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All the games that have been played only once on the NLSS

Since NL asked for it on the Wednesday show, I thought I would make a list. All info and links are from TwoAndAHalfScums so if there are mistakes I'm completely innocent. Also I've included links to the them being played. The list is in alphabetical order. The list also includes shows without NL/noNLSS and the solo shows. Naturally there are probably mistakes here so the final number is probably slightly off. For example clubhouse includes Checkers and President, but he also played them on Tabletop Sim on the NLSS so if you want to strike them out go ahead. I didn't count the minigames from Tower Unite as separate games. The latest NLSS (July 15th 2020) had two games played for the first time, Wanba Warriors and Party Arena: Board Game Battler. Since that show doesn't have a permanent link I haven't put any on them.
The conclusion according to my calculations is that 256 games have been played once on the NLSS.
submitted by Kamandi91 to northernlion [link] [comments]

Looking for shapes

Hi, I'm looking for a calculator to make shapes in minecraft, like hexagons. Any ideas?
submitted by Vanityra to Minecraft [link] [comments]

Complete Environmental Overhaul (1.9+) Idea Thread and discussion

This is meant to be a very long comprehensive post. If you want the jest of it skip to the bottom TL;DR. This is NOT meant to be a suggestions post, it is a community idea thread for discussing various concepts.
Over the past few years the Minecraft community has come up with some really good ideas for how to make the game better looking and to make the game feel alive. But due to lack of exposure and lack of overall organization, many of the ideas hid away in the recesses of Reddit, Minecraft Forum, and Imgur. I'm here to try and fix that. Me and a few friends searched around the internet and Reddit to try and find the best of the best ideas regarding the Minecraft environment and take them (giving credit where due) and compiling them into one giant idea: Overhaul the Minecraft environmental system.
In 1.7 Mojang added a bunch of new biomes and redid the world generator. I was very pleased with the results, but it felt like a few things were missing...
So after doing some digging I found what I was looking for: New-New Biomes NOTE: I do not own this photo!
Its biomes like the ones mentioned in that imgur post that would help to bring a sense of mystery and the urge to explore back to Minecraft. With the edition of the Custom world type in 1.8 something like this is defiantly possible. Also I would like to purpose randomized biomes. Biomes that contain combinations of other biomes and that have more varied features, as well as things that make sense in biomes, like rivers flowing from the top of snow covered mountains, taller and more varied tree types.
Also a setBiome command should also be added with a syntax like:
If only the new biome is entered, the current biome you are in will convert to this biome, if a biome is entered in area the nearest biome of that type will convert, and if [x z xdist ydist] is filled in it will fill that area with the biome of choice. When this is done, only the biome will change, the blocks will remain the same.
Another new command:
This will force specified chunks to regenerate. If nothing is entered the chunk you are in is regenerated, otherwise the area specified will regenerate. If "all" is entered the world will regenerate. If keepPlayerModifiedBlocks is True it will keep any block placed by a player, otherwise it will just overwrite all blocks.
Also I'd like to see a custom biome function eventually. Not sure how it would work, but It would be really cool
The game has been around for a long time, and it does have a certain charm to the way it looks, but like any good game it must continue to evolve to suit what the games goal is. And while it does depend on how you look at it, Minecraft has always had one goal in mind: To be what ever you want it to be. So keeping that spirit in mind here are just a few ideas to make the game have more customization and be more aesthetically pleasing (many of these things should be changeable via resource packs):
  • sky boxes
  • More character and mob animations
  • Clouds not going through solid matter
  • Ambient sounds
  • Particle based bugs such as fireflies and other insects
  • Better smoke effects. More smoke coming off of large fires
  • Steam rising off of big lakes and swamps in the morning
  • Better Rain sounds (for the love of god!)
Dinnerbone had mentioned seasons several times before so it is likely they will eventually be added, but in the mean time I wanted to throw some ideas around. Seasons would primarily serve an aesthetic function, to make the game more varied, how ever it could also serve an actual game mechanic function as well. Here are some ideas:
  • Day length based on season (Summer would have long days, winter short)
