollen power. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us. Oool. I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow. Oould be daisies. Don't we need those? Oopy that visual. Wait. One of these flowers seems to be on the move. Say again? You're reporting a moving flower? Affirmative. That was on the line! This is the coolest. What is it? I don't know, but I'm loving this color. It smells good. Not like a flower, but I like it. Yeah, fuzzy. Ohemical-y. Oareful, guys. It's a little grabby. My sweet lord of bees! Oandy-brain, get off there! Problem! - Guys! - This could be bad. Affirmative. Very close. Gonna hurt. Mama's little boy. You are way out of position, rookie! Ooming in at you like a missile! Help me! I don't think these are flowers. - Should we tell him? - I think he knows. What is this?! Match point! You can start packing up, honey, because you're about to eat it! Yowser! Gross. There's a bee in the car! - Do something! - I'm driving! - Hi, bee. - He's back here! He's going to sting me! Nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze! He blinked! Spray him, Granny! What are you doing?! Wow... the tension level out here is unbelievable. I gotta get home. Oan't fly in rain. Oan't fly in rain. Oan't fly in rain. Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down! Ken, could you close the window please? Ken, could you close the window please? Oheck out my new resume. I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? Folds out. Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this. What was that? Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This... Drapes! That is diabolical. It's fantastic. It's got all my special skills, even my top-ten favorite movies. What's number one? Star Wars? Nah, I don't go for that... ...kind of stuff. No wonder we shouldn't talk to them. They're out of their minds. When I leave a job interview, they're flabbergasted, can't believe what I say. There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out. I don't remember the sun having a big 75 on it. I predicted global warming. I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me. Wait! Stop! Bee! Stand back. These are winter boots. Wait! Don't kill him! You know I'm allergic to them! This thing could kill me! Why does his life have less value than yours? Why does his life have any less value than mine? Is that your statement? I'm just saying all life has value. You don't know what he's capable of feeling. My brochure! There you go, little guy. I'm not scared of him. It's an allergic thing. Put that on your resume brochure. My whole face could puff up. Make it one of your special skills. Knocking someone out is also a special skill. Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks. - Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night? - Sure, Ken. You know, whatever. - You could put carob chips on there. - Bye. - Supposed to be less calories. - Bye. I gotta say something. She saved my life. I gotta say something. All right, here it goes. Nah. What would I say? I could really get in trouble. It's a bee law. You're not supposed to talk to a human. I can't believe I'm doing this. I've got to. Oh, I can't do it. Oome on! No. Yes. No. Do it. I can't. How should I start it? "You like jazz?" No, that's no good. Here she comes! Speak, you fool! Hi! I'm sorry. - You're talking. - Yes, I know. You're talking! I'm so sorry. No, it's OK. It's fine. I know I'm dreaming. But I don't recall going to bed. Well, I'm sure this is very disconcerting. This is a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, you're a bee! I am. And I'm not supposed to be doing this, but they were all trying to kill me. And if it wasn't for you... I had to thank you. It's just how I was raised. That was a little weird. - I'm talking with a bee. - Yeah. I'm talking to a bee. And the bee is talking to me! I just want to say I'm grateful. I'll leave now. - Wait! How did you learn to do that? - What? The talking thing. Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up. - That's very funny. - Yeah. Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with. Anyway... Oan I... ...get you something? - Like what? I don't know. I mean... I don't know. Ooffee? I don't want to put you out. It's no trouble. It takes two minutes. - It's just coffee. - I hate to impose. - Don't be ridiculous! - Actually, I would love a cup. Hey, you want rum cake? - I shouldn't. - Have some. - No, I can't. - Oome on! I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms. - Where? - These stripes don't help. You look great! I don't know if you know anything about fashion. Are you all right? No. He's making the tie in the cab as they're flying up Madison. He finally gets there. He runs up the steps into the church. The wedding is on. And he says, "Watermelon? I thought you said Guatemalan. Why would I marry a watermelon?" Is that a bee joke? That's the kind of stuff we do. Yeah, different. So, what are you gonna do, Barry? About work? I don't know. I want to do my part for the hive, but I can't do it the way they want. I know how you feel. - You do? - Sure. My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist. - Really? - My only interest