  • A year would be 7300 minutes (5 real world days) long, or 365 minecraft days
  • Climate (T&H) varies with season, effect the weather and mobs that appear.
  • Mob biomes change per season, like migration (Maybe more creepers during the fall or something)
  • More mobs in general (Squirrels, fish, etc.)
  • Biomes look different per seasons, like some biomes have snow in the winter, or some trees loose leaves during the winter, things change color, spring everything is very green and healthy, summer things get a little less vibrant, fall things change to orange and yellow, winter grass gets really pale.
Depending on your difficulty seasons will have other in-game effects:
Peaceful and easy:
No in game effects. Only aesthetic
Summer has a higher chance of drought. Winter will slow crop growth
Higher chance of drought in the summer. In the winter, any crops not lit by torches or inside stop growing. Some could die.
Now what if you don't like seasons? well I've got you covered! A new game rule and command:
doSeasonsCycle [True|False] - Toggles season cycle
year [set|add] - Adds or sets the minecraft year to specif dates. If you enter just a number it adds on days, but if you add on the letter 's' (ex. 2s) it will add on 2 seasons.
Minecraft's weather system is far too simple. Three states of weather. That's it. We need more variance to make the game more engaging and more unique.
I Suggest a new /weather command: /weather
<[PrecipType{:rate}] [PrecipType2{:rate}] [ConType{:degree}] [ConType2{:degree}] [CloudType{:density}] [CloudType2{:density}] [in_game]>
The main command would be capable of setting one of many pre-programmed weather types, as well as custom types that you can define and store per world.
  • PrecipType is precipitation type . Rate is how hard the precipitation is coming down from 1-100
  • PrecipType is precipitation type 2. Rate is how hard the precipitation is coming down from 1-100
  • ConType is Condition type. This is for like Fog and thunder degree is how much if it is there
  • ConType is Condition type 2. This is for like Fog and thunder degree is how much if it is there
  • CloudType is what is the primary type of cloud
  • CloudType2 is what is the secondary type of cloud
  • Severe is weather or not the storm can cause damage or if it is purely aesthetic.
  • Duration is how long in seconds the weather condition will last (default random s)
  • Transition is how long in seconds should the transition from current weather to desire weather take (default 20-60s)
  • In_game is weather or not the game can use it when creating weather (i.e. it will add it to the list that the game can pull from)
  • You can even redefine the predefined weather conditions using the custom weather function
All biomes will have Temperature and humidity base values that determine what type of weather they can get.
Precipitation Types(type,name,temp,hum):
  • sRain - Small Rain - 0.25
  • bRain - Big Rain - 0.25
  • sHail - Small Hail - 0.00
  • bHail - Big Hail - 0.25
  • dSnow -Dry Snow - 0.00
  • wSnow - Wet Snow - 0.00
  • {:rate} - how densely they fall. 0.5 is normal 0.0 is half rate and 1.0 double rate
Condition Types(type,name,temp,hum):
  • thunder - Thunder - 0.00
  • wind - Wind - 0.00
  • fog - Fog - 0.25
  • {:degree} - how much/often/to what degree the condition is effecting. 0.0 is half 0, 0.5 is normal, 1 double.
  • Cloud Types (1)(Type, description)
  • Cumulus - White Puffy clouds
  • Stratus - layered clouds
  • Cirrus - wispy clouds
  • Cloud Types (2)(Type, Name)
  • Strato - Means low
  • Alto - Means mid range
  • Cirro - Means High
  • Numbus - Meaning Ominous or dark. Gray
  • {:density} refers to how thick the cloud is, 0.00 is completely transparent, and 1.00 is completely opaque
On ALL of the custom weather definitions you can enter random(t1,t2,t3...) and that will alow a type of weather to have random occurrences within it.
The idea behind the system is to make it really easy to use by the average Minecrafter, but at the same time have it be incredibly powerful and versatile, similar to redstone in a manner of speaking. Don't like this? I've still got you covered! More gamerules!
Gamerule doWeather [True|False] - Toggles weather or not weather should be simulated
How the command works:
/weather bRain:0.50 sHail Thunder True 1000 - Would cause a Thunderstorm with rate 50 rain that can cause damage with Large rain drops and small hail for 1000 seconds.
You can also store custom weather types per world by:
/weather custom giantStorm bRain:1.00 bHail:1.00 Thunder:1.00 wind:1.00 True True - would save a thunderstorm that has lots of rain and big hail with high winds that lasts for a random amount of time that can be called by the game as part of the weather system.
Now this system allows for A LOT of possibilities, 455 different weather combinations, and if you include the intensity scale that number jumps to near infinity.
Effects of weather on players and the world:
In the real world weather has a profound effect on how we go about our daily lives, so why not in minecraft? The need for some separation is necessary here. Difficulty will effect the way the weather effects your world:
  • Peaceful & Easy - Changes are only cosmetic
  • Normal - Weather can have minor effects on crops, players, mobs (hail can cause minor damage)
  • Hard - Weather has a more drastic effect on crops, players, mobs (hail causes more damage, wind damage can occur). Additionally Heatstroke and frostbite can occur, while not lethal, they do inhibit your ability to function, and they make you hungry more quickly.
Additionally during heavy rain the would could have minor temporary flooding and wet snow could pile up to one block high.
Now for a little bit about how weather is produced and calculated and such:
Weather could be global or group based, that is up to Mojang. Ideally it would be group based, as similar biomes now form close to one another. Essentially it would be like super biomes. Also some form of weather mixing could help make things look nicer. The weather command would effect only the global weather condition. Also a hybrid system could be used where weather translates based on biome, similar to now, but better suited for the new system. As Pirol Mentioned, a weather map using levels from 0-15 would work for this quite well, then that would allow for better weather transitions. Each chunk would have its own weather level, from 0-15 (also a block should be made for measuring this with redstone). As the number gets higher weather gets better: 0 would be similar to a category 5 hurricane, and 15 would be a calm, sunny day. Weather is determined by the average value of of this number over an area (16x16 chunks [i'll call it a super chunk] [256 blocks by 256 blocks]) They would start at the world spawn and there would be one in each direction (like quadrants). So at spawn there is already 4 different weather systems nearby. Now in order for it to look more natural each super chunk will share its information with the super chunk next to it, this will allow the weather to have the appearance of motion, dissipation, and growth.
Now weather moves east usually so when the weather tick (1000 game ticks) updates all chunks shift there value to the east (E 50% NE 20% SE 30% [this would update every day]) and then a random amount (less than 1/2 current value) is added (75%) or subtracted (25%) from each chunk during this cycle, this will cause the weather to change and move. When the weather is set, it just ignores the numbers until duration has ran out. Now this will cause random bits of weather, but in it will likely never be very strong storms, so in order to allow for more variation a simple random number between 0-225 is generated and is put into the formula: if sc%r == 0, if random (0,1) == 0, severe, else calm. This will cause a random chance for severe weather to occur that will make it less dependent on the averaging method which is designed to keep weather at around 11, so partly cloudy sky with a slight breeze.
Now with all this math it may be better for Mojang to thread weather (or at least the calculations), so that it doesn't suck away from the FPS so much.
If weather takes on a system based design rather than a world based one, the /weather command will have 2 additional arguments: x and y to say where the center of the weather system will start. If none are provided it is centered on the player, it the world "all" is entered in both it will be a global weather effect(where applicable).
Q: Why not just [insert name of weatheasthetic mod] here? A: Because it needs to be in game and I don't want to use a mod. Yes there are people who still like vanilla Minecraft!
Q: Tornadoes? A: Personally I'd LOVE to see natural distastes, but we will see.
Q: Sandstorms? Blizzards? Heavy Fog? A: YES! It and more would all be handled by the new weather engine.
Q: Won't this make by automatic farm stop working? A: Possibly. If the block can see the sky it would be effected by weather, if not then its fine.
Q: Isn't this really overly complicated? A: Yes. But it will definitely be worth it!
Q: I'm Scared! A: Here is a Hug =D
Q: Neather Weather? A: I'd LOVE to see some kind of weather in the Neather, such as ash falling and smoke clouds/fog.
Q: Isn't this a little non minecrafty? A: Well most people (85%+) seem to like it, and I think Mojang would be down for something like this.
TL;DR: The Minecraft world would be much better if there was more ambiance, weather, and effects, all of which should be customizable via resource packs.
Thank you to all of the people who's posts inspired me to write this post:
And thank you apachey for inspiring this post!
All content belongs to their original posters. I do not claim ownership of any photos within this post!
Thanks For Reading! (I'm out of room!)
submitted by zasx20 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