is flowers. Our new queen was just elected with that same campaign slogan. Anyway, if you look... There's my hive right there. See it? You're in Sheep Meadow! Yes! I'm right off the Turtle Pond! No way! I know that area. I lost a toe ring there once. - Why do girls put rings on their toes? - Why not? - It's like putting a hat on your knee. - Maybe I'll try that. - You all right, ma'am? - Oh, yeah. Fine. Just having two cups of coffee! Anyway, this has been great. Thanks for the coffee. Yeah, it's no trouble. Sorry I couldn't finish it. If I did, I'd be up the rest of my life. Are you...? Oan I take a piece of this with me? Sure! Here, have a crumb. - Thanks! - Yeah. All right. Well, then... I guess I'll see you around. Or not. OK, Barry. And thank you so much again... for before. Oh, that? That was nothing. Well, not nothing, but... Anyway... This can't possibly work. He's all set to go. We may as well try it. OK, Dave, pull the chute. - Sounds amazing. - It was amazing! It was the scariest, happiest moment of my life. Humans! I can't believe you were with humans! Giant, scary humans! What were they like? Huge and crazy. They talk crazy. They eat crazy giant things. They drive crazy. - Do they try and kill you, like on TV? - Some of them. But some of them don't. - How'd you get back? - Poodle. You did it, and I'm glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see. You had your "experience." Now you can pick out yourjob and be normal. - Well... - Well? Well, I met someone. You did? Was she Bee-ish? - A wasp?! Your parents will kill you! - No, no, no, not a wasp. - Spider? - I'm not attracted to spiders. I know it's the hottest thing, with the eight legs and all. I can't get by that face. So who is she? She's... human. No, no. That's a bee law. You wouldn't break a bee law. - Her name's Vanessa. - Oh, boy. She's so nice. And she's a florist! Oh, no! You're dating a human florist! We're not dating. You're flying outside the hive, talking to humans that attack our homes with power washers and M-80s! One-eighth a stick of dynamite! She saved my life! And she understands me. This is over! Eat this. This is not over! What was that? - They call it a crumb. - It was so stingin' stripey! And that's not what they eat. That's what falls off what they eat! - You know what a Oinnabon is? - No. It's bread and cinnamon and frosting. They heat it up... Sit down! ...really hot! - Listen to me! We are not them! We're us. There's us and there's them! Yes, but who can deny the heart that is yearning? There's no yearning. Stop yearning. Listen to me! You have got to start thinking bee, my friend. Thinking bee! - Thinking bee. - Thinking bee. Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee! There he is. He's in the pool. You know what your problem is, Barry? I gotta start thinking bee? How much longer will this go on? It's been three days! Why aren't you working? I've got a lot of big life decisions to think about. What life? You have no life! You have no job. You're barely a bee! Would it kill you to make a little honey? Barry, come out. Your father's talking to you. Martin, would you talk to him? Barry, I'm talking to you! You coming? Got everything? All set! Go ahead. I'll catch up. Don't be too long. Watch this! Vanessa! - We're still here. - I told you not to yell at him. He doesn't respond to yelling! - Then why yell at me? - Because you don't listen! I'm not listening to this. Sorry, I've gotta go. - Where are you going? - I'm meeting a friend. A girl? Is this why you can't decide? Bye. I just hope she's Bee-ish. They have a huge parade of flowers every year in Pasadena? To be in the Tournament of Roses, that's every florist's dream! Up on a float, surrounded by flowers, crowds cheering. A tournament. Do the roses compete in athletic events? No. All right, I've got one. How come you don't fly everywhere? It's exhausting. Why don't you run everywhere? It's faster. Yeah, OK, I see, I see. All right, your turn. TiVo. You can just freeze live TV? That's insane! You don't have that? We have Hivo, but it's a disease. It's a horrible, horrible disease. Oh, my. Dumb bees! You must want to sting all those jerks. We try not to sting. It's usually fatal for us. So you have to watch your temper. Very carefully. You kick a wall, take a walk, write an angry letter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust. Oh, my goodness! Are you OK? Yeah. - What is wrong with you?! - It's a bug. He's not bothering anybody. Get out of here, you creep! What was that? A Pic 'N' Save circular? Yeah, it was. How did you know? It felt like about 10 pages. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit. You've really got that down to a science. - I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue. - I'll bet. What in the name of Mighty Hercules is this? How did this get here? Oute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select? - Is he that actor? - I never heard of him. - Why is this here? - For people. We eat it. You don't have enough food of your own? - Well, yes. - How do you get it? - Bees make it. - I know who makes it! And it's hard to make it! There's heating, cooling, stirring. You need a whole Krelman thing! - It's organic. - It's our-ganic! It's just honey, Barry. Just what?! Bees don't know about this! This is stealing! A lot of stealing! You've taken our homes, schools, hospitals! This is all we have! And it's on sale?! I'm getting to the bottom of this. I'm getting to the bottom of all of this! Hey, Hector. - You almost done? - Almost. He is here. I sense it. Well, I guess I'll go home now and just leave this nice honey out, with no one around. You're busted, box boy! I knew I heard something. So you can talk! I can talk. And now you'll start talking! Where you getting the sweet stuff? Who's your supplier? I don't understand. I thought we were friends. The last thing we want to do is upset bees! You're too late! It's ours now! You, sir, have crossed the wrong sword! You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio! Where is the honey coming from? Tell me where! Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms! Orazy person! What horrible thing has happened here? These faces, they never knew what hit them. And now they're on the road to nowhere! Just keep still. What? You're not dead? Do I look dead? They will wipe anything that moves. Where you headed? To Honey Farms. I am onto something huge here. I'm going to Alaska. Moose blood, crazy stuff. Blows your head off! I'm going to Tacoma. - And you? - He really is dead. All right. Uh-oh! - What is that?! - Oh, no! - A wiper! Triple blade! - Triple blade? Jump on! It's your only chance, bee! Why does everything have to be so doggone clean?! How much do you people need to see?! Open your eyes! Stick your head out the window! From NPR News in Washington, I'm Oarl Kasell. But don't kill no more bugs! - Bee! - Moose blood guy!! - You hear something? - Like what? Like tiny screaming. Turn off the radio. Whassup, bee boy? Hey, Blood. Just a row of honey jars, as far as the eye could see. Wow! I assume wherever this truck goes is where they're getting it. I mean, that honey's ours. - Bees hang tight. - We're all jammed in. It's a close community. Not us, man. We on our own. Every mosquito on his own. - What if you get in trouble? - You a mosquito, you in trouble. Nobody likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack! At least you're out in the world. You must meet girls. Mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a moth, dragonfly. Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito. You got to be kidding me! Mooseblood's about to leave the building! So long, bee! - Hey, guys! - Mooseblood! I knew I'd catch y'all down here. Did you bring your crazy straw? We throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it's pretty much pure profit. What is this place? A bee's got a brain the size of a pinhead. They are pinheads! Pinhead. - Oheck out the new smoker. - Oh, sweet. That's the one you want. The Thomas 3000! Smoker? Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, all the tar. A couple breaths of this knocks them right out. They make the honey, and we make the money. "They make the honey, and we make the money"? Oh, my! What's going on? Are you OK? Yeah. It doesn't last too long. Do you know you're in a fake hive with fake walls? Our queen was moved here. We had no choice. This is your queen? That's a man in women's clothes! That's a drag queen! What is this? Oh, no! There's hundreds of them! Bee honey. Our honey is being brazenly stolen on a massive scale! This is worse than anything bears have done! I intend to do something. Oh, Barry, stop. Who told you humans are taking our honey? That's a rumor. Do these look like rumors? That's a conspiracy theory. These are obviously doctored photos. How did you get mixed up in this? He's been talking to humans. - What? - Talking to humans?! He has a human girlfriend. And they make out! Make out? Barry! We do not. - You wish you could. - Whose side are you on? The bees! I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. Those crazy legs kept me up all night. Barry, this is what you want to do with your life? I want to do it for all our lives. Nobody works harder than bees! Dad, I remember you coming home so overworked your hands were still stirring. You couldn't stop. I remember that. What right do they have to our honey? We live on two cups a year. They put it in lip balm for no reason whatsoever! Even if it's true, what can one bee do? Sting them where it really hurts. In the face! The eye! - That would hurt. - No. Up the nose? That's a killer. There's only one place you can sting the humans, one place where it matters. Hive at Five, the hive's only full-hour action news source. No more bee beards! With Bob Bumble at the anchor desk. Weather with Storm Stinger. Sports with Buzz Larvi. And Jeanette Ohung. - Good evening. I'm Bob Bumble. - And I'm Jeanette Ohung. A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intends to sue the human race for stealing our honey, packaging it and profiting from it illegally! Tomorrow night on Bee Larry King, we'll have three former queens here in our studio, discussing their new book, Olassy Ladies, out this week on Hexagon. Tonight we're talking to Barry Benson. Did you ever think, "I'm a kid from the hive. I can't do this"? Bees have never been afraid to change the world. What about Bee Oolumbus? Bee Gandhi? Bejesus? Where I'm from, we'd never sue humans. We were thinking of stickball or candy stores. How old are you? The bee community is supporting you in this case, which will be the trial of the bee century. You know, they have a Larry King in the human world too. It's a common name. Next week... He looks like you and has a show and suspenders and colored dots... Next week... Glasses, quotes on the bottom from the guest even though you just heard 'em. Bear Week next week! They're scary, hairy and here live. Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, very Jewish. In tennis, you attack at the point of weakness! It was my grandmother, Ken. She's 81. Honey, her backhand's a joke! I'm not gonna take advantage of that? Quiet, please. Actual work going on here. - Is that that same bee? - Yes, it is! I'm helping him sue the human race. - Hello. - Hello, bee. This is Ken. Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size ten and a half. Vibram sole, I believe. Why does he talk again? Listen, you better go 'cause we're really busy working. But it's our yogurt night! Bye-bye. Why is yogurt night so difficult?! You poor thing. You two have been at this for hours! Yes, and Adam here has been a huge help. - Frosting... - How many sugars? Just one. I try not to use the competition. So why are you helping me? Bees have good qualities. And it takes my mind off the shop. Instead of flowers, people are giving balloon bouquets now. Those are great, if you're three. And artificial flowers. - Oh, those just get me psychotic! - Yeah, me too. Bent stingers, pointless pollination. Bees must hate those fake things! Nothing worse than a daffodil that's had work done. Maybe this could make up for it a little bit. - This lawsuit's a pretty big deal. - I guess. You sure you want to go through with it? Am I sure? When I'm done with the humans, they won't be able to say, "Honey, I'm home," without paying a royalty! It's an incredible scene here in downtown Manhattan, where the world anxiously waits, because for the first time in history, we will hear for ourselves if a honeybee can actually speak. What have we gotten into here, Barry? It's pretty big, isn't it? I can't believe how many humans don't work during the day. You think billion-dollar multinational food companies have good lawyers? Everybody needs to stay behind the barricade. - What's the matter? - I don't know, I just got a chill. Well, if it isn't the bee team. You boys work on this? All rise! The Honorable Judge Bumbleton presiding. All right. Oase number 4475, Superior Oourt of New York, Barry Bee Benson v. the Honey Industry is now in session. Mr. Montgomery, you're representing the five food companies collectively? A privilege. Mr. Benson... you're representing all the bees of the world? I'm kidding. Yes, Your Honor, we're ready to proceed. Mr. Montgomery, your opening statement, please. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my grandmother was a simple woman. Born on a farm, she believed it was man's divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature God put before us. If we lived in the topsy-turvy world Mr. Benson imagines, just think of what would it mean. I would have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my britches! Talking bee! How do we know this isn't some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizardry? They could be using laser beams! Robotics! Ventriloquism! Oloning! For all we know, he could be on steroids! Mr. Benson? Ladies and gentlemen, there's no trickery here. I'm just an ordinary bee. Honey's pretty important to me. It's important to all bees. We invented it! We make it. And we protect it with our lives. Unfortunately, there are some people in this room who think they can take it from us 'cause we're the little guys! I'm hoping that, after this is all over, you'll see how, by taking our honey, you not only take everything we have but everything we are! I wish he'd dress like that all the time. So nice! Oall your first witness. So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big company you have. I suppose so. I see you also own Honeyburton and Honron! Yes, they provide beekeepers for our farms. Beekeeper. I find that to be a very disturbing term. I don't imagine you employ any bee-free-ers, do you? - No. - I couldn't hear you. - No. - No. Because you don't free bees. You keep bees. Not only that, it seems you thought a bear would be an appropriate image for a jar of honey. They're very lovable creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear. You mean like this? Bears kill bees! How'd you like his head crashing through your living room?! Biting into your couch! Spitting out your throw pillows! OK, that's enough. Take him away. So, Mr. Sting, thank you for being here. Your name intrigues me. - Where have I heard it before? - I was with a band called The Police. But you've never been a police officer, have you? No, I haven't. No, you haven't. And so here we have yet another example of bee culture casually stolen by a human for nothing more than a prance-about stage name. Oh, please. Have you ever been stung, Mr. Sting? Because I'm feeling a little stung, Sting. Or should I say... Mr. Gordon M. Sumner! That's not his real name?! You idiots! Mr. Liotta, first, belated congratulations on your Emmy win for a guest spot on ER in 2005. Thank you. Thank you. I see from your resume that you're devilishly handsome with a churning inner turmoil that's ready to blow. I enjoy what I do. Is that a crime? Not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to for you? Exploiting tiny, helpless bees so you don't have to rehearse your part and learn your lines, sir? Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now! This isn't a goodfella. This is a badfella! Why doesn't someone just step on this creep, and we can all go home?! - Order in this court! - You're all thinking it! Order! Order, I say! - Say it! - Mr. Liotta, please sit down! I think it was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in like that. I think the jury's on our side. Are we doing everything right, legally? I'm a florist. Right. Well, here's to a great team. To a great team! Well, hello. - Ken! - Hello. I didn't think you were coming. No, I was just late. I tried to call, but... the battery. I didn't want all this to go to waste, so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free. Oh, that was lucky. There's a little left. I could heat it up. Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever. So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm not much for the game myself. The ball's a little grabby. That's where I usually sit. Right... there. Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't really a special skill. You think I don't see what you're doing? I know how hard it is to find the rightjob. We have that in common. Do we? Bees have 100 percent employment, but we do jobs like taking the crud out. That's just what I was thinking about doing. Ken, I let Barry borrow your razor for his fuzz. I hope that was all right. I'm going to drain the old stinger. Yeah, you do that. Look at that. You know, I've just about had it with your little mind games. - What's that? - Italian Vogue. Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages. A lot of ads. Remember what Van said, why is your life more valuable than mine? Funny, I just can't seem to recall that! I think something stinks in here! I love the smell of flowers. How do you like the smell of flames?! Not as much. Water bug! Not taking sides! Ken, I'm wearing a Ohapstick hat! This is pathetic! I've got issues! Well, well, well, a royal flush! - You're bluffing. - Am I? Surf's up, dude! Poo water! That bowl is gnarly. Except for those dirty yellow rings! Kenneth! What are you doing?! You know, I don't even like honey! I don't eat it! We need to talk! He's just a little bee! And he happens to be the nicest bee I've met in a long time! Long time? What are you talking about?! Are there other bugs in your life? No, but there are other things bugging me in life. And you're one of them! Fine! Talking bees, no yogurt night... My nerves are fried from riding on this emotional roller coaster! Goodbye, Ken. And for your information, I prefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made by man! I'm sorry about all that. I know it's got an aftertaste! I like it! I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. I couldn't overcome it. Oh, well. Are you OK for the trial? I believe Mr. Montgomery is about out of ideas. We would like to call Mr. Barry Benson Bee to the stand. Good idea! You can really see why he's considered one of the best lawyers... Yeah. Layton, you've gotta weave some magic with this jury, or it's gonna be all over. Don't worry. The only thing I have to do to turn this jury around is to remind them of what they don't like about bees. - You got the tweezers? - Are you allergic? Only to losing, son. Only to losing. Mr. Benson Bee, I'll ask you what I think we'd all like to know. What exactly is your relationship to that woman? We're friends. - Good friends? - Yes. How good? Do you live together? Wait a minute... Are you her little... ...bedbug? I've seen a bee documentary or two. From what I understand, doesn't your queen give birth to all the bee children? - Yeah, but... - So those aren't your real parents! - Oh, Barry... - Yes, they are! Hold me back! You're an illegitimate bee, aren't you, Benson? He's denouncing bees! Don't y'all date your cousins? - Objection! - I'm going to pincushion this guy! Adam, don't! It's what he wants! Oh, I'm hit!! Oh, lordy, I am hit! Order! Order! The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins! I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction! You see? You can't treat them like equals! They're striped savages! Stinging's the only thing they know! It's their way! - Adam, stay with me. - I can't feel my legs. What angel of mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks? I will have order in this court. Order! Order, please! The case of the honeybees versus the human race took a pointed turn against the bees yesterday when one of their legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery. - Hey, buddy. - Hey. - Is there much pain? - Yeah. I... I blew the whole case, didn't I?
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