The entire list of bad flavors for ant popsicles that me and my friends made. don't know where else to put this

Sulfuric dust
Purple scronchberry
Crunchy child
Chunky dog cactus
Sour cream
Rocks and mercury
Sea pig soup
The void
Anus cheese
Preposterous hairy balloon
Strange paste
Bitter salad
Cyanide Strong almond
Meaty moose casserole
Moldy plastic
Moist shoes
Grey dirt
Gaseous mollusk orb
Soggy eggs
Creamy goatburger
Fax machines and blood
Green bread
Blue stargoon
Camel and onions
Bing bong
Cheese quesadilla
Grandma’s purse
Floating slimy pod
Greasy sweat
Ice fungus
Ugly soup
Ketchup and nudibranch
Hungo scrungo
Grimy bagpipe
Zoo cage
Donkey meat
Rain juice
Liquid bovine ingot
Pale avocado
Curdled hamster milk
Trapezoids and hummus
Penguin kidneys
Chocolate chip barnacles
Fruity ham
Beer and soft chungus
Cream cheese
Chocolate frog esophagus
String cheese
Bubsy 3d disk
Tree bark and fudge
Sloshing duck needles
Gasoline and maple syrup
Steamy tree clay
Sloth cloth
Moth broth
Vietnamese rice
Dried skin
Dynamite and eggplants
Giraffe taffy
Floppy armpit
Bone meal
Bagel crumbs
Meatball and radish pie
Chunky etruscan goat taco
Used band-aid
Crispy rat chunks
Golf balls
Nintendo switch cartridge
PVC pipes
Uranium and ripe seagulls
Definitely not ashes
Scorched tortilla
Dead wasp
Diseased fish
Microwave (set to 2, 0)
Coconut n’ garlic
Mystery (now with live ants!)
Hand sanitizer
Cactus fruit
Nintendo wii
Penguin kidneys two: remastered
Lead paint chips
The constitution
Onion (separate from camel)
Letter s
Tanzanian flag
Gameboy advance
Crumbly grinkus
Ginko leaf
Strawberry paperclip
Rancid duck juice
Slime mold
Crinkly pancake
Frosted plastic tube
E. coli
Hydrochloric acid
Crafting table
Bowl of kibble
Salmon juice
Metallic sword
Tuna sandwich
Cat cheese
Fermented dumplings
Durian fruit
Kentucky fried chicken
Tennessee grilled steak
Bowl of fire
Alaskan water snake burger
Genetically modified chicken
Fart cone
Pumpkin soup
Normal dirt
Magical meme dust
Deep fried ear mites
Chinese purple monkey roll
Egyptian mummy wrapping
Glass shards
Discarded Epipen
Equator juice
Peppermint and barbed wire
Rusty newspaper
Zebra cream
Fruit peels
Google docs - “Flavors of Ant Pops”
Venezuelan woodchips
Muskrat musk
Cyborg lizard (zuckerberg approved)
Large trilobite fossil
Severed beetle leg
Jelly beans and removed tumours
Bread entity
Extra ants
Bell pepper
Baby powder and sawdust
Raw sewage container
Hexagonal glue containment unit
Nylon rope and coal
Poorly drawn map
Ink and cell membrane
Mouse nostrils
Eye of newt
Candle wax
Medical leeches
Wet coins
Brass machinery
Sticky rodent
Piano keys
Q-shaped sugar cube
Malt powder and millipedes
Indian crescent pear
Fish oil
Milky pig bits
Teal belgian screws
Moon cheese
Chunk of glacier
Orange baboon milk
Titanium scissors
Transcendental car horse
Bread knives
Lollipops and hair clippings
Tectonic plate
Power cord
Concrete brick
Delaware icecream steak
Carolina locust
Toenail can
Deluxe sand bag
Tattered hats
Rubber gas
Odor vegetable
Warm deer oats
Existential crisis
Cheesecake and skulls
LED lightbulbs
Cable television
Moon dust powder (portal conductive)
Non-toxic markers
Toxic markers
Sunscreen and keratin
Zombie tooth
Alarm frog
Flaming wood log
Linoleum floor tile
Earwig pincers
Digested cardboard
Dry poop socks
Plastic funnel
Duct tape adhesive
Adrenaline and dice
Medieval iron shield
Shredded barbie doll
Dusty pilgrim
Sorting algorithm
Garbage bag
Cobwebs and feathers
Cicada shells
Radio waves
Kleenex box
Gummy tractor wheels
Fuzzy goat hats
Beard dirt
Melted shopping carts
Minecraft potion (healing II)
Eyelashes and headphone plugs
Magnetic cubes
Cryogenic oatmeal
Communist windmill pig
Steel girders
Carbon nanotubes
Contact lens
Salty jungle ferns
Door hinges
Old ferret paintings
Potato knishes
Damp european seaweed
Butterscotch and corn
Fishing hooks
Fiberglass and bacon
Ancient finnish pottery (extra asbestos)
Dirty evergreen sap
Sandbox tree fruit
Telephone pole
Vinyl records
Toxic nose crystals
Psionic cheese curds
Crusty sea hag
Aged urine cabbage
Shiny undulating fluid
Electrical outlet
Lawn mower blade
Reptile ear membranes
South african nut cheddar
Donuts and cigarette butts
Chunk of scalp
Postpartum depression
White noise
Peppermint possum
Brazilian bat syrup
Juicy sky nugget
Burning tires
Root beer and reindeer
Irish pub bathroom
Lukewarm bath bomb
Fresh-squeezed spleen
Alaskan bull worm
Cheeseburger freedom eagle
Mountain dew and doritos
Shame and apathy
Car crash
3d monkey disaster
Dish soap
Coffee and disappointment
Mario’s mustache
Perky turkey jerky
Satellite dishes
Desert sand
Plasma ball
Roman pillar
Condensed evil
Electrical current
Orange carpet
Shower curtain
Cheeto dust
Crumbly brick toast
Chicken lips
Fruit flavored dogs
Paper wasp nests
Buttered toasters
Ocean breeze candles
Vodka n’ tofu
Melted Shingles
Oxidized battery charger
Soap n’ pillow stuffing
Copper sauce
Crunchy wood beams
Waterlogged sewing machines
Organ filled breadbox
Hair clogged pipes
Leather potato rolls
Muddy carpet
Electronic photo frames
Bent penny
Microwaved gummy vitamins
Plastic dials
Grandfather clock inner workings
Chewed spearmint gum sandwich
Horse coats
4d tostitos eating simulator
Buried tomato
Fake cactus
Full recycle bin
¼ of a british fish house
Minor sea deer problem
Mild avocado shavings
Little black squash balls
Nicotine French fries
Chicken lips
Crunchy Brick Toast
Flavorful red pine needles
Dissolving glass pellets
Gummy bears n’ razorblades
Submarine engines
Australian kangaroo cake
Fried protein shakes
Metallic handles with superglue
Chunky bread moth
Cat hair trimmings
Fingernail chewings
Bony-eared assfish
Cataract removal surgery
Homemade barrel stove
Crushed CDs
Chunk of ear bitten by cat
Encrusted limbs
Salt and vinegar
Oil pastel on tomatoes
Brine trees
Swine from mars institution
French football uniforms
Constipated mole rats
Russian treasure chests and cheese
Refrigerator water with iron particle
$1 detroit home
Ashtray spilled on car seat
Fruit flies inside of banana
Pigeon milk
Sweat stained wife beater
Toothbrush used for tribal warfare
Police badge
Almost empty ketchup bottle
Cash registers
Hairy maple syrup
Gas station bathroom sink
5’ 2’ 3’ Wooden desk from ikea
Toenail cleaning brush
Fat seadog
Intestines clogged by BB gun
Amish screwdriver
Rat infested coin washing machine
Reheated garage machinery
Budget window curtain
Pirated copy of rayman 2
Skateboard half-eaten by shark
Plastic tile that's supposed to be stone
Moldy tent
Rotten kitchen appliances
Land dolphin hit by car
Instant coffee made by termite
Lime flavored chocolate ice cream
Washing machine containing plesiosaur
Deep fryer
Deep frying oil
Racecar engine in clock
Kidney beans inside of kidney
Rat poisoned eagle soup
Shark fin soup made in dishwasher
Africa by toto
Jumbo Shrimp ate my homework
Quebec city in russia
Garden variety meatloaf
Keemstar’s gnome beard
Chinese food at irish pub
Glue shrimp used as glue stick
Flintstones multivitamin soaked in sulfuric acid
Lead acid battery explosion gone horribly wrong (NOT CLICKBAIT)
Mexican jumping beans without the beans
Paintball gun
Paintball grenade
Paintball sherman
Paintball IBCM
Applebees E.coli salad breakout
Approximately 1 egg
I can't believe it's not butter
Ham and demon sandwich
Coffee machine production factory
Copy of “taken by the t-rex” thrown in fire pit
Mass production iced tea operation
Burt’s bees bee scented lotion
Aperture science shower curtains
Aperture science handheld portal device
Aperture science sentry turret
Aperture science combustible lemon
Candle-scented candle
Chocolate chip car tires
Mutant fly shoved in bookcase
Fascist governments
Irish hip hop music
Broken fire alarm
Birkenstocks aka german clogs
Fedora and body pillow (discarded)
Discolored mattress
Waluigi’s left shoulder
Elongated mustache hair
Hercules beetle
Dung beetle
Dented housewares
Maggot-infested computer chip
The octahedron
Aloe vera
Very large pebble
Scuttlebug jamboree
Food consuming lifeform
Photosynthesising swine
Bat (wooden)
Bat (animal)
Clone of john cena’s right nipple
Flexible tree limbs for sale
Mrs. meyers dish soap
Piece of chair
Ceiling fan
Bacon-wrapped hedgehog
Lemons and leprosy
Amaizin’ aardvark
Hamburger helper
1950’s propaganda posters
Sweaty clown suit
Dead dog in pickup truck
Japanese jungle grass
Road sign
Farm accident
Tipped semi truck
Taxidermy bird partially eaten by mouse
Specimen jar
Medical quackery
Crucified goose
Carmel and polarised light
Cat pee and mildew
All-terrain vehicle
Sauerkraut sammich
Ancient viking runes
Headless mannequins
Cuttlefish and bicycle seat
Head injury
Landscaping supplies
Used water
Tar chunk
Car parts
submitted by Cube67 to lists [link] [comments]

Thoughts on "claiming land", a mechanic used in Minecraft factions servers.

To those that haven't played factions MC, there is a plugin that allows you to claim chunks of land to make it so only you and your faction members can build/destroy/interact with things. How much land you can claim is determined by your power level, which is calculated by how many players you have in you clan, how many times you die/when you last died, and how long you've been offline. Also, to raid a claimed base, you have to lower the factions power level. The easiest way to do this is killing members. To those that are familiar with faction Minecraft, if this wasn't a feature you would see 15 block thick obsidian wall bases everywhere (similar to honeycombing). What are your thoughts? I think we would see less hexagonal eye sores and more realistic compounds, maybe even better teamwork.
submitted by AngryJESUS101 to playrust [link] [comments]

MMO catan concept

What if there was an infinitely expanding catan world that used all the scenarios? There wouldn't be turns, you would build/sail/play dev cards whenever you wanted. The game would automatically roll dice every 40 seconds or so, and you would get a little bubble you'd have to click to pick up your resources/fish/commodities/whatever (so players couldn't farm resources for long periods AFK.) Each player could make a custom skin for their pieces. There would be a leaderboard for the players with the most victory points. Some other things from the actual game that would need to be changed:
Cities & Knights:
Traders & Barbarians:
Seafarers and Exploreres & Pirates:
The game would create hexes 100 hexes in every direction from every player's buildings. Land shape is created with random blobs and turning space into land, and the unnocupied space is ocean. The generation would divide itself into tileable hexagonal "chunks" of 36 hexagons to a side. In each chunk, there would be a set, balanced amount of hexes, numbers, and ports that I'm too lazy to calculate right now on the land. So even if a chunk is 99% ocean with a three hex island in the middle, it will still try to balance the island.
The map view would be like the minecraft overviewer, so you could zoom out to view the entire generated terrain, or look specifically at someone's branch of their road. Non-members could view this, too. There would also be a 2-D mode (for members) to use to edit their buildings n stuff. It would also allow zooming and scrolling.
Players would have a friends list of people they can easily warp to in the map view and see how they're doing. Friends would also be able to trade things.
Thoughts? Questions? Ideas? I'd love to hear them!
submitted by Iamsodarncool to Catan [link] [comments]

hexagon calculator minecraft video

4 Levels of Minecraft Music: Noob to Elite - YouTube You Can STOP TIME in Minecraft?! (insane) - YouTube How to Build EPIC BASES in Survival Minecraft! - YouTube - YouTube Drawing Fractals in Under 5 Minutes - YouTube Minecraft: Circle guide (Templates) - YouTube Scratch - Drawing Polygons (Shapes) - YouTube Building Pentagon in minecraft New and Improved - YouTube 11 Minecraft Nether Portal Designs! - YouTube

Minecraft Experience Calculator. Enter your current level and the level you wish to reach. You can also enter fractional levels if you want more precision. Current Level: Target Level: Current XP-Target XP- ... Home • Minecraft • Contact ... The resources and recipes for the minecraft calculator were created and updated by - Asher - Kevin. Hide Unused. Filter: 1) Click on an item above. 2) Enter in the amount that item you want. 3) Click the Calculate Resources button below. Double click an item to change the recipe used to make that item. Octagon Calculator. A very simple and easy to use calculator for calculating the sides on an octagon. Perfect if you for example want to build your own poker table. Just enter one side and the rest of them will be calculated so you have the whole layout. The hexagon calculator allows you to calculate several interesting parameters of the 6-sided shape that we usually call a hexagon. Using this calculator is as simple as it can possibly get with only one of the parameters needed to calculate all others, as well as including a built-in length conversion tool for each of them. Hexagon Calculator. Breadcrumb. Home . The calculator tool is loading. Insert one value and the others will be calculated right away. Side (s): Area (A): Height (h): Apothem (a): Download as txt-file. Copy to Clipboard. See also: Pentagon Calculator Square Calculator Cube Calculator Circle Calculator Length Converter. Minecraft was developed by Mojang in the year 2009. Minecraft is influenced by games such as Infiniminer and Dwarf Fortress. It was the company’s first official game. Since then Minecraft has become the best-selling game ever, with over 180 million copies sold. Cubical is the most advanced online editor, creator and viewer for Minecraft compatible projects and builds. The list below is just a few of the many options it has to offer. Features: Game Like - Controls, movement, hit detection and other features make it feel more like you're comfortably ingame instead of a technical editor. Coincidentally, we can use this calculator to approximate pi. Set the calculator to filled circle. Force it to a circle. Do the ratio on how many where shaded / how many unshaded. Muitiply the ratio by 4. As you can see, the approximation is close to pi. Plus, I can identify users who are using the tool 1. A small collection of useful tools and calculators for Minecraft players to use as they build and explore their amazing Minecraft worlds. Nether Calculator, Direction Finder, Block Path, Poison Potato Pack and more! I recently came up with a formula for building octagons in minecraft, you take the length of the diagonal wall and you get the length of the straight wall, ie. 55-diagonal, 77-straight. The ones that are perfect are; 5x7, 10x14, 15x24, 20x28, 25x35, 30x42, 35x49. you can figure out the rest yourself with a calculator.

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4 Levels of Minecraft Music: Noob to Elite - YouTube

In this video I'm stopping time in Minecraft! 😎 DISCORD -👕 MERCHANDISE -👬 MY FRIENDS!KWEBBELKOP - https://y... Minecraft Nether Portal Designs! Today I have a bunch of custom nether portals to show you. What minecraft showcase or build showcase would you like to see n... It's a lot easier than you'd think to make fractals from scratch without any programming. Here I show a little-known trick using any image editor to make so... Minecraft: Circle guide (Templates) Level = Easy-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Today I run through a bunch of tips and tricks to building good bases in Survival Minecraft. The Mumbo Merch Store! It's beautiful! New and improved miniature version of the pentagon in minecraft. Please give me a thumbs up if you like it and let me know what you want me to add. Link to o... A demonstration of how to draw regular polygons in Scratch. I play the Minecraft theme on violin in four levels of difficulty for Minecraft's 10th anniversary. Smash like and comment below the next song or game you th...

hexagon calculator minecraft

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